Tarot Reading: An In-Depth Exploration

Tarot reading: an in depth exploration

Tarot reading is an ancient practice that has been utilized for centuries as a form of divination, self-exploration, and personal guidance. With its roots in 15th century Italy, tarot has evolved into a powerful tool that can provide insight into one’s life, relationships, and future possibilities.

The tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into two sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana contains 22 cards representing significant life events or archetypal concepts, while the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles) that depict various aspects of daily life. Tarot readers interpret the cards’ meanings based on their symbolism, the position they hold within a spread, and the reader’s intuition.

Here is an example of a Tarot card reading:

Using a simple three-card tarot reading, which is a popular spread for beginners and experienced readers alike. This reading is often used to gain insight into the past, present, and future, with each card representing one of these timeframes.

Imagine the following cards are dealt:

  1. Past: The Fool (Major Arcana)
  2. Present: Ten of Cups (Minor Arcana – Cups)
  3. Future: The Chariot (Major Arcana)


  1. Past – The Fool: The Fool represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and taking a leap of faith. In the past position, this card suggests that you may have embarked on a new journey or taken risks that led you to your current situation. You might have approached life with an open mind, embracing opportunities with enthusiasm and optimism.
  2. Present – Ten of Cups: The Ten of Cups is a card of emotional fulfillment, harmony, and happiness. In the present position, this card indicates that you are currently experiencing a period of joy and contentment, particularly in your relationships and family life. This is a time to celebrate and appreciate the love and support of those around you, as you have reached a significant milestone in your emotional well-being.
  3. Future – The Chariot: The Chariot is a card of willpower, determination, and triumph over obstacles. In the future position, this card suggests that you will face challenges ahead but have the strength and conviction to overcome them. By harnessing your inner drive and maintaining focus, you will achieve success and personal growth.

This three-card tarot reading tells a story of someone who has taken risks and embraced new beginnings, leading them to a period of emotional fulfillment and happiness in the present. Looking ahead, they will need to draw upon their willpower and determination to overcome future challenges, ultimately leading to personal growth and success.

Though some critics argue that tarot is nothing more than a pseudoscience, proponents of tarot believe that it can be a valuable tool for introspection and personal growth. One possible explanation for tarot’s efficacy lies in the psychological concept of synchronicity, first introduced by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Synchronicity refers to the idea that seemingly random events may hold meaningful connections for an individual. This concept suggests that the cards drawn during a tarot reading may not be random, but rather reflections of the individual’s subconscious mind, revealing patterns and insights that can guide decision-making and personal development.

  • Tarot’s origins can be traced back to 15th century Italy, where it was initially used as a card game called “tarocchi” (source: “A History of the Occult Tarot” by Ronald Decker and Michael Dummett).
  • Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, was interested in the symbolism of the tarot and believed that the cards could be used to explore the human psyche (source: “Jung and Tarot: An Archetypal Journey” by Sallie Nichols).
  • Research conducted by Dr. Peter Brugger, a neuroscientist at University Hospital Zurich, found that people who believe in psychic abilities are more likely to find meaning in randomly generated tarot card readings (source: “Belief in psychic powers ‘influences perceptions'” published in The Guardian).

Experts in the field of tarot often emphasize its value as a tool for introspection and self-discovery. Mary K. Greer, a renowned tarot teacher and author, claims that tarot can help individuals tap into their intuition and uncover hidden aspects of their psyche. Similarly, Rachel Pollack, another tarot expert, highlights the transformative potential of tarot, stating that it can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and healing.

Books on tarot also look into its history, symbolism, and practical applications. “The Pictorial Key to the Tarot” by A.E. Waite, one of the creators of the widely-used Rider-Waite tarot deck, provides an in-depth explanation of each card’s meaning and how to interpret them in readings. “Tarot for Your Self” by Mary K. Greer offers exercises and techniques for using tarot as a tool for self-reflection and personal transformation.

The Guardian has published articles exploring the personal experiences of tarot readers, such as “Confessions of a tarot reader,” which looks into the emotional and psychological aspects of conducting readings for clients seeking guidance.

Notable Tarot Card Readers:

  1. Mary K. Greer: An internationally renowned tarot teacher, author, and scholar, Mary K. Greer has written numerous influential books on tarot, including “Tarot for Your Self” and “21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card.” Greer is known for her innovative approach to tarot, emphasizing personal growth, creativity, and empowerment.
  2. Rachel Pollack: An accomplished tarot reader, author, and teacher, Rachel Pollack has written over 40 books on tarot and spirituality, including the highly acclaimed “78 Degrees of Wisdom.” Her expertise in tarot symbolism, mythology, and storytelling has made her a sought-after speaker and educator in the field.
  3. Eden Gray: Often referred to as the “Mother of Modern Tarot,” Eden Gray played a crucial role in popularizing tarot in the 20th century. Her seminal books, such as “The Complete Guide to the Tarot” and “A Complete Guide to the Tarot,” provided accessible and comprehensive guides to tarot reading, helping to introduce the practice to a wider audience.
  4. Aleister Crowley: A controversial figure in the world of occultism, Aleister Crowley was a prominent British tarot reader, mystic, and author. He created the Thoth Tarot deck in collaboration with artist Lady Frieda Harris and wrote “The Book of Thoth,” which explores the deck’s symbolism and philosophy.
  5. Doreen Virtue: Before her conversion to Christianity and subsequent disassociation from the New Age community, Doreen Virtue was a prolific author and prominent figure in the world of tarot and oracle cards. She created various angel-themed tarot and oracle decks, such as the “Angel Tarot Cards” and “Archangel Oracle Cards,” which were popular for their gentle, uplifting imagery and messages.
  6. Pamela Colman Smith: While not a tarot reader herself, Pamela Colman Smith was the artist responsible for illustrating the iconic Rider-Waite Tarot deck, under the guidance of A.E. Waite. Her groundbreaking artwork revolutionized the way tarot cards were depicted and interpreted, making the Rider-Waite Tarot one of the most widely-used decks in the world.
  7. Arthur Edward Waite: A scholarly mystic and member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, A.E. Waite was instrumental in creating the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. He provided the conceptual framework and meanings for the cards, which were then illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. His book, “The Pictorial Key to the Tarot,” serves as a comprehensive guide to the deck’s symbolism and interpretation.

Tarot reading is an ancient practice that has captured the interest of individuals for centuries due to its rich history, symbolism, and potential for personal growth. Many experts and practitioners emphasize tarot’s role in self-discovery and introspection. The psychological concept of synchronicity, as proposed by Carl Jung, offers one potential explanation for the efficacy of tarot readings. By examining a variety of perspectives, from experts to books and media outlets, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of tarot reading and its place in modern society. Ultimately, tarot’s true value lies in its ability to help individuals explore their inner worlds and better understand the patterns and themes that shape their lives.