Advanced Aerial Threats – Tom Delonge Disclosure

The Red Panda Koala channel’s two-part series titled “Tom DeLonge’s UFO Timeline Part 1 ” posted on June 21, 2019 and “Tom Delonge’s UFO Timeline Part 2: The Core Story” posted on July 16, 2019, looks into the remarkable journey of Tom DeLonge, former Blink-182 frontman, in his quest to unveil the truth about UFOs and the phenomena. DeLonge’s foray into this realm marks a significant shift in the perception and treatment of UFO-related subjects. Historically, the topic of UFOs has been met with ridicule, but in recent years, it has gained serious attention, with high-level government officials and U.S. military fighter pilots acknowledging the reality of these phenomena. This change in attitude is evident in the U.S. Navy’s new guidelines for pilots to report UFO sightings, highlighting a growing acceptance of the subject’s legitimacy.
DeLonge’s interest in UFOs dates back to his youth, and he carried this passion throughout his music career with Blink-182. His dedication led him to accumulate a diverse group of credible advisors from military and government agencies. He presents a rather ominous picture of the UFO phenomena and the reasons behind years of government secrecy.
Tom DeLonge’s journey into UFO research began with his profound interest in conspiracy theories and the UFO phenomena during high school. He extensively read about UFOs while touring with Blink-182, developing his theories about the phenomena. This interest intensified following an eerie experience in Death Valley, where he encountered strange paranormal phenomena.
In 2015, DeLonge left Blink-182 to focus on UFOs, planning to use media such as TV shows, movies, documentaries, and books to gradually disclose UFO realities to the public. His efforts led to meetings with top-level government and military officials, including a lead aerospace executive, presumably from Lockheed Martin, and someone known as the General. These meetings validated the existence of UFOs and supported DeLonge’s disclosure plans.
The General conveyed to Tom DeLonge that during the Cold War era, every day was overshadowed by the threat of nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was a period marked by constant apprehension about nuclear conflict potentially erupting at any moment. The General revealed that amidst these tense times, a life form was discovered. The decisions and actions taken in relation to this life form were heavily influenced by the prevailing mindset and fears of the Cold War era.
The General also discussed how UFOs interacted with American and Soviet nuclear weapons, seemingly attempting to provoke a conflict between the two superpowers. He mentioned incidents where UFOs manipulated radar systems, making it appear as though one side had launched a first strike, which could have easily escalated into a full-blown nuclear war. The General highlighted that there were heroes in Russia who, despite these provocations, chose not to retaliate against what they perceived as American aggression.
This conversation between the General and Tom DeLonge underscores the complexity and gravity of how UFO phenomena were perceived and handled during the Cold War, reflecting a period where the unknown aspects of UFOs were intertwined with global political tensions and the ever-present fear of nuclear annihilation.
The credibility of DeLonge’s claims was bolstered by WikiLeaks’ release of his emails with John Podesta, revealing his discussions with high-ranking officials about UFOs. On February 13, 2015, John Podesta tweeted: Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files.
DeLonge’s company, To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, was formed to spearhead the UFO disclosure initiative. This initiative gained momentum with the revelation of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program and the release of UFO videos, marking a significant shift in the government’s stance on UFOs.
According to the video, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base has a significant history in relation to the UFO phenomena. It was mentioned as the location where Major General Neil McCasland, one of the high-level advisors working with Tom DeLonge, had previously served. McCasland managed the Air Force’s science and technology program there, overseeing a budget of $2.2 billion.
The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is noted for its long association with UFO research and investigations. It was the base of operations for Project Blue Book, the U.S. Air Force’s program that systematically studied UFOs from 1952 until its termination in 1969. All the files and reports from Project Blue Book are located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Additionally, the base is linked to the Roswell UFO incident in 1947. The initial Army report stated that the wreckage of a crashed UFO was transported to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. However, this statement was later retracted.
Tom DeLonge’s efforts have led to UFOs being taken more seriously by the mainstream media, and his project, “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,” aims to expose more encounters collected by the Pentagon’s UFO program.
In Part 2 of the Red Panda Koala channel’s series on Tom DeLonge’s UFO disclosure, the focus is on Tom DeLonge’s perspective about the nature of UFOs, their historical interactions with humanity, and their impact on human civilization, as informed by his discussions with credible advisors from various government and military backgrounds.
Tom DeLonge describes UFOs as both extraterrestrial and interdimensional entities, which he refers to as “the Others.” These beings are thought to have been on Earth since the beginning of human history, potentially playing a role in the genetic modification of primates to create humans. The extent of their meddling in human affairs is vast, with suggestions that they may have influenced the rise and fall of civilizations such as Atlantis, Easter Island, and the Inca Empire. DeLonge posits that some of these entities might instigate human conflicts for reasons not fully understood, ranging from feeding off the negative energy generated by human suffering to mere entertainment.
DeLonge also discusses the idea that many of the world’s religions might be the result of humans interpreting the actions of these entities as divine or supernatural events. This interpretation leads to the formation of religious beliefs that could have been intentionally seeded by these entities to create divisions among humans.
According to DeLonge, UFOs have been closely monitoring and occasionally intervening in human technological and military developments, especially those related to nuclear weapons. He notes that these interventions have sometimes involved direct interactions, such as the disabling or manipulation of nuclear missiles.
It is detailed that the entities referred to as “the Others” have been allegedly involved in intentionally crashing UFOs in various countries, including the United States, the Soviet Union, China, and Nazi Germany. These crashes, particularly during the 1940s and 1950s, are said to have led to the recovery of advanced technologies by these nations. According to DeLonge’s advisors, this was a deliberate act by the Others to distribute advanced technology among different countries.
The intention behind these actions, as suggested, was to instigate an international arms race and fuel conflicts, potentially leading to larger wars. This strategy is seen as a method for the Others to create situations where humans are occupied with fighting each other, rather than focusing on the presence and activities of these extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings.
The narrative presented by Tom DeLonge suggests that while human nature encompasses both positive and negative traits, external influences from entities known as ‘The Others’ might play a role in exacerbating human conflicts. These entities are theorized to be driven by a fascination with the negative energy emerging from human suffering or perhaps to find human conflicts entertaining. This perspective posits that The Others could be subtly manipulating human affairs, fostering division and discord. Such actions could be aimed at keeping humanity fragmented, thereby hindering collective human advancement and awareness, which might otherwise pose a challenge to the activities of these entities. DeLonge’s depiction of The Others portrays them as beings with the ability and intention to discreetly shape human history and evolution, leveraging their sophisticated technology to guide human interactions in a direction that favors division and strife.
Another significant point made by DeLonge is the purported cover-up of UFO phenomena by governments, primarily to prevent the spread of information to potentially hostile nations and to the Others. He discusses the creation of various government agencies post-World War II and the launching of operations like Project Blue Book and Operation Mockingbird as mechanisms to control the narrative around UFOs and keep the public in the dark.
One of the key historical moments mentioned is the Starfish Prime high-altitude nuclear test in 1962, which DeLonge claims was a turning point in understanding the vulnerabilities of UFOs to electromagnetic pulses (EMPs). He also touches on the Apollo 11 moon landing, suggesting that there were UFOs present on the moon, a claim supported by other sources according to him.
There is a mention of a notable change in the demeanor of the Apollo 11 crew before and after their historic moon landing mission. The analysis suggests observing the body language and overall demeanor of the crew in their pre-flight and post-flight press conferences to note the differences.
It indicates that prior to the flight, the Apollo 11 crew, consisting of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin, appeared more relaxed and confident. However, after returning from the moon, their behavior during the post-flight press conference was markedly different. They seemed more reserved, somber, and possibly burdened by what they had experienced or witnessed.
The theory suggests that the change in their behavior might be attributed to encounters or observations made during the mission that were not publicly disclosed. Specifically, it refers to a theory that the moon landing was real but that certain aspects of what occurred, potentially including encounters with UFOs or other anomalies, were kept secret. This theory is supported by claims that UFOs were observed on a crater on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission.
He suggests that if people are debating the authenticity of the moon landing, they are less likely to question what was actually found on the moon. Tom DeLonge believes civilian aerospace companies or amateurs might eventually discover structures on the moon. This is part of the broader narrative that DeLonge presents, suggesting that as private space exploration becomes more prevalent, there will be more opportunities for independent parties to observe and potentially uncover evidence of extraterrestrial activity or anomalies on the moon that have not been disclosed by government space agencies.
The overarching theme of DeLonge’s narrative is that humanity has been under the observation and subtle influence of these advanced beings for centuries. The current push for disclosure, as he sees it, is part of a larger plan orchestrated by these entities, with the aim of slowly acclimatizing humanity to their presence and the reality of their involvement in human affairs.