UFO Incidents

This assortment pays tribute to the numerous UFO incidents that have been reported over the decades. Each case recounted here stands as a testament to the myriad encounters that individuals from various walks of life have had with the inexplicable.

Ralph Novak Incident

Ralph Novak is a former U.S. Air Force Sergeant who claims to have had a close encounter with a UFO in the late 1970s. Novak’s story has become one of......

Red Square UFO Vandenberg Air Force Base (2003)

On July 26, 2023 at House Oversight Committee, Ryan Graves provided a detailed account of a mysterious event that unfolded at Vandenberg Air Force Base in 2003. This particular incident......

Sicilian UFO incident (2004)

The Sicilian UFO incident of 2004 is a story of a reported UFO sighting and encounter that took place near the Mount Etna volcano in Sicily, Italy. The incident allegedly......

Sir Francis Chichester UFO Incident (1931)

Sir Francis Chichester, a renowned British aviator and sailor, recounted an extraordinary experience during his pioneering solo flight from New Zealand to Australia in 1931. Working from his map-making office......

Sixto Paz Wells Incident (1974)

Sixto Paz Wells, born on December 12, 1955, in Lima, Peru, is a prominent figure in the world of Ufology (the study of Unidentified Flying Objects), best known for his......

Solar Eclipse Incident (1991)

On July 11, 1991, a total solar eclipse captivated both professional astronomers and the general public, offering a rare spectacle as it traversed the skies of Hawaii and Mexico. The......