Free Will and the Conversation with Reality

Free Will And The Conversation With Reality

In an enlightening conversation on the Ascend Podcast, Max Igan shared his profound insights into various aspects of human existence and the nature of reality. Igan discussed the concept of reality as a collective manifestation of energy, suggesting that at our core, we are energetic beings emanating from a single source. He proposed the idea that our existence could be the result of a singular consciousness exploring itself through fragmented experiences, likening this to an all-powerful being seeking to understand its own godliness by experiencing multiplicity.

Igan looked into the notion that life reflects our inner state and emotions back to us, emphasizing the power of thought and emotion in shaping our reality. He pointed out the collective fear instilled by external forces contributes to the chaotic state of the world, as our fears are mirrored back to us, influencing the fabric of our shared reality. According to Igan, understanding the boundless potential of human capabilities begins with overcoming the limitations imposed by conventional beliefs and recognizing that what we deem impossible is often a result of our own constraints.

He also touched upon the significance of ancient cultures and their understanding of the universe, suggesting that they possessed knowledge that has since been obscured or forgotten in modern times. Igan mentioned the existence of predators or parasitic forces, as referenced in various cultural and religious texts, which feed on human energy and consciousness, diverting our attention from our intrinsic power and knowledge.

The concept of human frequency and consciousness was central to Igan’s discussion, where he explored the idea that our DNA acts as an antenna, tuning into specific frequencies that define our individual experiences. He proposed that by transcending the limitations set by our physical and mental constraints, we could tap into a broader spectrum of consciousness, potentially reawakening abilities and understandings that have been dormant within us.

Igan also underscored the importance of intuition and the constant, albeit often ignored, communication between us and the universe. He advocated for a deeper engagement with this subtle dialogue, suggesting that many answers we seek externally are already known to us internally, waiting for acknowledgment.

Language, according to Igan, is not merely a tool for verbal communication but a reflection of the universe’s underlying structure. He posited that by aligning ourselves with the universal language of emotion and energy, we could navigate life more harmoniously and fulfill our true potential.

Max Igan discusses the concept of free will and its implications in the context of human interaction, society, and governance. He emphasizes that the foundation of our existence and the decisions we make are deeply rooted in free will. This principle extends to the acceptance of governance and societal norms, which are, in essence, agreements or contracts we enter into, often implicitly.

Igan points out that every interaction, including conversations, can be seen as a form of contract, not necessarily in the monetary or legal sense, but as an exchange or agreement at the soul level. This perspective highlights the importance of conscious decision-making and the power individuals hold in shaping their lives and societies.

The belief in authority, according to Igan, is one of the most significant applications of free will. People choose to recognize and submit to authority figures and structures, making it a consensual relationship. He suggests that this belief is the “most dangerous superstition,” as it relinquishes personal power and responsibility to external entities.

Igan urges individuals to question the contracts they’ve entered into, whether consciously or by default, and to reconsider the ones that do not serve their highest good or the collective well-being. He advocates for a reevaluation of our participation in societal systems, encouraging a shift towards more personal sovereignty and direct, conscious agreements that reflect true individual and collective values.

Max Igan’s views on free will and contracts call for a deeper awareness of the agreements we make, both seen and unseen, and challenge us to live more intentionally, recognizing the power each person has to shape their reality through the choices they make.

Through his conversation, Igan painted a picture of a reality far more intricate and interconnected than commonly perceived, inviting listeners to reconsider their understanding of existence, the power of their thoughts and emotions, and the forgotten wisdom of ancient cultures. His perspective encourages a shift towards a more conscious and spiritually aligned way of living, emphasizing the importance of self-discovery, the rejection of fear-based narratives, and the cultivation of a reality that reflects our highest aspirations and collective potential.
