Secret Space Program built with the assistance of Friendly Human-looking Nordic Extraterrestrials

Secret Space Program Built With The Assistance Of Friendly Human Looking Nordic Extraterrestrials

There are some individuals who claim that the US Navy has a secret space program that was built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials. These claims are often made by researchers, writers, and proponents of the extraterrestrial and conspiracy theory communities.

The idea of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials assisting with the development of a secret space program is a popular one in some circles.

Examples of individuals who have made claims about the US Navy having a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials include:

  1. Dr. Michael Salla: Dr. Michael Salla is a well-known researcher and writer in the field of extraterrestrial life and has written several books on the subject, including “Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence.”
  2. Corey Goode: Corey Goode is a self-proclaimed former secret space program insider who claims to have had direct involvement with a secret space program that was built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  3. David Wilcock: David Wilcock is a researcher, writer, and speaker in the field of extraterrestrial life and has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  4. Robert Stanley: Robert Stanley is an author, researcher, and speaker who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  5. Richard Dolan: Richard Dolan is a historian, researcher, and author who has written extensively about extraterrestrial life and the potential involvement of extraterrestrials in human affairs. He has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  6. Linda Moulton Howe: Linda Moulton Howe is a journalist, researcher, and author who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  7. Bill Tompkins: Bill Tompkins was an aerospace engineer who claimed to have worked on a secret space program and to have had direct involvement with friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  8. Clifford Stone: Clifford Stone is a former U.S. Army sergeant who claimed to have been involved in the retrieval of crashed extraterrestrial vehicles and the interaction with extraterrestrial beings, including friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  9. James Corey Goode: James Corey Goode is a self-proclaimed former member of a secret space program who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  10. Alfred Webre: Alfred Webre is a researcher, author, and former lawyer who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  11. George LoBuono: George LoBuono is a researcher and author who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  12. Timothy Good: Timothy Good is an author and researcher who has written extensively about extraterrestrial life and the potential involvement of extraterrestrials in human affairs. He has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  13. John Lear: John Lear is a former U.S. Air Force pilot who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  14. Paul Hellyer: Paul Hellyer is a former Canadian politician who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  15. James Gilliland: James Gilliland is a researcher and author who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  16. Wilbur Allen: Wilbur Allen is a researcher and author who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  17. Grant Cameron: Grant Cameron is a researcher and author who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.
  18. Steven Greer: Steven Greer is a physician, researcher, and author who has made claims about the existence of a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials.

Here are some examples of books that have made claims about the US Navy having a secret space program built with the assistance of friendly human-looking Nordic extraterrestrials:

  1. “Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence” by Dr. Michael Salla
  2. “Secret Space Programs and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance” by Corey Goode and David Wilcock
  3. Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History” by Steven Greer
  4. “The Cosmic Conspiracy: Secret Societies, Conspiracy Theories, and Ancient Aliens” by Stan Deyo
  5. The Day After Roswell” by Philip J. Corso
  6. “The Black World of UFOs: Averting the Extraterrestrial Presence” by George LoBuono
  7. Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up” by Timothy Good
  8. “The Journey of the Sphinx” by John Lear
  9. Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species” by Paul Hellyer
  10. “UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991” by Richard M. Dolan
  11. “UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don’t Have to Be Crazy to Believe” by Jesse Ventura
  12. “The Allende Letters and the Death of President Kennedy” by Joining Hands
  13. “The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth” by Branton
  14. “The Visitors: Direct Evidence of Extraterrestrial Beings” by George LoBuono
  15. “The Secret Space Programs & The Extraterrestrial Presence” by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
  16. “The Andreasson Affair: The Documented Investigation of a Woman’s Abduction by Alien Beings” by Raymond E. Fowler