UFO Media

This showcase highlights the remarkable video media that captures the enthralling manifestations of UFOs. These videos, and the diligent individuals behind them, stand as commendable pioneers, bridging the known with the enigmatic.

Shirley MacLaine

Shirley MacLaine, born Shirley MacLean Beaty on April 24, 1934, in Richmond, Virginia, has captivated audiences worldwide not only with her exceptional talent in film and television but also with......

Sixto Paz Wells Incident (1974)

Sixto Paz Wells, born on December 12, 1955, in Lima, Peru, is a prominent figure in the world of Ufology (the study of Unidentified Flying Objects), best known for his......

Sky Canada Project

In the midst of burgeoning interest surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), the Sky Canada Project emerged as a beacon of hope for those seeking transparency and scientific exploration of these......

Solar Eclipse Incident (1991)

On July 11, 1991, a total solar eclipse captivated both professional astronomers and the general public, offering a rare spectacle as it traversed the skies of Hawaii and Mexico. The......

Solfeggio Frequencies

Music, at its core, evolves with the principles of physics, making it a scientific phenomenon as much as an art form. The notion might seem odd, but the creation, propagation,......

Steve Bassett

Steve Bassett is an American advocate for the recognition of extraterrestrial and UFO encounters. He is widely regarded as the leading advocate for Disclosure – the idea that the government......