The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us

The Cryptoterrestrials is an imaginative work that explores the possibility of an indigenous humanoid species sharing our planet. Author Mac Tonnies presents a variety of claims and concepts, which challenge conventional views on extraterrestrial life and UFO phenomena. The book invites readers to consider an alternative explanation for reported encounters with otherworldly beings.
- The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis: Tonnies suggests that the beings commonly referred to as “aliens” may actually be an indigenous species that has coexisted with humanity for millennia. These beings are termed “cryptoterrestrials.”
- Ancient Origins: Tonnies asserts that the cryptoterrestrials may have been present on Earth long before the emergence of Homo sapiens. They could be an advanced civilization that developed alongside our ancestors, maintaining a low profile to avoid detection.
- Advanced Technology: The cryptoterrestrials are hypothesized to possess advanced technology that allows them to remain hidden from humans. This technology may include advanced camouflage, stealth capabilities, and the ability to manipulate human perceptions.
- UFO Phenomena: Tonnies proposes that the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) commonly associated with extraterrestrial encounters may be the result of cryptoterrestrial activity. These sightings could be evidence of their advanced technology and attempts to monitor or interact with human civilization.
- Abductions and Contact: Tonnies suggests that the abduction experiences reported by many individuals may be interactions with the cryptoterrestrial species. These beings may be studying humans or attempting to manipulate our development and perceptions of reality.
- Hybridization: The book explores the possibility of a genetic hybridization program, where cryptoterrestrials are creating human-alien hybrids. This could be an attempt to ensure their own survival or to gradually merge with the human population.
- Misdirection: Tonnies posits that the cryptoterrestrials may be intentionally fostering the belief in extraterrestrial life to divert attention from their presence on Earth. By promoting the idea of aliens from other planets, they can effectively conceal their existence and activities.
- Environmental Concerns: The cryptoterrestrial species may be facing ecological threats, which could explain their increased interactions with humans. They may be seeking our assistance to address these issues or attempting to manipulate human behavior to ensure their survival.
While The Cryptoterrestrials does not specifically focus on individual figures, Mac Tonnies references numerous ufologists, researchers, and authors in the field, such as:
- Jacques Vallée: A French computer scientist and ufologist, Vallée is known for his work on the interdimensional hypothesis, which suggests that UFOs and related events involve travel between different dimensions or realities.
- John Keel: An American journalist and influential ufologist, Keel proposed the “ultraterrestrial” hypothesis, which posits that the entities behind UFO phenomena originate from Earth rather than other planets.
Books about or referencing The Cryptoterrestrials:
- “The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained” by Whitley Strieber and Jeffrey J. Kripal (2016): This book explores the intersection of religion, science, and the paranormal, including the ideas presented in The Cryptoterrestrials. Strieber and Kripal discuss how Tonnies’ hypothesis challenges conventional perspectives on the paranormal.
- “Mirage Men: An Adventure into Paranoia, Espionage, Psychological Warfare, and UFOs” by Mark Pilkington (2010): Pilkington’s book looks into the world of disinformation and government manipulation related to UFOs and the paranormal. The book references Tonnies’ Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis as an alternative explanation for these phenomena.
- “It Defies Language!: Essays on UFOs and Other Weirdness” by Greg Bishop (2016): A collection of essays discussing various aspects of UFO phenomena and the paranormal, Bishop’s work includes an exploration of Tonnies’ cryptoterrestrial theory as a unique perspective on the topic.
- “Hidden Experience: A Memoir of Owls, Synchronicity, and UFO Contact” by Mike Clelland (2015): Clelland’s memoir recounts his personal experiences with owls, synchronicity, and UFO contact. It references Tonnies’ work as a possible explanation for the strange occurrences in his life.
- “A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch” by Joshua Cutchin (2015): In this book, Cutchin investigates the commonalities between food offerings in encounters with cryptids, faeries, and extraterrestrials. He considers Tonnies’ cryptoterrestrial hypothesis as a potential explanation for these unusual experiences.
Mac Tonnies’ “The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us” challenges conventional views on extraterrestrial life and UFO phenomena by proposing the existence of an indigenous humanoid species living alongside humanity. The book explores various aspects of this theory, including the ancient origins of cryptoterrestrials, their advanced technology, and possible motives behind UFO sightings and abduction experiences.