The Mystery of the Mosul Orb: A True Story of Aliens and Ancient Astronauts

The Mystery of the Mosul Orb: A True Story of Aliens and Ancient Astronauts” is a book written by Robert Salas and James E. Clarkson. The book explores the discovery of a mysterious orb in the ancient city of Mosul in Iraq, and its potential connection to ancient astronauts and extraterrestrial life.

According to the book “The Mystery of the Mosul Orb: A True Story of Aliens and Ancient Astronauts,” the authors suggest that the purpose of the orb remains a mystery. The orb was described as being roughly the size of a basketball, glowing with a bright, intense light and appeared to be intelligent and responsive. The authors suggest that the orb was capable of moving independently and that it displayed an ability to react to human actions.

Key Claims:

  1. The Discovery of the Mosul Orb: The book begins by recounting the discovery of a strange, glowing orb in the ancient city of Mosul in Iraq. The authors suggest that the orb may have been of extraterrestrial origin, although they acknowledge that this remains a matter of speculation.
  2. Ancient Astronauts: The book explores the theory of ancient astronauts, which suggests that extraterrestrial beings may have visited Earth in the distant past and played a role in shaping human civilization. The authors suggest that the discovery of the Mosul Orb may be evidence of such a visitation.
  3. Extraterrestrial Life: The book also explores the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and suggests that the discovery of the Mosul Orb may be evidence of the existence of such life forms. The authors acknowledge that this remains a topic of debate and speculation.
  4. Government Cover-Up: The book suggests that there may be a government cover-up surrounding the discovery of the Mosul Orb, and that information about the orb may have been suppressed by those in power.

Important People:

  1. Robert Salas: The co-author of the book, Robert Salas, is a former U.S. Air Force officer who claims to have witnessed UFO sightings and encounters during his time in the military.
  2. James E. Clarkson: The other co-author of the book, James E. Clarkson, is a UFO researcher and writer who has written extensively on the topic of UFO sightings and encounters.

Other Books:

  1. “Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon” by Philip Mantle: This book explores the history of UFO sightings and encounters, as well as the scientific and cultural context surrounding these phenomena.
  2. “Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain” by Paul Stonehill: This book explores the history of UFO sightings and encounters in the Soviet Union, including the experiences of Soviet military personnel and other witnesses.
  3. The Day After Roswell” by Philip J. Corso: This book explores the aftermath of the Roswell UFO incident, and suggests that the U.S. government may have covered up evidence of extraterrestrial life and technology.

“The Mystery of the Mosul Orb: A True Story of Aliens and Ancient Astronauts” explores the discovery of a mysterious orb in the ancient city of Mosul, and its potential connection to ancient astronauts and extraterrestrial life. The book is co-authored by Robert Salas and James E. Clarkson, both of whom have written extensively on the topic of UFO sightings and encounters. The book explores the theory of ancient astronauts and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, as well as the potential for a government cover-up surrounding the discovery of the Mosul Orb.
