Phenomena Advocates

This collection salutes those individuals who bravely grappled with the intricacies of a complex phenomena and should be revered in the annals of history. Essentially, they are the unrecognized champions of the true nature of our reality.

Marcel Vogel

Marcel Vogel was a research scientist primarily known for his work with IBM and his explorations into the more esoteric realms of science, such as the study of quartz crystals......

Maria Orsic

Maria Orsic, born in Vienna in 1895, was a figure associated with the Vril Society, which was involved with esoteric concepts and metaphysical phenomena. She is often described as a......

Marina Popovich

Marina Lavrentievna Popovich (née Vasilieva) was a prominent figure in both the world of aviation and the field of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), or Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) as they......

Mark Pilkington

Mark Pilkington is a British author and researcher known for his extensive work on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena. His writing and research have explored......

Michael Masters

In a recent interview with Paula Ebben on WBZ News, Michael Masters, a professor at Montana Tech, discussed his involvement in a Harvard study that investigates various potential explanations for......

Michael Salla

Michael Salla is a researcher and author who is known for his work in the field of Exopolitics, which is the study of the political implications of extraterrestrial life and......