Sixto Paz Wells Incident (1974)

Sixto Paz Wells, born on December 12, 1955, in Lima, Peru, is a prominent figure in the world of Ufology (the study of Unidentified Flying Objects), best known for his claims of contact with extraterrestrial beings. Born into an intellectual family – his father was a notable ufologist, Carlos Paz Garcia – Paz Wells attended Catholic school in Lima and later studied journalism at the University of Lima, where he further developed his writing skills that would prove crucial in documenting his experiences with the unknown.
Sixto’s life work revolves around the Rahma Mission, a group he founded in 1974 after his first alleged contact with extraterrestrials. This organization is dedicated to spreading messages received from extraterrestrial beings and organizing expeditions for further contact.
Paz Wells’s relationship with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) and UFOs is extensive and central to his work. He asserts that his first contact with these beings happened when he was 19, through automatic writing, a psychic technique where a person writes without conscious thought, allegedly channeling communication from an external source. He claims that through this method, he connected with beings from Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons. This relationship has expanded over the years, with Paz Wells alleging to have been physically taken aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft on multiple occasions.
Sixto Paz Wells has described the extraterrestrials he claims to have contacted as human-like in appearance, to the extent that they could pass unnoticed among us if they wished to do so. According to Paz Wells, these beings have features that are similar to humans, but they also exhibit physical characteristics that hint at their extraterrestrial origin, such as their unusually large eyes and a generally more harmonious and symmetrical physique.
Paz Wells’s interactions ostensibly rest on the phenomena of psychic communication and interplanetary travel. While the scientific community largely remains skeptical about such concepts due to the lack of empirical evidence, some research has been done on topics like telepathy and remote viewing, albeit with inconclusive results.
One of the unique facts about Paz Wells comes from the book “OVNIs: Expediente Oficial: 10 casos peruanos” (UFOs: Official File: 10 Peruvian Cases), published by the Peruvian Air Force in 2001. It details an event in 1974 where Sixto Paz Wells and a group of individuals reportedly saw a UFO in the Chilca desert after receiving a psychic message. This encounter is among the incidents that led to the establishment of the Peruvian Air Force’s Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research in 2001, indicating some level of official interest in the phenomena associated with Paz Wells.
Sixto Paz Wells has written numerous books on his experiences and the messages he has received from extraterrestrial beings. Examples include “Los guías extraterrestres” (The extraterrestrial guides), “Contacto Interdimensional” (Interdimensional Contact), and “El umbral secreto” (The secret threshold). In these books, he documents his experiences and shares the teachings he has received.
Several books have also been written about Paz Wells and his work, such as “Sixto Paz Wells: El Contactado” by Javier Vidal, which explores Paz Wells’s life and his extraordinary claims.
An interesting aspect of Sixto Paz Wells’s work is the spiritual dimension he often intertwines with the extraterrestrial narrative. He posits that these beings are not only interested in Earth and humanity but are also concerned about our spiritual evolution and the well-being of our planet. Some interpretations view this aspect as an extension of New Age spiritual ideas, adding a unique layer to his narrative that goes beyond the typical “nuts and bolts” UFO discussions.
Sixto Paz Wells is a figure in the UFO and contactee phenomena. A university-trained journalist turned ufologist, he has dedicated his life to the study and communication of his experiences with supposed extraterrestrial beings. Through his writings, lectures, and the Rahma Mission, he has sought to spread the messages he claims to have received, addressing both physical and spiritual aspects of the human condition.