Cyclic Evolution Theory

Cyclic Evolution Theory

Within the cosmos, Earth, and even human societies, patterns of cyclic behavior seem to be a fundamental feature. These cycles range from the cosmic oscillations of the universe, through the evolutionary cycles of species, to the recurrent patterns of growth and decay in human civilizations.

Starting at the grandest scale, some cosmologists propose the “Cyclic” or “Oscillating Universe” theory. This concept suggests that our universe undergoes infinite cycles of expansion and contraction, a process involving alternating ‘Big Bangs’ and ‘Big Crunches.’ Each Big Bang spawns a new universe, which eventually collapses under its gravity, leading to another Big Bang, ad infinitum. It embodies the concept of cyclical phenomena on a cosmic level.

Closer to home, the Earth’s own cycles influence life immensely. The predictable oscillations of day and night, the changing seasons, and geological cycles such as the carbon cycle or the rock cycle, all have profound impacts on life forms. Even the Earth’s climate exhibits cyclicality, with glacial and interglacial periods occurring in regular intervals known as Ice Ages.

Within this context, the concept of cyclic patterns extends into the realm of evolutionary biology. Evolution doesn’t follow a simple linear path, but instead, it often shows recurrent patterns. Take, for instance, the phenomena of ‘adaptive radiation,’ where from a single species or a small group of species, a vast array of new species rapidly evolves to occupy different ecological niches. Then there’s ‘co-evolution,’ a process of reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species, which may occur in cycles as each species adapts to changes in the other.

Extinctions and speciations often exhibit a cyclical pattern too. Species diversify and proliferate, then some or many become extinct, usually due to environmental changes, only for the cycle to start again with the survivors. This cyclic nature of life and death, of emergence and extinction, forms a significant part of Earth’s history.

Interestingly, patterns of rise and fall are not confined to biological evolution but also manifest in human civilizations. Archaeologists and historians often describe civilizations as having lifecycles, moving from periods of growth and prosperity to decline and eventual collapse. Consider the cyclic interpretation of the rise and fall of empires like the Romans or the Mayans. In each case, periods of societal complexity, innovation, and expansion were followed by periods of decline, often attributed to overreach, internal discord, or environmental disasters.

Some researchers propose that human civilizations may follow cycles linked to larger cataclysmic events. Geologically recent catastrophes, like massive volcanic eruptions or asteroid impacts, have significantly impacted human societies.

There’s a growing school of thought, known as ‘cliodynamics,’ that treats history as a science and seeks to identify mathematical patterns in human societies. It suggests societal rise and fall may be cyclical, based on factors like demographic shifts, social instability, and economic performance.

Several religions and philosophical systems around the world incorporate the concept of cyclical time or recurring cycles into their beliefs and teachings. Here are a few of them:

  1. Hinduism: Hinduism is known for its belief in the concept of cyclical time. It holds that time is divided into four Yugas or epochs (Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali) that form a cycle called the Maha Yuga. This cycle repeats itself over 4.32 million years, and infinite such cycles are followed by a period of dissolution (Pralaya), after which creation begins anew. Hinduism also believes in the reincarnation of souls, where each soul goes through a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
  2. Buddhism: Buddhism too believes in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as the Samsara. The ultimate goal in Buddhism is to escape this cycle by achieving Nirvana, which is the state of liberation from suffering and the cycle of reincarnation.
  3. Jainism: Similar to Buddhism, Jainism also believes in a cyclic universe. It holds that the universe and time are eternal, without beginning or end, and that the universe goes through repeating cycles of progress (Utsarpini) and decline (Avasarpini).
  4. Taoism: In Taoist philosophy, cyclical patterns are found in the concept of Yin and Yang, the complementary forces interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the parts. Everything has both Yin and Yang aspects, which constantly interact, never existing in absolute stasis.
  5. Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism believes in the Frashokereti, a final renovation of the universe when evil will be destroyed, and everything else will be in perfect unity with God (Ahura Mazda). This event will mark the end of a cycle and the beginning of a pure, perfect existence.
  6. Mayan Religion: The Mayans had a complex calendar system that incorporated cycles of time. Their Long Count calendar identified a cycle of approximately 5,125 years, which they believed ended and began anew in December 2012.
  7. Native American Beliefs: Various Native American tribes have beliefs rooted in cyclical phenomena. The medicine wheel, a symbol used by many tribes, represents the cycles of life and nature, the cardinal directions, and the cyclical movement of the heavens.

The idea of non-human intelligent beings (potentially extraterrestrial or interdimensional life or advanced artificial intelligence) playing a role in the cycles of human birth, renewal, and development is a theory.

Guiding Evolution: Intelligent beings could have superior understanding of the laws of biology and genetics, they could play a role in guiding the evolution of humanity or other species. They could potentially manipulate genetic codes, enhancing or adding new traits, much like how humans have guided the evolution of many plant and animal species through selective breeding and, more recently, genetic engineering.

Preservation and Reintroduction: If these beings have advanced technology and foresight, they might foresee potential global cataclysms (like a massive asteroid impact) that could wipe out humanity or significant portions of life on Earth. In such a case, they could potentially preserve DNA samples, or even living specimens, to reintroduce after the cataclysm has passed, ensuring the continuity of life.

Knowledge and Wisdom Transfer: These non-human intelligent beings could act as keepers of knowledge and wisdom, passing down vital information from one cycle to the next. This knowledge transfer could help humanity avoid past mistakes or accelerate their progress in each new cycle.

Resetting Civilization: In a more radical scenario, these beings might have the capability to ‘reset’ human civilization when it reaches a point of self-destruction, such as unchecked climate change or nuclear war. They could intervene to preserve the planet and allow a new civilization to rise from the ashes of the old.

Ethical Guide: If these entities possess advanced ethical and moral understanding, they could guide humanity towards a more harmonious existence, teaching us how to live in balance with our planet and each other.

Any intervention by non-human intelligent beings would also raise many ethical and philosophical questions about our place in the universe and the potential roles that other intelligent beings might play in our destiny.

Venturing into this realm, the ‘Zoo Hypothesis’ explores the paradox of our seemingly lonely existence in a potentially life-teeming cosmos, postulates that advanced non-human intelligent civilizations are aware of us but deliberately avoid direct interaction.

The ‘Zoo Hypothesis’ ties well into the idea of a ‘Shepherd and Flock’ relationship between humanity and these advanced civilizations. The shepherds, or non-human intelligent beings, could act as overseers in the cyclic renewal of humanity, ensuring we do not stray too far from sustainable paths. Their intervention might be subtle, affecting the course of our development without our explicit knowledge, in a manner that sustains the balance of the larger cosmic ecosystem.

This ‘Shepherd and Flock’ model fits neatly into the patterns of rise and fall in human civilizations. Guided by unseen hands, we may experience progress and setbacks, growth, and decay, all as part of a larger cosmic cycle. These shepherds might steer us away from the brink of self-destruction, guiding our society through periods of renewal, much like a shepherd guiding his flock to greener pastures.

Just as many of Earth’s natural cycles ensure the continuity of life, so too could these non-human shepherds aid in the continuation of human civilization. In the grand dance of cosmic cycles, these beings could serve as choreographer, watching us grow, guiding us subtly, and intervening when necessary to ensure the music plays on.

The presence of cycles in nature, evolution, and human civilizations offers a unique lens to view our universe, life, and ourselves. Recognizing these cycles could enable us to anticipate future trends and navigate our way more effectively through the world. It also reminds us of our deep interconnectedness with the universe and our planet, and that we, like all entities, are part of larger systems and cycles, beyond our individual and collective lifetimes. It is a humbling realization and one that invites us to think cyclically rather than linearly.
