Sekret Machines

Sekret Machines

Sekret Machines: Gods: An Official Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon” and “Sekret Machines: Man: Sekret Machines: The Official Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon” are two non-fiction books co-authored by Tom DeLonge and Peter Levenda. These books are part of the larger multimedia project, Sekret Machines, which aims to explore the potential truth behind unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and other unexplained phenomena.

The books look into various aspects of human civilization, technology, and spiritual beliefs in an attempt to understand the connections between these elements and the presence of otherworldly beings. The first book, “Sekret Machines: Gods,” focuses on the history of UAP sightings, government research into the phenomenon, potential extraterrestrial origins of UAPs, and their religious and mythological significance. The second book, “Sekret Machines: Man,” continues the exploration of the UFO phenomenon and examines its potential implications for humanity.

Key claims made in these books include the ancient astronaut theory, which posits that extraterrestrial beings have been interacting with human civilizations since ancient times, influencing our cultural and technological development. The authors argue that many gods and deities described in various mythologies and religious texts were, in fact, extraterrestrial beings with advanced technology. They claim that these beings have significantly impacted human warfare throughout history, inspiring technological advancements, shaping battles and wars, and even directly participating in conflicts.

The books suggest that various governments, particularly the United States, have been aware of the presence of these beings and have been involved in covering up their existence. This cover-up includes the suppression of information, the creation of disinformation campaigns, and the formation of secret organizations to study and interact with these beings. The authors also argue that the development of advanced technology, such as nuclear weapons and space exploration, can be partially attributed to the influence of these extraterrestrial beings, as they have been sharing their knowledge and technology with humans for centuries, either directly or indirectly.

Another key claim made in the books is the existence of a breakaway human civilization with advanced technology and knowledge obtained from extraterrestrial beings. This civilization is thought to be operating independently of mainstream society, possibly even in secret bases on Earth or other celestial bodies.

The role of consciousness is also explored in the books, as the authors argue that understanding the nature of consciousness is key to understanding the motivations and intentions of these extraterrestrial beings. They emphasize the significance of UAPs in various cultural and religious traditions and suggest that important insights can be gained by examining these connections.

Important people featured in the Sekret Machines non-fiction books include Tom DeLonge, the founder of To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, an organization focused on researching and investigating UAPs and related phenomena. Peter Levenda, the co-author of the books, is an author and researcher with expertise in various topics related to religion, myth, and conspiracy theories. Other notable figures mentioned in the books are Erich von Däniken, a Swiss author who popularized the ancient astronaut theory, and Zecharia Sitchin, an author and researcher known for his theories on ancient astronauts and the Annunaki from Sumerian mythology.

Additional books related to the Sekret Machines project include “Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows,” co-authored by Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley, which is a fiction book that further explores the themes related to UAPs and government involvement in covering up related information. “The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive” by Mark Booth is another book that explores the connections between UAPs, religion, and mythology.

The title “Sekret Machines” incorporates the German word “Sekret,” meaning “secret”. The inclusion of the German word in the title could be seen as an additional layer of mystery, further emphasizing the book’s potential connection between Germany and UFOs.

“Sekret Machines: Gods” and “Sekret Machines: Man” are non-fiction books that explore the potential truth behind UAPs and other unexplained phenomena. These books, co-authored by Tom DeLonge and Peter Levenda, are part of the larger Sekret Machines project, which investigates the connections between human civilization, technology, spiritual beliefs, extraterrestrial beings, and warfare throughout history. The project aims to shed light on the possible influence of otherworldly beings on our society and culture, as well as the potential cover-ups orchestrated by governments to hide their existence.