Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann was an individual known for his involvement in remote viewing experiments and claims of psychic abilities. He had a unique background and made significant contributions to the field of parapsychology.

Ingo Swann was born on September 14, 1933, in Telluride, Colorado, USA. He attended Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he pursued a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology and art. Swann later studied art at the Art Students League in New York City. While his education did not directly focus on parapsychology or related fields, it influenced his artistic endeavors and later played a role in his remote viewing experiments.

Swann had a diverse range of professional experiences throughout his life. He worked as a professional artist, specializing in painting and sculpture. His artworks were displayed in various exhibitions and galleries. Swann’s interest in psychic phenomena and parapsychology led him to participate in experiments and research studies.

Ingo Swann gained prominence through his involvement in the CIA’s remote viewing program, known as Project Stargate or Stargate Project. Remote viewing is a technique that involves attempting to perceive information about a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception (ESP) or psychic abilities. Swann, along with other remote viewers, was employed by the CIA to explore the potential of remote viewing for intelligence gathering purposes.

Swann’s remote viewing experiences led him to claim encounters with extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects. He described his interactions with non-human entities and provided details about advanced technologies.

  1. Ingo Swann’s involvement in the remote viewing program led to the publication of his book “Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy” in 1998. Swann claimed to have remote viewed various locations, including the dark side of the Moon and Jupiter. He also mentioned encounters with extraterrestrial beings. (Source: Swann, Ingo. “Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy.”)
  2. Swann collaborated with renowned physicist Dr. Harold Puthoff, who played a significant role in the research and development of remote viewing. Their collaboration resulted in several scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals. (Source: Puthoff, H. E., & Swann, I. “Remote Viewing: The Quantum Enigma.”)
  3. Ingo Swann’s remote viewing sessions involved attempts to perceive information about Mars, resulting in claims of identifying specific features on the Martian surface. This information is mentioned in declassified CIA documents, including the CIA’s STAR GATE files. (Source: CIA STAR GATE declassified documents)

Ingo Swann authored several books, often combining his artistic and psychic interests. Some notable examples include:

  1. “To Kiss Earth Goodbye” (1975) – A collection of poetry and paintings by Swann.
  2. “Star Fire” (2008) – A novel exploring psychic phenomena and extraterrestrial contact.
  3. “Psychic Sexuality: The Bio-Psychic “Anatomy” of Sexual Energies” (1999) – A book look into the exploration of sexual energies from a psychic perspective.

There are also books written about Ingo Swann, either exploring his life and experiences or discussing his contributions to remote viewing and parapsychology. One example is “Reading the Enemy’s Mind: Inside Star Gate: America’s Psychic Espionage Program” by Paul Smith. This book provides an insider’s account of the remote viewing program and mentions Swann’s involvement.

Dr. Russell Targ, another physicist and researcher, also worked closely with Ingo Swann in the early stages of the remote viewing program. Together, they explored the potential applications of remote viewing for intelligence gathering purposes. Dr. Targ has written about his experiences working with Swann in his book titled “The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities.”

In addition to his collaborations, Swann was part of a group of remote viewers that included Joseph McMoneagle and Pat Price. These individuals were recruited by the CIA to participate in the remote viewing program and conduct experiments to gather information on remote targets. To wrap up, Ingo Swann was an artist turned psychic who gained recognition for his involvement in remote viewing experiments and claims of encounters with extraterrestrial beings.
