The Origin of Blue Eyes

The Origin Of Blue Eyes

The estimated time frame of 6,000 to 10,000 years ago for the origin of blue eyes is based on genetic studies and archaeological evidence. Scientists estimate that the global population of humans around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago was likely between 5 to 50 million people.

This estimate is based on a variety of factors, including the archaeological record, genetic studies, and estimates of carrying capacity for the available food resources. During this time, human populations were still relatively small and scattered, and many communities were still largely dependent on hunting and gathering for their subsistence.

It is important to note that the population of humans began to increase rapidly with the advent of agriculture around 8,000 BCE, as settled communities began to develop and the food supply became more reliable.

The earliest known evidence of humans on Earth comes from fossils of Homo sapiens that have been dated to around 300,000 years ago. These fossils were found in Morocco in 2017, and they represent the earliest known anatomically modern humans.

It is important to note that the evolutionary history of humans goes back much further than 300,000 years. The human lineage, known as the hominins, originated in Africa around 6 to 7 million years ago with the evolution of the first bipedal apes. Over time, various hominin species evolved and went extinct, leading to the emergence of Homo sapiens as the last surviving hominin species.

So, while anatomically modern humans have only been on Earth for around 300,000 years, the evolutionary history of the human lineage goes back millions of years.

All this time with humans on the earth and there was no blue eyes.

It is highly likely that the origin of blue eyes could have been due to the appearance of completely new individual in the population who had blue eyes, rather than a genetic mutation. This genetic mutation never occurred naturally over millions of years.

Genetic studies have shown that all individuals with blue eyes share a common ancestor who lived between 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. This suggests that the origin of blue eyes was either due to a genetic mutation that occurred in a single individual and was passed down to their descendants, or the appearance of a completely new being in the population with blue eyes.

One study, published in 2008 in the journal Human Genetics, analyzed the DNA of over 800 people from different parts of the world and found that all blue-eyed individuals shared a common ancestor who lived between 6,000 to 10,000 years ago.

Archaeological evidence also supports the idea that blue eyes are a relatively recent phenomenon. Before the mutation for blue eyes occurred, all humans had brown eyes. This is supported by ancient artwork and statues from civilizations such as Ancient Greece and Egypt, which consistently depict people with brown eyes. Blue-eyed individuals did not appear in art until much later, indicating that blue eyes was not present in the population at that time.

One study published in the journal Nature in 2008 identified the specific genetic variation responsible for blue eyes, which occurs in a gene called HERC2 that is located near the OCA2 gene. The researchers found that this mutation causes a reduction in the production of melanin in the iris, leading to blue eyes.

Another study published in the journal PLOS ONE in 2013 examined the evolutionary history of blue eyes and found that the trait of blue eyes likely spread rapidly through the population due to sexual selection. The researchers suggested that blue eyes may have been seen as an attractive trait and therefore more likely to be passed on to future generations.

Anthropological studies have also explored the cultural significance of blue eyes in different parts of the world. For example, some studies have found that blue eyes are highly valued in certain cultures, while in others they are seen as a sign of weakness or even witchcraft.

Scientists were able to identify the genetic mutation responsible for blue eyes through studies of DNA and genetics. The specific gene that causes blue eyes affects a gene called OCA2, which is responsible for the production of melanin, the pigment that gives color to our skin, hair, and eyes.

In individuals with brown eyes, the OCA2 gene produces a large amount of melanin in the iris, resulting in the characteristic brown color. However, in individuals with blue eyes, the OCA2 gene produces less melanin, resulting in the lighter blue color.

6,000 years ago, around 4000 BCE, several significant events were taking place on Earth. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. The Bronze Age: This was a period of human history characterized by the widespread use of bronze for tools and weapons, which began around 3000 BCE in many parts of the world, including the Middle East, Europe, and China.
  2. The rise of civilizations: Several major civilizations emerged around this time, including the Sumerians in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley civilization in South Asia, and the Old Kingdom of Egypt. These civilizations developed complex systems of writing, trade, and government.
  3. Agricultural revolution: This period saw the widespread adoption of agriculture as a way of life, which led to the development of settled communities and the growth of civilization.
  4. Megalithic monuments: Many of the world’s most famous megalithic monuments, such as Stonehenge in England and the dolmens of Europe, were built around this time, showing the advancement of human engineering skills.
  5. Climate change: This period also saw a shift in climate, with some parts of the world experiencing increased aridity and desertification, while others experienced more rainfall and greening.

Overall, 6,000 years ago was a time of significant cultural, technological, and environmental change on Earth, as humans developed new ways of living and interacting with their environment.

10,000 years ago, around 8000 BCE, several significant events were taking place on Earth. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. End of the Ice Age: The last ice age was coming to an end, and the Earth was warming up. This led to changes in climate, sea level, and the distribution of plant and animal species.
  2. Development of agriculture: Humans were beginning to domesticate plants and animals, leading to the development of agriculture and the growth of settled communities. This marked the beginning of the Neolithic era.
  3. Rise of civilizations: In some parts of the world, such as the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, the first civilizations were beginning to emerge. These civilizations developed systems of writing, trade, and government.
  4. Megafauna extinction: Around this time, many large animals, known as megafauna, went extinct. The cause of this extinction is still debated, but it is likely due to a combination of factors, including hunting by humans and climate change.
  5. Development of art: Humans were beginning to create art, such as cave paintings and rock carvings, which provide insights into their beliefs and ways of life.

Overall, 10,000 years ago was a time of significant change on Earth, as humans were developing new ways of living, interacting with their environment, and forming communities. It marked the beginning of the Neolithic era and the rise of civilizations, which would shape human history for millennia to come.

The Rise of Blue Eyes in the Population

In theory, 10,000 years ago, the Earth could have had 1 new blue eyed female Nordic or Pleiadian visitor introduced. The 1 blue eyed female and 1 brown eyed male could have started with a simple monogamous relationship.

Based on available archaeological and genetic evidence, it is believed that the average family size was likely between 4 to 6 children during this time period.

6,000 to 10,000 years ago the earth population was likely between 5 to 50 million people all with brown eyes.

If we start with one blue-eyed female and one brown-eyed male in a monogamous relationship, we can use the principles of genetics to model the inheritance of eye color in each generation. Assuming that blue eyes are a recessive trait and that the blue-eyed female is homozygous (bb), while the brown-eyed male is heterozygous (Bb), the first generation of offspring will all be heterozygous (Bb) carriers of the blue-eyed allele.

In the second generation, the possible combinations of alleles from the heterozygous offspring (Bb) would be BB, Bb, and bb. BB and Bb would result in brown eyes, while bb would result in blue eyes.

Therefore, if two heterozygous carriers (Bb) mate, there is a 25% chance that their offspring will inherit two copies of the recessive allele (bb) and have blue eyes. However, the probability of having blue-eyed offspring would depend on the genotypes of the individuals involved and their mating patterns.

Using this model and assuming random mating, we can estimate the frequency of the blue-eyed allele over time and the percentage of the population with blue eyes 10,000 years later. Assuming an average family size of 4 to 6 children and a constant population growth rate of 0.5% per year, we can estimate the percentage of the population with blue eyes as follows:

  • After 100 years (3 to 4 generations): The blue-eyed allele may be present in the population, but the percentage of the population with blue eyes is likely to be low, perhaps around 1% or less.
  • After 1,000 years (30 to 40 generations): The blue-eyed allele may be more widespread in the population, but the percentage of the population with blue eyes is still likely to be relatively low, perhaps around 5% or less.
  • After 10,000 years (300 to 400 generations): The percentage of the population with blue eyes could be much higher, potentially approaching 25% or more, assuming that the blue-eyed allele continues to be passed down through generations and that the population remains large and diverse.

This provides a rough estimate of the percentage of the population with blue eyes based on the given assumptions.

It is estimated that the world population was between 5 to 50 million people between 6,000 to 10,000 years ago, with the majority of individuals having brown eyes. As of 2023, the world population is estimated to be approximately 7.8 billion people.

8% is definitely possible for the percentage of the global population with blue eyes, as this is an estimate based on available data and projections. In fact, the estimated global percentage of the population with blue eyes is around 8%, but this estimate varies widely depending on geographic location and ethnicity.

Blue eyes are most common in populations of Northern and Eastern European descent, where they can be found in up to 80% of individuals in some countries. In other parts of the world, such as Asia, Africa, and the Americas, blue eyes are much rarer, with frequencies typically below 10%.
