UFOs Hovering Over Water

Ufos Hovering Over Water

There are numerous UFO stories that involve sightings of unidentified flying objects hovering over bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, and oceans. The term “hovering over water” refers to the phenomenon of UFOs being observed stationary or slowly moving over a body of water.

One of the most famous cases of a UFO hovering over water is the 1967 Shag Harbour incident, which occurred in Nova Scotia, Canada. In this incident, witnesses reported seeing a large, glowing object hovering over the water, which then descended and disappeared under the surface. The object was never recovered, and the incident remains unexplained to this day.

Another example of a UFO hovering over water occurred in 2004, when a group of US Navy pilots encountered a tic-tac shaped object off the coast of San Diego. The object was observed moving at high speeds and changing direction at will, before finally disappearing into the ocean. The incident gained national attention after video footage of the encounter was released to the public in 2017.

In 1973, two fishermen in Pascagoula, Mississippi reported seeing a glowing, egg-shaped object hovering above the water. The object emitted a bright light that engulfed the fishermen, causing them to lose consciousness. When they regained consciousness, the object had disappeared, leaving them disoriented and frightened.

In the early hours of December 29, 1980, two US Air Force security personnel stationed at the RAF Bentwaters base in Suffolk, England reported seeing a strange object hovering over the nearby Rendlesham Forest. The object was described as triangular in shape and emitted a pulsating light. The object then moved towards the coast, where it was observed hovering over the water. The incident is often referred to as the Rendlesham Forest Incident and remains one of the most well-known UFO sightings in history.

In 2007, a group of three men in Warren, Michigan reported seeing a bright, saucer-shaped object hovering over Lake St. Clair. The object was observed moving back and forth over the water, before finally disappearing from view.

One of the most bizarre cases of a UFO hovering over water occurred in 1966, when a group of children in Westall, Australia reported seeing a silver, disc-shaped object hovering over a nearby field. The object then descended and disappeared into a nearby pond, leaving behind a trail of disturbed water. The incident remains unexplained and has been the subject of numerous investigations over the years.

The phenomenon of UFOs hovering over water is not limited to isolated incidents or specific regions. Reports of these types of sightings have been documented in various parts of the world and have been reported by people from all walks of life. Some experts believe that the presence of water may be a factor in these sightings, as it may provide a source of energy or a means of propulsion for these unknown objects.

Here are some additional examples of UFO stories that involved sightings of unidentified flying objects hovering over bodies of water:

  1. The 1971 Falcon Lake incident – This incident occurred in Manitoba, Canada, and involved a man named Stefan Michalak who claimed to have encountered a UFO while prospecting near Falcon Lake. Michalak reported seeing two glowing objects hovering over the water, and when he approached them, one of the objects emitted a burst of hot gas that burned his clothing and left him with radiation burns. The incident remains unexplained.
  2. The 1994 Ariel School sighting – In this incident, which occurred in Zimbabwe, a group of schoolchildren reported seeing a UFO hovering over a nearby pond. The object was described as silver and disc-shaped, and the children claimed to have seen several small beings walking around the object. The incident remains controversial and has been the subject of numerous investigations and debates.
  3. The 1975 Lake Michigan sighting – In this incident, multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, dome-shaped object hovering over Lake Michigan. The object was observed for several minutes before disappearing from view. The incident remains unexplained.
  4. The 1954 Gorman Dogfight – This incident involved a US Air Force pilot named George Gorman, who claimed to have engaged in a high-speed chase with a UFO over Fargo, North Dakota. The object was described as circular and glowing, and was observed hovering over a nearby body of water before taking off at high speed.
  5. The 1986 Tuscumbia incident – In this incident, multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, glowing object hovering over Pickwick Lake in Tuscumbia, Alabama. The object was described as triangular in shape and emitted a pulsating light. The incident remains unexplained.