UFO Media

This showcase highlights the remarkable video media that captures the enthralling manifestations of UFOs. These videos, and the diligent individuals behind them, stand as commendable pioneers, bridging the known with the enigmatic.

Nuclear War in 2025

The Many-Worlds Interpretation thinks about a vast multiverse of concurrent realities, a concept that finds echoes in Al Bielek’s extraordinary claims about future catastrophes and alternative timelines. Despite the speculative......

Order versus Chaos Warfare

In a world where the concepts of order and chaos often stand in stark opposition, there exists a profound narrative that questions the fabric of our existence with the mysteries......

Original Unedited HD Version of AARO UFO Release July 12th, 2022

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: The Silver Sphere Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), previously known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), have long captured the imagination of people around the world. While there have......

Out of This World (1977)

“Out of This World” from 1977 was a British documentary about UFO sightings and contactees, and it featured several prominent cases and witnesses of its time. Some of the individuals......

Paul Hellyer

Paul Hellyer is a former Canadian defense minister and politician who has been a vocal advocate for the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Hellyer served as the Minister of......

Peter Khoury Abduction Incident (1992)

Peter Khoury is an Australian man of Lebanese descent who has claimed to have had an experience with extraterrestrial beings. Peter Khoury, a security guard with an alleged alien encounter......