Classified UAP SCIF Briefing Post Interview

Classified Uap Scif Briefing Post Interview

On January 12, 2024, Anna Paulina Luna participated in a post-interview following a classified briefing on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), commonly referred to as UFOs. During this interview, Luna expressed her belief in the credibility of David Grusch, a whistleblower involved in the UFO discussion. She emphasized concerns regarding over-classification and stonewalling by the government in relation to these phenomena. Luna highlighted the compartmentalization within the government, which restricts Congress’s oversight of certain programs. She also noted Grusch’s use of the term “inter-dimensional” rather than “extraterrestrial” or “alien,” suggesting a different nature of the phenomena being discussed.

The briefing and the subsequent interview reflect ongoing tensions and frustrations among lawmakers regarding the handling of information about UAPs. Several members of Congress, including Reps. Raja Krishnamoorthi, Tim Burchett, Andy Ogles, Eric Burlison, and Robert Garcia, have expressed mixed feelings about the information shared in the briefing. Some lawmakers felt they didn’t receive new or substantial information, while others saw it as a step toward clarity and direction. The overall sentiment was one of frustration due to the lack of transparency and specific answers from intelligence communities, a concern that extends beyond the issue of extraterrestrial life to broader questions of national security and governmental transparency.

The term “inter-dimensional” refers to the concept of dimensions beyond the familiar three-dimensional space that we live in. In physics, this term often implies the existence of additional, unseen dimensions that exist alongside our observable universe. When applied to discussions about UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), the term “inter-dimensional” suggests a few possible explanations:

  1. Extra Dimensions in Physics: In theoretical physics, particularly in string theory and M-theory, the universe is thought to have more than the three spatial dimensions and one time dimension that we experience. These extra dimensions could be tightly compacted and unobservable at our scale, or they could constitute separate, parallel ‘branes’ or universes. An “inter-dimensional” phenomenon in this context could imply entities or objects that can traverse or exist in these higher dimensions.
  2. Parallel Universes: The concept of parallel universes, as suggested in some interpretations of quantum mechanics (like the many-worlds interpretation), refers to the existence of multiple, perhaps infinite, universes that exist parallel to our own. An inter-dimensional being or object might be something that originates from or can travel between these universes.
  3. Metaphysical or Paranormal Explanations: In more metaphysical or paranormal contexts, “inter-dimensional” could refer to realms or entities that exist beyond our physical world. These might include spiritual, mystical, or other non-physical realms that are not necessarily part of the conventional scientific understanding of dimensions.

Inter-dimensional also intersects with various cultural, religious, and esoteric beliefs. In these contexts, it could encompass a range of supernatural or divine entities, such as angels, demons, deities like those from Greek mythology, or even figures like Lucifer. These entities are often conceived as existing in realms or dimensions that are beyond human perception or outside of our physical reality.

Additionally, the practices of channeling and occultism, as exemplified by figures like Aleister Crowley, look into the idea of contacting non-physical entities or accessing hidden dimensions through ritualistic or psychic means. Channeling, in particular, involves the purported communication with spirits, guides, or otherworldly intelligences, often for spiritual insight or esoteric knowledge.

Similarly, psychic connections to spirits, as claimed in various spiritualist and paranormal traditions, suggest the possibility of humans interacting with beings from other dimensions or realms. These practices are often tied to the belief in a spirit world that coexists with the physical world but operates under different rules and principles.

In the broader context of supernatural beliefs, the inter-dimensional might also be used to describe the nature of divine beings or gods, suggesting that these entities exist in a different state of being or dimension. Such beliefs are common in many world religions and mythologies, where gods and other spiritual beings are understood to inhabit realms beyond human understanding, intervening in the world in ways that are often considered miraculous or supernatural.
