UFO Media

This showcase highlights the remarkable video media that captures the enthralling manifestations of UFOs. These videos, and the diligent individuals behind them, stand as commendable pioneers, bridging the known with the enigmatic.

The Turkey UFO Incident (2007)

In 2007, a Turkish businessman named Yalcin Yalman captured footage of a UFO hovering over the Sea of Marmara near Istanbul. The Turkey UFO incident involved a series of sightings......

The UFO Conspiracy Movie (2004)

“The UFO Conspiracy” is a documentary film from 2004, directed and written by Brian Barkley. The film explores the long-standing issue of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and government cover-ups related......

The USS Trepang Incident (1971)

The USS Trepang incident of 1971 holds a significant place in Ufology. Not as famous as the Roswell Incident of 1947 or the Rendlesham Forest episode of 1980, the Trepang......

The Vancouver Lights Incident (1974)

The Vancouver Lights incident occurred in Canada in 1974 and is one of the most well-known and documented cases of unexplained aerial phenomena. The incident took place on the night......

The Varginha, Brazil Crash Incident (1996)

The Varginha, Brazil UFO incident is one of the most well-known and controversial UFO sightings in recent history. It took place in January 1996 in the city of Varginha, Brazil,......

Timothy Good

Timothy Good is a British author and researcher who has written several books on the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. He is a well-known figure in the field of......