UFO Incidents

This assortment pays tribute to the numerous UFO incidents that have been reported over the decades. Each case recounted here stands as a testament to the myriad encounters that individuals from various walks of life have had with the inexplicable.

The Stephenville Lights (2008)

Steve Allen, a Texas businessman, was a key witness to one of the largest mass UFO sightings in American history, known as the Stephenville Lights. This event is featured in......

The Tehran UFO Incident (1976)

On September 19, 1976, several witnesses reported seeing a bright, glowing object in the sky over Tehran, Iran. The object was described as being disc-shaped and approximately 100 feet in......

The Tinley Park Lights (2004)

The Tinley Park Lights incident, which occurred on August 21, 2004, is one of the most well-known and controversial UFO sightings in recent history. According to witnesses, several bright lights......

The Trans-en-Provence Case (1981)

The Trans-en-Provence Case is one of the most well-documented and compelling cases in the history of UFO research. The incident occurred on January 8, 1981, in Trans-en-Provence, France, when a......

The Tremonton, Utah UFO Color Film Incident (1952)

The incident involving Warrant Officer and Navy photographer Delbert C. Newhouse and his wife is a notable example of a UFO sighting by a qualified observer. While driving near Tremonton,......

The Tully Saucer Nest Incident (1966)

The Tully Saucer Nest incident is a famous case of a UFO sighting that occurred in Tully, Australia, in 1966. Here are the key points of this incident: In conclusion,......