Encounters with Four-Fingered Beings: Notable UFO Stories

Encounters with four fingered beings: notable ufo stories

Among the many strange and inexplicable features often associated with UFO sightings, one of the most common is the description of beings with four fingers.

The stories of UFO sightings involving beings with four fingers are often described as encounters with extraterrestrial or otherworldly creatures. These beings are typically described as having a humanoid shape, with two arms, two legs, and a head, but with some distinct differences, such as their skin color, eyes, and, of course, their four fingers.

  1. The Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter (1955) – In this incident, two families in rural Kentucky reported being visited by strange, small, silver beings with large heads and eyes. The beings had long arms with four fingers and webbed hands.
  2. The Voronezh incident (1989) – In this case, several schoolchildren in Voronezh, Russia, reported seeing a UFO land in a park. They claimed that several beings with “pale green skin” and four fingers emerged from the craft.
  3. The Phoenix Lights (1997) – This famous UFO sighting involved a series of strange lights seen over the city of Phoenix, Arizona. While no beings were seen, some witnesses reported seeing a craft with a triangular shape, and others described strange symbols or hieroglyphics, including a pattern of dots and dashes that some have interpreted as representing four-fingered hands.
  4. The Allagash Abduction (1976) – In this incident, four men on a fishing trip in Maine reported being abducted by beings that they described as having “glowing eyes” and four-fingered hands. The men claimed to have been subjected to medical experiments and to have lost several hours of time.
  5. The Westall UFO incident (1966) – In this case, students and teachers at a school in Melbourne, Australia, reported seeing a UFO land in a nearby field. Some witnesses claimed to have seen several beings with four fingers emerge from the craft and move around the field before taking off again.
  6. The Cash-Landrum incident (1980) – In this case, two women and a young boy in Texas reported encountering a strange craft that emitted intense heat and radiation. They also claimed to have seen several beings with “large heads” and four-fingered hands.
  7. The Coyne helicopter incident (1973) – In this incident, a US Army Reserve helicopter in Ohio reported encountering a UFO that appeared to be following them. The crew reported seeing several humanoid beings with “no visible facial features” and four-fingered hands.
  8. The Val Johnson incident (1979) – In this case, a sheriff’s deputy in Minnesota reported encountering a UFO that he said blinded him with a bright light. He also claimed to have seen several beings with “no distinct facial features” and four-fingered hands.
  9. The Berwyn Mountain incident (1974) – In this incident, several people in Wales reported seeing a UFO crash into the Berwyn Mountains. Some witnesses claimed to have seen several beings with four fingers emerge from the craft.
  10. Ariel School Incident, Zimbabwe UFO incident (1994) – In this case, over 60 schoolchildren in Zimbabwe reported seeing a UFO land on their school grounds. They also claimed to have seen several humanoid beings with “huge eyes” and four-fingered hands.
  11. Betty and Barney Hill abduction case (1961) – The couple reported seeing a bright light in the sky while driving through the New Hampshire countryside. As they approached it, they saw a craft with several humanoid beings standing around it. The beings had four fingers on each hand.
  12. The Washington D.C. Flap UFO incident (1952) – Several UFO sightings were reported by residents of the area, including many military personnel. One witness, Airman William Brady, reported seeing a UFO hovering over the city, with several humanoid figures standing inside. The beings had four fingers on each hand and wore metallic suits.
  13. Travis Walton abduction case (1975) – Walton and a group of coworkers were out in the woods in Arizona when they saw a UFO hovering over the trees. Walton got out of the truck and approached the craft, at which point a beam of light knocked him unconscious. When he woke up, he claimed to have been inside the UFO, surrounded by beings with four fingers.
  14. Rendlesham Forest incident (1980) – Several US military personnel reported seeing a UFO land in the forest. They claimed that they saw strange beings with four fingers and glowing red eyes emerge from the craft.
  15. Pascagoula abduction case (1973) – Two men reported being abducted by beings with four fingers and no thumbs. The beings had a triangle-shaped patch on their chest and communicated with them telepathically.

The stories of UFO sightings involving beings with four fingers are numerous and varied, ranging from the famous Betty and Barney Hill case to lesser-known incidents like the Pascagoula abduction. While these stories may be difficult to believe, the consistent descriptions of these beings across multiple sightings suggest that there may be some truth to them.