
This collection is a tribute to the myriad reports spanning the realms of UFOs, aliens, the paranormal, and advanced science.

Curse Tablets

Curse tablets, also known as “defixiones” in Latin, are ancient inscribed metal or stone tablets that were used in various cultures throughout history for the purpose of invoking curses or......

Cyclic Evolution Theory

Within the cosmos, Earth, and even human societies, patterns of cyclic behavior seem to be a fundamental feature. These cycles range from the cosmic oscillations of the universe, through the......

Cylinder Shaped UFO Incidents

A cylinder-shaped UFO is a type of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) that is said to have a cylindrical or tube-like shape. This type of UFO is often reported in UFO......

Cynthia Appleton Incident (1957)

Cynthia Appleton, a housewife from Birmingham, UK, who reported an extraordinary encounter in 1957. According to her account, she encountered a tall, fair-haired man resembling what many in the UFO......

Daimonic Experiences

Daimonic experiences, refer to encounters or events where the boundary between one’s inner mental or emotional state and external objective reality becomes blurred, resulting in phenomena that challenge our conventional......

Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld

“Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld” by Patrick Harpur is a compelling and provocative work that straddles the boundaries of folklore, mythology, psychology, and metaphysics. The book explores......