Peru’s Space Exercise “OPERATION HARPY SUR” Linked to Mysterious Activity in Iquitos

Peru's space exercise "operation harpy sur" linked to mysterious activity in iquitos

As OPERATION HARPY SUR unfolds under Exercise RESOLUTE SENTINEL 2023, led by the U.S. Southern Command in collaboration with Peruvian agencies, intriguing events in the region of Iquitos, Loreto have drawn attention. HARPY SUR aims to fortify multinational space operations and contribute to international space safety, but its ramifications might reach beyond the stratosphere. At the same time, inhabitants of the Alto Nanay tribe in Loreto allege unexplained night-time attacks potentially involving unidentified flying objects, known locally as “Los Pelacaras.”

“Harpy” is a term that traditionally refers to a mythological bird-like creature in Greek mythology, known for being a wind spirit. “SUR” could represent a geographical direction (South) in Spanish.

The name RESOLUTE SENTINEL suggests a strong, vigilant watchfulness (“resolute” meaning determined, “sentinel” meaning a guard or watchman), which could apply to monitoring any kind of activity, including potentially unidentified or unexplained phenomena.

Such exercises could include a range of activities, including surveillance, data collection, or other forms of monitoring that could involve unidentified or unexplained phenomena.

Space Collaboration Meets Unidentified Phenomena

While the U.S. Southern Command and U.S. Space Command’s Joint Task Force-Space Defense Commercial Operations Cell (JCO) partner with Peru’s Aerospace Research and Development Center (CONIDA) and the Peruvian Air Force, the indigenous community of the Alto Nanay tribe in Iquitos, Loreto is beset with unexplained occurrences. This tribe, residing in a city that is a hub in the Peruvian rainforest and accessible only by river and air, reports nocturnal assaults by unidentified entities. The figures are described as oddly dressed, with peculiar round footwear that resembles floating saucers, emitting an eerie red light from the back of their elongated heads.

Yet, a part of this cooperation may soon need to focus closer to Earth, as strange events in Loreto mirror global phenomena. Comparable incidents have been reported worldwide, from the Hopkinsville Goblins case in the U.S. to the Ariel School Encounter in Zimbabwe, making the situation in Iquitos a piece in a much larger, perplexing puzzle.

During the operation, a focus has been placed on NOTSOs (Notices to Space Operators), a communication tool designed to ensure the safety of space activities. As this unfolds, the inhabitants of the Alto Nanay tribe are urgently seeking their safety and assistance, as traditional means of self-defense like firearms prove ineffective against the mysterious figures haunting them.

Is There a Link?

The pressing question now is whether there’s a connection between the advanced multinational space exercises taking place under HARPY SUR and the disturbing occurrences in Iquitos. Given that Peru has recently signed a space situational awareness sharing agreement with U.S. Space Command, should this extend to sharing data and insights into unexplained phenomena affecting indigenous communities?

Through OPERATION HARPY SUR, Peru is poised to elevate its capabilities in space domain awareness, potentially contributing to a better understanding of global space activities. Meanwhile, the indigenous people of Iquitos remain gripped by a very earthly but no less mysterious fear. Whether there’s a connection between the space operation and the phenomena affecting the Alto Nanay tribe remains to be seen, but the simultaneity of these events has certainly deepened the enigma surrounding both.

For more information on the situation in Iquitos, please visit: Unidentified Phenomena – Los Pelacaras