The Flying Saucers are Real

The flying saucers are real

The Flying Saucers are Real” is a book written by Donald Keyhoe, first published in 1950. It is considered one of the earliest works on the subject of UFOs and was instrumental in popularizing the phenomenon among the general public. The book is based on Keyhoe’s investigation of UFO sightings and encounters reported by military personnel, pilots, and civilians. In this article, we will provide a list and summary of the key claims and points made in the book.

Key Claims and Points Made in “The Flying Saucers are Real”:

  1. UFO sightings are real: Keyhoe begins by arguing that the phenomenon of flying saucers is not a mere delusion or hallucination but is real. He cites numerous reports of sightings by pilots, military personnel, and ordinary citizens that cannot be explained by natural phenomena or conventional aircraft.
  2. UFOs are not of human origin: Keyhoe argues that the flying saucers cannot be of human origin. He points out that these objects often display capabilities that are far beyond what is currently possible with our technology.
  3. The U.S. government is covering up the truth about UFOs: Keyhoe claims that the U.S. government is aware of the reality of UFOs but is covering up the truth from the public. He provides evidence of how military officials have systematically suppressed reports of sightings and encounters.
  4. The Air Force is actively investigating UFOs: Keyhoe reveals that the U.S. Air Force has been secretly investigating UFO sightings since 1947 but has denied the existence of such investigations to the public.
  5. UFOs pose a potential threat to national security: Keyhoe argues that the flying saucers are not harmless but pose a potential threat to national security. He cites several incidents where UFOs have interfered with military aircraft and have demonstrated aggressive behavior.
  6. Extraterrestrial beings could be behind the UFO phenomenon: Keyhoe speculates that the flying saucers could be piloted by extraterrestrial beings who are visiting our planet for reasons unknown.
  7. UFO sightings are not limited to the United States: Keyhoe provides evidence of UFO sightings from other countries such as France, Sweden, and Brazil.
  8. The government should be more transparent about UFOs: Keyhoe concludes by calling for greater transparency from the government about UFOs. He argues that the public has a right to know the truth about this phenomenon and that the government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from any potential threats.

Key People in “The Flying Saucers are Real”:

  1. Donald Keyhoe: The author of the book and a former Marine Corps naval aviator, Keyhoe is the main protagonist in the investigation of UFO sightings.
  2. Major General James A. Doolittle: An American aviation pioneer and retired General of the Air Force, Doolittle provides a foreword to the book, lending his credibility to the claims made by Keyhoe.
  3. Lieutenant George Gorman: A pilot who encountered a UFO over Fargo, North Dakota in 1948. His testimony is one of the key cases presented in the book.

Other Books Written About “The Flying Saucers are Real”:

  1. “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects” by Edward J. Ruppelt: Published in 1956, Ruppelt’s book is a follow-up to Keyhoe’s work and provides an insider’s perspective on the U.S. Air Force’s investigations into UFOs.
  2. “UFOs and the National Security State” by Richard M. Dolan: Published in 2000, Dolan’s book provides a comprehensive overview of the history of UFO sightings and investigations by the U.S. government.
  3. The Day After Roswell” by Philip J. Corso: Published in 1997