Shiva Marijuana

The widespread legalization and expansion of marijuana raise profound spiritual and ethical concerns. If we acknowledge that this drug has the potential to invite demonic entities, why are we actively cultivating and distributing it across Canada and other nations? Throughout history, various cultures have associated cannabis with altered states of consciousness, some viewing it as a sacred tool while others warn of its spiritual dangers. Hindu tradition venerates Lord Shiva, a deity linked to destruction and renewal, with cannabis often playing a role in devotional practices. However, perspectives like those of exorcists suggest that marijuana use creates openings for malevolent forces, making individuals susceptible to spiritual oppression. With Canada’s cannabis industry booming despite warnings from religious and spiritual authorities, the question remains: are we blindly fueling a phenomenon that extends beyond mere commerce and into the realm of the unseen?
The connection between Lord Shiva and marijuana has deep roots in Hindu tradition, where cannabis is often regarded as a sacred plant that aids spiritual enlightenment and devotion. Shiva, one of Hinduism’s most revered deities, is frequently depicted consuming bhang, a drink made from cannabis, which many believe facilitates meditation, detachment from material concerns, and transcendence. Devotees argue that marijuana, when used with reverence and intention, can deepen spiritual awareness and foster a closer connection to the divine.
Exorcist Bob Larson (@blarsonexorcist), asserts that marijuana use opens portals for demonic influence and is the primary cause of most possessions. This perspective aligns with certain Christian and Islamic teachings, which warn that altered states of consciousness—particularly those induced by drugs—can weaken an individual’s spiritual defenses, making them more vulnerable to malevolent entities. According to this view, substances that alter perception create openings for dark forces to manipulate or take control of a person’s spirit. This stance directly contradicts Hindu traditions, which, under specific conditions, regard cannabis as a sacred tool for divine communion rather than a doorway to malevolence.
Does weed open a portal for demons? Exorcist @blarsonexorcist says it is the root cause of the majority of demon possessions.
— Danny Jones (@JonesDanny) January 29, 2025
Dr. Bob Larson, a prominent deliverance minister and exorcist, asserts that marijuana use can open portals for demonic influence. He emphasizes that many individuals become demonized not through deliberate sinful actions but via unintended consequences of unaware circumstances. For instance, engaging in practices like smoking marijuana, even without knowledge of their spiritual implications, can lead to demonic possession. Larson highlights the connection between marijuana and the Hindu deity Shiva, known as the lord of death and cannabis, suggesting that using marijuana may inadvertently invite demonic entities associated with such deities. He advises individuals to be cautious and informed about their actions, as seemingly innocuous behaviors can have spiritual repercussions.
Shiva, often referred to as The Destroyer, holds a central place in Hinduism as a god of destruction, transformation, and renewal. He is commonly depicted in profound meditation or performing the Tandava, the cosmic dance that symbolizes the rhythm of creation and dissolution in the universe. Shiva is deeply associated with asceticism, the Himalayan mountains, and the pursuit of liberation from material illusion (maya). His followers, including the Aghori sect, sometimes incorporate cannabis into their spiritual practices, believing it helps them transcend earthly attachments and reach higher states of consciousness.
The debate over marijuana’s role in spirituality reflects a broader clash between cultural interpretations of altered states. While some traditions embrace it as a means to enlightenment, others condemn it as a spiritual hazard. This ongoing discourse highlights the complexities of how different belief systems understand consciousness, transformation, and the unseen realms that may—or may not—be influenced by substances like cannabis.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, often called the “father of the atomic bomb,” had a well-known connection to Lord Shiva through his reference to the Bhagavad Gita after witnessing the first successful nuclear test on July 16, 1945, in New Mexico. Upon seeing the explosion, Oppenheimer famously recalled a verse from the Hindu scripture:
“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
This line is spoken by Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, to the warrior Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, as he reveals his divine form and the inescapable nature of destruction and transformation in the universe. Oppenheimer had studied Sanskrit and was deeply influenced by Hindu philosophy, which provided him with a way to conceptualize the overwhelming power and responsibility of nuclear weapons. The Trinity test, which marked the dawn of the nuclear age, symbolized a moment of irreversible change in human history—much like Shiva’s role in dissolving and renewing existence.
As of January 2024, Canada had more than 3,600 legal recreational cannabis storefronts, averaging slightly fewer than one store per 10,000 residents. Ontario had the largest number of dispensaries, with 1,457 stores recorded by June 2024, reflecting the province’s dominant role in the industry. The legalization of cannabis for non-medical use occurred on October 17, 2018, with the enactment of the Cannabis Act, marking a significant shift in the country’s regulatory approach to marijuana. Since then, the market has grown steadily, with revenue projections estimating that the sector will generate approximately US$5.97 billion in 2025. Looking ahead, analysts expect an annual growth rate of 2.46% between 2025 and 2029, which would bring the market volume to around US$6.58 billion by the decade’s end.
The expansion of the marijuana industry, particularly in Canada, reflects a society increasingly disconnected from the deeper implications of altered consciousness. While some cultures consider cannabis a bridge to the divine, others warn of its potential to expose users to dangerous spiritual forces. The conflicting interpretations between Hindu tradition and warnings from Christian and Islamic teachings illustrate the complexity of this issue. As marijuana continues to be embraced for both recreational and economic reasons, it is crucial to question whether its proliferation is truly harmless—or if we are unknowingly inviting forces beyond our comprehension into our lives and societies.