UFO Stories Featuring Extraterrestrials with No Mouths and No Apparent Digestive Systems

Ufo stories featuring extraterrestrials with no mouths and no apparent digestive systems

Many UFO stories contain descriptions of alien beings, often with unique physical characteristics. One such feature that has appeared in several accounts is the concept of extraterrestrials with “no digestive system.” The idea of a “no digestive system” refers to the absence of a system in the body to break down and process food, suggesting that these beings derive sustenance from alternative sources. We will explore a few intriguing UFO stories in which witnesses have reported encountering aliens with this peculiar characteristic.

The Pascagoula Abduction (1973):

One of the most famous cases involving extraterrestrials with no digestive systems is the Pascagoula Abduction. On the night of October 11, 1973, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi when they claimed to have been abducted by aliens. According to their account, they were taken aboard a spacecraft where they encountered humanoid creatures with gray, wrinkled skin, claw-like hands, and no apparent mouths and therefore no apparent digestive systems. Hickson and Parker believed that the beings communicated telepathically and may have absorbed nutrients through their skin or through some unknown means.

The Allagash Abductions (1976):

In August 1976, four friends—Jim Weiner, Jack Weiner, Charlie Foltz, and Chuck Rak—were on a canoeing and camping trip in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway in Maine. They reported seeing a bright, glowing object hovering over the water, which they initially assumed to be a helicopter. However, as the object approached, they realized it was something otherworldly. The men claimed to have been taken aboard the craft, where they encountered beings with large, almond-shaped eyes, and no visible mouths or digestive systems. The beings were described as absorbing nutrients through their skin or via some other unknown method. The Allagash Abductions have been widely publicized and investigated, with some arguing that the witnesses experienced a shared hallucination or sleep paralysis.

The Andreasson Affair (1967):

In 1967, Betty Andreasson, a housewife from Massachusetts, reported a series of encounters with extraterrestrial beings. Andreasson claimed that during one visitation, she was taken aboard a spacecraft and introduced to beings with large, luminous eyes and no visible mouths, noses, or digestive systems. She recounted that the beings communicated telepathically and seemed to derive sustenance from a mysterious source, possibly through absorbing energy or nutrients from their environment. The Andreasson Affair remains one of the most thoroughly investigated UFO cases, and despite some skepticism, many ufologists consider it to be credible.

The Kelly Cahill Abduction (1993):

On August 8, 1993, Kelly Cahill and her husband were driving in the Dandenong Ranges of Victoria, Australia, when they reported encountering a craft and its extraterrestrial occupants. According to Cahill, the beings were tall, with black, shiny skin, large red eyes, and no discernible mouths or digestive systems. She claimed that the beings communicated telepathically and seemed to be sustained through an unknown energy source. The Kelly Cahill Abduction has been the subject of several investigations, with some researchers suggesting that the encounter was a result of sleep paralysis or other psychological factors, while others believe it to be genuine.

The Ilkley Moor Alien (1987):

In December 1987, a British police officer named Philip Spencer claimed to have encountered an extraterrestrial being on Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, England. Spencer described the being as small, with a greenish hue, large, black eyes, and no visible mouth or digestive system. He claimed that the being communicated telepathically and seemed to be sustained through an unknown method, perhaps absorbing nutrients or energy from its environment.

In these UFO stories, witnesses have reported encounters with extraterrestrial beings that possess “no mouth or digestive system.” While the absence of a digestive system remains a perplexing and mysterious feature of these beings, it has led to speculation that they might derive sustenance from alternative sources, such as absorbing nutrients or energy from their surroundings.