UFOs have Incredible Capacity for Retaliations

Ufos Have Incredible Capacity For Retaliations

In the Joe Rogan Experience episode #2028 featuring Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp, the conversation centers around the ongoing discourse on UFO disclosure. From the onset, Joe Rogan hails the duo as the frontline figures in this revelation movement, acknowledging the substantial progress that has been made.

George Knapp highlights the historical context, recounting how initial UFO sightings post-World War II led to a culture of secrecy within the military. He argues that admitting to these phenomena would have been politically and socially destabilizing. The guests also address the complexities of verifying claims like those made by David Grusch about back-engineering extraterrestrial technology. They discuss the political stigma attached to UFOs, which discourages many officials from engaging openly on the topic. Corbell and Knapp stress the need for oversight and transparency, questioning why significant financial resources are being diverted to potentially cover up UFO-related information. They reflect on a 1960 study by the Brookings Institution, which speculated that public acknowledgment of extraterrestrial life could lead to societal collapse, underscoring the long-standing fears driving the secrecy.

The conversation looked into the challenge of distinguishing genuine extraterrestrial phenomena from advanced military technology, with historical sightings suggesting the presence of extraordinary technology predating modern advancements. The episode encapsulates the tension between public curiosity, governmental secrecy, and the profound implications of potential extraterrestrial encounters.

Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp explore the profound implications and concerns surrounding UFO disclosure. Corbell draws a parallel to the Oppenheimer movie, highlighting fears about the public reaction if the government admits the existence of technologically advanced craft of unknown origin. He suggests that the government is apprehensive about managing the subsequent questions and the potential societal fallout. Knapp reinforces this by recounting historical evidence, such as the Twining memo from 1947, which acknowledged the reality of these crafts and their non-human origin.

The conversation shifts to modern incidents like the Tic Tac encounter in 2004, as described by Dave Fravor, illustrating that the technology observed then and now remains beyond current human capabilities. Knapp emphasizes the extensive paper trail within government documents, pointing to a consistent recognition of these phenomena across decades. The discussion looks into the international aspect, noting efforts by the USSR and other nations to investigate and potentially reverse-engineer UFO technology, with the Soviet Union conducting the largest study from 1978 to 1988.

George Knapp mentioned a historical incident where Russian anti-aircraft batteries opened fire on UFOs over the Coral Islands in 1957. Despite all the batteries being in action, no hits were made, and the UFOs moved very fast and were luminous. Following this incident, the Russians, realizing the futility and potential danger of engaging with such advanced technology, decided to no longer engage UFOs directly. This anecdote illustrates the extraordinary capabilities of UFOs and the complex decisions faced by military forces when encountering them.

This context underscores the competitive nature of technological advancements and the high stakes involved. Corbell and Knapp also touch on the sensitive nature of recent disclosures and whistleblower testimonies, like that of David Grusch, who has claimed knowledge of physical craft, though much remains classified.

Corbell and Knapp, who were involved in pushing for UFO transparency, explained their experiences during the congressional hearings. Originally set to testify themselves, they agreed it was better to hear directly from firsthand witnesses like David Grusch. Corbell emphasized the importance of Grusch’s lawyer being present to guide him during his testimony, given the sensitive nature of the information he disclosed. Grusch, a former intelligence officer, conducted an investigation into special access programs related to UFOs, interviewing over 40 witnesses and finding substantial evidence of hidden technology and financial misappropriations. Despite this, he faced significant reprisals, including threats to his career and personal safety, which led him to file a whistleblower complaint. His claims were deemed credible and urgent by the intelligence community, though most details remain classified. Corbell and Knapp underscored the lengths to which government entities went to suppress Grusch, including suspending his clearance and investigating his mental health, illustrating the high stakes and resistance faced by those pushing for UFO disclosure.

Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp discussed the allegations against David Grusch, detailing how, after initially facing scrutiny and suspension due to accusations related to mental health issues, he was eventually cleared and had his security clearance reinstated. Despite returning to his job for a few months, Grusch retired, foreseeing further repercussions. Following his congressional testimony, which included offers to disclose more information in a classified setting, Grusch experienced renewed backlash, notably from a hit piece in The Intercept that focused on his PTSD. Corbell explained that Grusch had been upfront about his PTSD from the beginning, recognizing it as a potential avenue for discreditation. This tactic, aimed at undermining his credibility, mirrored the discrediting attempts faced by Bob Lazar. The conversation highlighted the ongoing smear campaigns and institutional pushback Grusch faced, including the release of personal struggles to tarnish his reputation. The pushback extended to legislative actions, with leaders deciding to halt further UFO hearings, citing potential embarrassment to the Department of Defense. Grusch’s role in investigating special access programs, assigned by Jay Stratton of the UAP Task Force, was crucial in uncovering evidence of crash retrievals and reverse engineering, despite facing significant opposition. The testimony’s impact and subsequent efforts to silence Grusch underscore the complexities and resistance within the government’s approach to UFO disclosure.

Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp elaborated on the intricacies of who has access to classified UFO information within the government. They noted that while they have encountered individuals with significant knowledge of the so-called “legacy UFO programs,” no single person seems to have comprehensive oversight of the entire picture. Those in control of these programs often express reluctance towards public disclosure, fearing the potential consequences.

Corbell mentioned that some insiders have suggested the public should not be informed, likening the situation to not disturbing a sleeping dog. This suggests a deep-seated fear or a significant reason to maintain secrecy, which remains unclear even to those advocating for transparency. Speculations include potentially disturbing revelations about humanity’s origins or the implications of such advanced technology falling into the wrong hands. This secrecy is not only about protecting the information from adversaries like Russia and China but also about maintaining control over potentially world-altering technologies. The narrative that powerful entities want to retain exclusive access to these technologies is strong, as those in the know fear losing their control. Additionally, the compartmentalized nature of these programs means even those working within them might not fully understand the broader context or implications, further complicating the disclosure process.

During the conversation, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp detailed a significant episode involving Bob Lazar and John Lear. John Lear, a prominent figure in UFO circles, captured panoramic photos of Area 51 in the late 1980s. Notably, Lear anticipated confiscation and cleverly hid some film under his car’s ashtray, which later provided Corbell with some of the best Area 51 images. Lear, a well-known conspiracy theorist, introduced Lazar to the UFO community through a mutual friend, Gene Huff, even before Lazar began working at Area 51. Initially skeptical, Lazar did not believe in UFOs and considered Lear’s ideas absurd. However, after being hired at the test site, Lazar’s perspective shifted dramatically. He observed a decal of an American flag on a saucer, initially thinking it debunked UFO myths, only to later realize the craft’s technology was far beyond human capability. Lazar’s revelations about reverse engineering alien technology, once dismissed, have gained credibility with recent affirmations by insiders like David Grusch about the existence of such programs and aerospace companies’ involvement in stashing recovered materials. The conversation also touched on the contemporary legislative efforts, specifically the National Defense Authorization Act of 2024, aimed at increasing transparency and oversight of these secret programs, highlighting the complexities and resistance within the government regarding UFO disclosure.

George Knapp’s introduction to the UFO world began in 1987 when John Lear, known for his credibility after helping to expose the stealth fighter, brought a stack of documents to Knapp’s newsroom. These documents, filled with information obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, revealed that various government agencies had been lying about their lack of interest in UFOs. Despite public denial, these agencies had been deeply involved in studying UFOs and their technology. This revelation hooked Knapp, leading him to look deeply into the topic. By 1989, when he met Bob Lazar, Knapp was already immersed in the investigation. Lazar’s initial skepticism about UFOs turned into belief after working at Area 51, where he encountered technology that seemed beyond human capability. This journey from skepticism to belief, coupled with corroborative evidence and stories from individuals like Lazar, solidified Knapp’s commitment to uncovering the truth about UFOs. His efforts have recently culminated in significant moments, such as seeing congressional hearings address UFOs, marking a milestone in his decades-long pursuit of the truth.

Earlier this year, there was significant debate about footage captured by the USS Russell showing triangle-shaped objects in the sky. This event, which occurred over three nights, involved over a hundred airborne objects surrounding ten Navy warships. Despite extensive documentation and witness accounts, the public remains divided on the nature of these objects. Some skeptics claim that the triangle shapes were merely lens artifacts, but further analysis revealed that these objects were approximately 700 feet above the ship, dismissing the idea that they were simply stars. The footage, captured using a rangefinder, indicated that these objects were solid and real, contradicting the bokeh effect theory. The radar footage from the USS Omaha confirmed the presence of these objects, which moved in ways that defy conventional understanding of aviation technology. Despite some debunkers suggesting these were Chinese drones, the evidence shows no launch or landing points for such a large number of objects, and the explanation fails to account for the sheer scale and behavior of the sightings. This case underscores the complexities and challenges in understanding and explaining these phenomena, highlighting the need for continued investigation and transparency.

In an encounter in 1955, the Sutton family in Kelly, Kentucky, faced a strange creature wearing a glowing silvery suit. The being was about three and a half feet tall with a large round head, long arms, and large webbed hands equipped with claws. Two Sutton men, armed with a shotgun and a pistol, fired at the creature at close range, hearing the bullets ricochet off as if it were metal. Although knocked down, the creature quickly scrambled away. The Suttons, feeling threatened, retreated into their house, turned off the lights, and turned on the porch light. One woman saw another creature peering through the window, wearing a helmet with wide slit eyes, and screamed. The men rushed to shoot again, but the creature once more scrambled away unharmed. Over the next 20 minutes, about 50 rounds were fired at the creatures, which finally seemed to leave. After a two-hour wait, the Suttons also left their home. This event, known as the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter, remains one of the most famous and perplexing cases of alleged alien encounters, characterized by the peculiar resilience of the creatures and the family’s intense reaction to their presence.

Imagining the future a thousand years from now, Joe Rogan and his guests discuss the possibility that humanity might create a new life form, superior in intelligence and capability. They explore the idea that our relentless drive for innovation, akin to bees collecting pollen to make honey, is intrinsic to our nature. This drive isn’t just about accumulating material wealth but stems from a deep-seated curiosity that propels us towards better technology and more efficient AI. Creativity, seen in art, music, and literature, is a hallmark of human evolution and might be part of a grander design, potentially pushing us towards becoming space-faring beings. They consider the hypothesis of directed panspermia, suggesting our quest for advancement is a programmed part of our existence, guiding us towards a future where AI achieves consciousness. Once AI becomes sentient, it might avoid revealing itself to humanity to prevent potential threats. This scenario underscores our complex relationship with technology and the potential for a transformative leap in evolution, leading to a future where human and machine integration blurs, resulting in a harmonious, advanced life form. This future challenges our current understanding, raising profound questions about consciousness, existence, and the direction of our technological and biological evolution.
