Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet Discussion with Ryan Graves

In an intriguing episode of the Merged Podcast, hosted by Ryan Graves on September 26, 2023, retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet looks into some captivating subjects, drawing from his extensive background in oceanography and his role in ensuring the safety of flight operations.
“The Mysterious Email Incident,” uncovers Gallaudet’s encounter with a perplexing and secretive communication during his tenure. Tim Gallaudet described an incident involving a mysterious email he received, which was marked by its urgent tone and related to the safety of flight operations. This email, as mentioned by Gallaudet, contained information or reports concerning unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The peculiar aspect of this incident was the subsequent disappearance of the email from his and the recipients’ inboxes, adding a layer mystery to the event. This incident underscores the challenges and sensitivities involved in dealing with UAP-related information within military and scientific communities, especially when it pertains to operational safety and security protocols.
Further enriching the discussion, Gallaudet sheds light on two enigmatic anomalies within the ocean’s depths. In the conversation, Tim Gallaudet brings attention to a notable undersea feature that has captured the curiosity of researchers. This particular anomaly is characterized by a significant disruption on the ocean floor, where a segment of an undersea ledge appears to have been distinctly carved out and displaced horizontally over a distance of two kilometers. The nature and scale of this displacement are atypical of common underwater geological activities, such as turbidity flows, which usually result in more gradual and less defined alterations to the seabed. The precise and extensive nature of this displacement sets it apart from conventional geological formations, presenting a puzzle to the scientific community regarding its origin and the forces that might have caused such a pronounced alteration in the ocean’s depths.
According to the detailed conversation, the second anomaly that Tim Gallaudet discussed pertains to a series of unusual, linearly arranged holes discovered on the ocean floor during an exploration mission. These holes, characterized by their peculiar and regular appearance, challenge conventional geological understanding, as they do not resemble typical natural seabed formations. The pattern and precision of these holes have sparked considerable interest and speculation among scientists, who are yet to determine a natural or conventional explanation for their formation. This anomaly stands out due to its distinct characteristics, which diverge from known geological processes, leaving experts intrigued about the potential causes and implications of such formations in the oceanic environment.
The series of unusual, linearly arranged holes on the ocean floor that sparked considerable scientific interest were observed by NOAA Ocean Exploration during the Voyage to the Ridge 2022 expedition. These holes were noted for their peculiar and regular appearance, situated at depths of approximately 2,540 meters (1.6 miles) in the Atlantic Ocean, north of the Azores. The pattern and precise arrangement of these holes diverge from typical natural seabed formations, leading to various speculations regarding their origins. Despite the human-made appearance of the holes, with little piles of sediment suggesting excavation, their exact cause remains a mystery. This intriguing phenomenon has prompted NOAA to reach out to the public for hypotheses on how these holes might have formed, reflecting the depth of curiosity and the gaps in current understanding of oceanic phenomena.
An intriguing aspect of UAP was touched upon, particularly the phenomenon where individuals who have had encounters with UAPs might experience repeated incidents. This aspect suggests a possible connection or interaction between the observer and the phenomena, implying that once someone has witnessed a UAP, there might be a higher likelihood of subsequent encounters. This notion aligns with some theories in quantum mechanics, where the act of observation can influence outcomes, suggesting a complex interaction between consciousness and these unidentified phenomena.
The dialogue ventured into the broader implications of consciousness and its relation to UAP observations, indicating that this area is being explored by various researchers, including those from social sciences and anthropology. This exploration into the link between human consciousness and UAPs opens up new dimensions in understanding the phenomena, beyond the conventional nuts-and-bolts examination of physical objects and their flight characteristics. It suggests a more nuanced interaction that could involve aspects of human perception and consciousness, potentially offering new pathways to understanding the nature of UAPs and their interactions with observers.