UFO Whistleblowers

Ufo whistleblowers

In the realm of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), a courageous yet cautious group of individuals has stepped into the limelight. Known as whistleblowers, these individuals claim to have access to insider knowledge, revealing hidden or classified information about NHI encounters and government cover-ups. Often hailing from backgrounds in the military, intelligence agencies, or scientific institutions, they tread a fine line between public disclosure and the risk of legal repercussions. With their bold assertions, they not only challenge the prevailing narratives but also highlight the need for enhanced protections for whistleblowers dealing with unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

While legal safeguards are crucial, whistleblowers also need financial security to sustain their livelihoods, protection from physical threats and harm, and assurance against ending up in disciplinary barracks or situations like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange. Financial bounties for whistleblowers are needed that can provide this additional protection, reducing the power of retaliation and ensuring their safety.

Despite these risks, these individuals showed commitment to unveiling the truth, and remained steadfast, igniting debates and reshaping our understanding of intelligent life beyond Earth.

  1. Robert Dean: A retired Command Sergeant Major in the U.S. Army, Dean claimed to have had access to a top-secret NATO study during the 1960s that confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial life.
  2. Paul Hellyer: The former Canadian Minister of Defense has publicly stated that aliens have visited Earth and that governments have been covering this up. His claims, coming from his position of authority, could qualify him as a whistleblower.
  3. Bob Lazar: Claimed to have worked on reverse-engineering alien technology at a site near Area 51. His allegations about the existence of Element 115, used to power alien spacecraft, brought significant public attention to the Area 51 site.
  4. David Grusch: An Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, said the military has kept a UFO program secret from the public and Congress for decades.
  5. Philip J. Corso: A former U.S. Army officer, Corso wrote in his book, “The Day After Roswell,” that he was part of a covert operation that fed materials from crashed extraterrestrial craft into the industrial complex for reverse engineering.
  6. John Callahan: As a former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA, Callahan claimed that he had information about a 1986 UFO sighting by Japan Airlines over Alaska that was covered up by the FAA and the CIA.
  7. Jesse Marcel: The intelligence officer who was first on the scene at the supposed Roswell UFO crash in 1947. Marcel claimed that the material he found was “not of this world,” contradicting official statements that the debris was from a weather balloon.
  8. Larry Warren: A U.S. Air Force security officer who alleges he witnessed a UFO event near Rendlesham Forest in 1980, often referred to as “Britain’s Roswell,” and that the event was subsequently covered up by authorities.
  9. Donna Hare: A former NASA contractor who alleged that there was a systematic effort by the agency to alter or airbrush UFOs out of satellite and lunar images before releasing them to the public.
  10. Karl Wolfe: A former U.S. Air Force Sergeant who claimed he was shown images of a base on the dark side of the moon during his service, suggesting a cover-up.
  11. Clark McClelland: A former spacecraft operator for NASA, McClelland claimed to have observed an 8 to 9 foot tall extraterrestrial being via a live video feed during a space shuttle mission.
  12. Norman Bergrun: A former scientist for NASA’s Ames Research Center and Lockheed Martin, Bergrun claimed in his book “Ringmakers of Saturn” that there are enormous artificially-created structures within the rings of Saturn, suggesting advanced extraterrestrial technology.
  13. David Schindele: A former Minuteman I intercontinental ballistic missile launch crew commander in the U.S. Air Force who claimed that unidentified flying objects once shut down a number of nuclear missiles under his purview.
  14. Edgar Fouche: A former contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense who claimed to have worked on classified projects involving advanced technology and UFOs.
  15. Lyn Buchanan: A former remote viewer for the U.S. Army’s Project Stargate, Buchanan has claimed to have used his abilities to view non-human entities.
  16. Ingo Swann: Another remote viewer for Project Stargate, Swann claimed that he was tasked with remote viewing the dark side of the moon and witnessed structures there.
  17. Charles I. Halt: A retired U.S. Air Force colonel who, during his service, was involved in the investigation of the Rendlesham Forest Incident in England. He recorded his observations on what became known as the Halt Tape, where he described the sighting of unexplained lights, which he believed to be extraterrestrial in origin.
  18. Gordon Cooper: An astronaut in the Mercury program, Cooper claimed to have seen UFOs over Germany in the 1950s and also stated that he had seen a film of a UFO landing in the desert at Edwards Air Force Base. After retirement, he became more vocal about the need for the government to disclose their knowledge about extraterrestrial life and UFOs.
  19. Maurice Chatelain: A former NASA communications engineer who claimed that not only did the Apollo mission encounter UFOs on the moon, but that contact was made with extraterrestrials and the events were kept secret from the public.
  20. George Filer: A retired Major from the U.S. Air Force, Filer claims to have witnessed a UFO during his service, and he has stated that the British radar system tracked these objects regularly.
  21. Robert Salas: A former U.S. Air Force officer who was stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana during a missile shutdown incident in 1967 that he contends was linked to a UFO event.
  22. John Maynard: A former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) official who claimed that the U.S. government regularly covers up information related to UFOs and has evidence of their existence.
  23. Nick Pope: A former employee at the British Government’s Ministry of Defence, Pope was involved in research and investigation of UFO phenomena. He has publicly expressed his beliefs about the reality of UFO phenomena and government cover-ups.
  24. Dr. Hal Puthoff: An electrical engineer and parapsychologist, Puthoff worked on the Pentagon’s secretive UFO program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), and has spoken about the study of “anomalous aerial vehicles.”
  25. Franklin Roach: A scientist on the NASA committee who was involved with Project Blue Book. He wrote a section in the Condon Report arguing that certain UFO cases were unexplained and deserved further scientific study.
  26. Luis Elizondo: A former intelligence officer for the U.S. Department of Defense, Elizondo claims he led the AATIP, which was purportedly a secretive Pentagon program designed to study UFOs. He has spoken publicly about his belief in the reality of UFOs.
  27. Christopher Mellon: A former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Mellon has spoken publicly about what he believes is the reality of UFOs and the importance of government transparency on the issue.
  28. Kevin Day: A retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief Operations specialist who was a radar operator on the USS Princeton during the 2004 Nimitz UFO incident. He has come forward with his testimony about the anomalous objects he tracked on radar.
  29. Commander David Fravor: Commander Fravor is a retired U.S. Navy pilot who gained significant attention for his encounter with an unidentified flying object during a routine training mission off the coast of California in 2004, an event now commonly referred to as the “Tic Tac” UFO incident. The object, so named due to its oblong shape resembling a Tic Tac mint, exhibited highly advanced aerodynamic capabilities that far exceeded known human technology at the time. Fravor, a seasoned pilot with over 16 years of flying experience, described the object as defying the laws of physics. His account, backed by FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) footage released by the Pentagon, has fueled ongoing discussions about the nature and origins of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.
  30. Lieutenant Commander Jim Slaight: Lieutenant Commander Slaight was also involved in the aforementioned “Tic Tac” UFO incident alongside Commander Fravor. As a U.S. Navy pilot, Slaight was conducting a routine training mission when the encounter occurred. Although not as publicly vocal as Fravor, Slaight’s involvement lends additional credibility to the incident due to his professional training and status as a military aviator. The encounter with the unidentified object significantly impacted Slaight and reinforced his view that there remain unexplained phenomena within our airspace. His first-hand witness account corroborates Fravor’s report and bolsters the case for a serious inquiry into these occurrences.
  31. Ryan Graves: A former U.S. Navy pilot and a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Graves reported multiple UFO sightings during his time with the VFA-11 “Red Rippers” squadron between 2015 and 2017 while flying off the southeastern coast of the United States. The objects he reported, now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), exhibited high speeds, aerial maneuverability beyond current known technology, and were captured on advanced sensor systems. His reports contributed to a shift in the way the U.S. government handles UFO sightings by military personnel. His claims, coming from a credible military background, add a significant voice to those urging further serious research and transparency on UAP phenomena.
  32. Richard Doty: A retired special agent for the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), Doty has claimed involvement in disinformation campaigns related to UFOs and alleged government cover-ups.
  33. Sergeant Clifford Stone: Another individual named Clifford Stone, also a former U.S. Army Sergeant, has claimed involvement in recovering crashed UFOs and cataloging extraterrestrial biological entities.
  34. Gary McKinnon: A British hacker who, during his illegal incursions into U.S. Government networks, claimed to have discovered evidence of a cover-up of free energy sources and an American space fleet. If his claims about this classified information are accurate, McKinnon could be considered a whistleblower.
  35. William Mills Tompkins: A former U.S. Navy officer and aerospace engineer who alleged he had knowledge about the U.S. Navy’s interaction with extraterrestrial life and technology during World War II. If his claims are accurate, he would be considered a whistleblower.
  36. Victor Marchetti: A former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA who has stated that the CIA is aware of extraterrestrial life and is withholding that information. As an insider, revealing this information would make him a whistleblower.
  37. Mark McCandlish: An aerospace and conceptual artist who claims to have insider knowledge about the U.S. military’s development of advanced propulsion systems and energy generation. If his claims are accurate, he would be considered a whistleblower.
  38. Michael Wolf: Wolf claimed to have been part of the “satellite government” for over 25 years and had “Q” clearance. He alleged to have worked on extraterrestrial entities and technology at Area 51 and S4. If his claims are true, he would be classified as a whistleblower.
  39. James Forrestal: Forrestal was the U.S. Secretary of Defense who is rumored to have been involved with the alleged Majestic 12 (MJ-12) organization. Some believe he was silenced due to his intentions to disclose UFO information. If these speculations are accurate, he could be considered a posthumous whistleblower.
  40. Robert “Bob” Oeschler: A former NASA mission specialist who claimed to have seen evidence of UFOs and attempted to bring this information to the public. If his claims are accurate, he would be considered a whistleblower.
  41. Dale Graff: A physicist and a former director of Project STARGATE, the CIA program that investigated remote viewing. He has spoken about the reality of remote viewing and other phenomena that the government tends to dismiss or conceal.
  42. Don Phillips: A former CIA contractor and aeronautical engineer who claimed to have inside information about certain U.S. aircraft that were allegedly reverse-engineered from extraterrestrial vehicles.
  43. Merle Shane McDow: A former U.S. Navy Atlantic Command employee who came forward with his account of a highly unusual NATO briefing on UFOs that he attended in 1971.
  44. Bill Uhouse: A supposed former mechanical engineer with a U.S. defense contractor, Uhouse claimed he worked on flight simulators based on alien craft technology as part of a black project. If these claims are true, he would be considered a whistleblower.
  45. William Pawelec: A former U.S. Air Force computer operations and programming specialist, he went public with his knowledge of clandestine black projects involving technology control and UFOs.
  46. Donna Hare: A former NASA contractor who claimed there was an effort to airbrush UFOs out of satellite and lunar images. This kind of claim could potentially qualify her as a whistleblower.
  47. Jeffrey Alan Lash: Although his story is peculiar and controversial, Lash claimed to have worked undercover for multiple government agencies and to have been tasked with reverse-engineering alien technology.
  48. Pete Peterson: A supposed insider in black budget projects, Peterson has made numerous claims about advanced technology and extraterrestrial encounters.
  49. Dr. Bruce Maccabee: An optical physicist formerly employed by the U.S. Navy, Maccabee has done extensive research into the photographic evidence of UFOs and has testified about UFO phenomena to Congress.
  50. Haim Eshed: A retired Israeli general and former leader of Israel’s space program, claimed in 2020 that extraterrestrials exist and that the U.S. and Israel have communicated with them. He suggested they formed a “Galactic Federation” and worked with the U.S. on a Mars base.
  51. Boyd Bushman: A former Lockheed Martin engineer and a senior scientist. Bushman gained significant attention through a video posted to YouTube in October 2014, which featured what has been described as his “deathbed confession.” In this video, Bushman made extraordinary claims about his knowledge of extraterrestrial life and technology. He asserted that aliens had made contact with Earth and that he, along with other scientists, had been involved in reverse engineering alien technology.
  52. Edgar Mitchell: The late Edgar Mitchell, an Apollo 14 astronaut and the sixth person to walk on the moon, openly expressed his belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs. He affirmed that the Roswell incident was real and that aliens have contacted humans several times.
  53. Paul Bennewitz: A businessman and physicist, Bennewitz gained attention for his assertion that he was intercepting electronic communications from alien spacecraft at Dulce Base in New Mexico. His insights are often cited in discussions of UFO conspiracy theories.
  54. Corrado Balducci: A Vatican theologian and an exorcist, Balducci frequently discussed extraterrestrials, emphasizing that their existence aligns with Catholic theology and that they are benevolent in nature.
  55. Gordon Novel: Novel, known for his involvement in various operations, claimed to have knowledge about reverse-engineered alien technology.
  56. Robert Bigelow: The founder of Bigelow Aerospace, Bigelow has openly supported the existence of UFOs and has invested in their research. He played a role in the AATIP program, a Pentagon-funded initiative to study UFOs.
  57. Christopher Green: A former CIA officer with a deep interest in UFOs and remote viewing, Green has been engaged in various studies and projects exploring paranormal phenomena.
  58. James Lacatski: A former director of a secretive U.S. Government UFO research program, Lacatski has claimed that the U.S. government is in possession of an extraterrestrial craft. According to him, this craft was not manufactured by human hands, and extensive insights have been gained into its interior and functionalities.
  59. Colonel Dedrickson: Colonel Dedrickson is considered a UFO whistleblower due to his extensive revelations about UFO encounters and their implications for national security during his tenure with the US Atomic Energy Commission. His firsthand accounts include witnessing UFOs near nuclear facilities and interference with nuclear weapons, suggesting a significant extraterrestrial interest in Earth’s nuclear capabilities. Dedrickson’s disclosures have highlighted the potential for extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs.

The disclosures made by these whistleblowers have not only sparked debates and captured the public’s imagination but also underscored the complex and often perilous path they navigate between truth and consequence. Their revelations have raised profound questions about the nature of the phenomena and the transparency of governmental institutions. By stepping forward, these individuals risk legal ramifications, including the daunting prospect of facing time in the United States Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) at Leavenworth for violating security agreements. Despite these formidable risks, their contributions to our understanding of NHI encounters are invaluable, pushing society to confront the realities of what lies beyond our current scientific and governmental narratives. Their courage and the complexities of their situations underscore the need for a more open dialogue and a reevaluation of how such sensitive information is handled. Enhanced protections, including financial security and physical safety, are crucial to support these whistleblowers.