The Biggest Secret

The biggest secret

The Biggest Secret” is a non-fiction book that looks into the alleged conspiracy theories about a secret cabal of powerful individuals who control the world’s political and economic systems. Icke posits that these individuals are actually reptilian-human hybrids who have been manipulating human societies for centuries.

Key Claims:

  1. Reptilian-human hybrids control the world: Icke claims that a group of inter-dimensional reptilian entities have been ruling the world since ancient times. These reptilians have the ability to shape-shift and take on human form, allowing them to blend in among humans and manipulate them for their own purposes. According to Icke, the reptilians have infiltrated all levels of society, including politics, finance, and the media, and are responsible for creating many of the world’s problems, such as wars and economic inequality.
  2. The Illuminati and the New World Order: Icke believes that the Illuminati, a secretive group of elites, are part of the reptilian cabal that controls the world. The Illuminati’s ultimate goal, according to Icke, is to create a New World Order, in which they will have complete control over the global population.
  3. The moon is a hollow spacecraft: One of the more outlandish claims in the book is that the moon is a hollow spacecraft created by the reptilians. Icke argues that the moon’s true purpose is to act as a control mechanism for human consciousness, and that the reptilians use it to broadcast negative energy to keep humanity in a state of fear and subservience.
  4. The coming apocalypse: Icke predicts that the world will soon experience a massive shift in consciousness, which he refers to as the “Biggest Secret.” This shift will bring about the downfall of the reptilian cabal and lead to a new era of human enlightenment.

David Icke – The author of the book and the main proponent of the reptilian conspiracy theory. Icke claims that the British Royal Family are actually reptilian-human hybrids, including the Queen.

George H.W. Bush – Icke accuses the former US President of being a high-level member of the Illuminati.

Books written about “The Biggest Secret”:

  1. “The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)” – Published in 2007, this book is a condensed version of “The Biggest Secret,” with updated information and additional insights.
  2. “The Illuminati: Facts and Fiction” – Author Mark Dice provides a critical analysis of the claims made in “The Biggest Secret,” arguing that they are not based on verifiable evidence.

“The Biggest Secret” is a book that makes bold and controversial claims about the world’s political and economic systems. Its author, David Icke, argues that a group of reptilian-human hybrids have been controlling humanity for centuries, and that they are responsible for many of the world’s problems.