The Cash-Landrum Incident (1980) The Cash-Landrum incident is one of the most famous UFO sightings in American history. The incident occurred on December 29, 1980, in the small town of Dayton, Texas, and involved...
The Falcon Lake Incident (1967) The Falcon Lake Incident, which took place in 1967, is a widely-known UFO sighting and encounter in Canada. The incident involved Stefan Michalak, a geologist and amateur prospector, who claimed...
The Heflin UFO Incident (1965) The 1965 Heflin UFO incident remains as one of the most notable events in the annals of UFO history, primarily due to the photographic evidence involved. On August 3, 1965,...
The Rio de Janeiro Sighting (2009) The Rio de Janeiro Sighting is a well-known UFO incident that occurred on June 12th, 2009 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. On that day, a witness reported seeing a strange,...
The Moscow UFO Sighting (2007) The Moscow UFO Sighting is a well-known UFO incident that occurred on August 8th, 2007 in Moscow, Russia. On that day, a witness reported seeing a strange, octagonal-shaped object in...
The Illinois Incident (2000) The Illinois Incident is one of the most well-known UFO sightings in recent history. On January 5, 2000, several people reported seeing a large, disc-shaped object hovering in the sky...
The Loredo Incident (2008) The Loredo incident is a well-known UFO event that took place in Texas in 2008. The incident involved the reported sighting of a large, triangular-shaped object that was said to...
The Delphos incident (1971) The Delphos incident is a well-known UFO event that took place in Kansas in 1971. The incident involved the reported sighting of a large, disc-shaped object that was said to...
The S.O.S. to the World Incident (1990) The S.O.S. to the World incident is a well-known UFO event that took place in Belgium in 1990. The incident involved the reported sighting of a large, triangular-shaped UFO that...
The Val Johnson Incident (1979) The Val Johnson incident is one of the most well-known UFO encounters in recent history, and is considered by many to be one of the most significant cases of its...