UFO Electromagnetic Interference

Since mid-November 2024, residents across New Jersey have reported sightings of large, mysterious UFOs (officials now call drones, previously UAP) hovering over neighborhoods, infrastructure, and highways during nighttime hours. These UFOs (drones), described as significantly larger than typical recreational models—some as big as SUVs—have sparked unease and confusion among locals. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and local law enforcement agencies are actively investigating these incidents. Despite assurances from officials that there is no immediate threat to public safety, the drones’ origins and purposes remain unknown, leading to widespread speculation and concern.
Amid these developments, some residents have reported experiencing electromagnetic interference (EMI) during UFO sightings. For instance, Michele Tuzzo recorded instances of radio interference coinciding with these events. Such reports suggest that the drones may be emitting signals that disrupt electronic devices, either intentionally or as a byproduct of their operation. Testing FM radio reception in vehicles near these drones has been proposed as a method to detect potential jamming activities aimed at preventing data collection.
A second person has come forward, confirming that strange signals are being heard in New Jersey in connection with sightings of unidentified flying objects, UAPs, and drones. Residents have reported unusual noises and disruptions to radio signals during these mysterious events. The signals, described as intermittent and unsettling, seem to coincide with the appearance of large drones hovering over neighborhoods and critical infrastructure at night.
The video “More crazy things going on after seeing the lights, I’m not crazy..” posted by “Dad rants” (@chrissybobs24) documents the uploader’s unusual experiences following sightings of mysterious lights in the sky. The individual describes the lights as behaving in ways inconsistent with conventional aircraft or drones, suggesting advanced aerial technology or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Following the incident, the uploader reports strange occurrences in their daily life, including household appliances, such as a microwave, malfunctioning in ways that seem tied to electromagnetic disturbances. Throughout the video, Dad rants emphasizes their frustration and insistence that these events are real, repeatedly stating, “I’m not crazy,”.
Reports have emerged from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, regarding strange light flickering anomalies that have left residents puzzled. Witnesses describe sporadic, unexplained flashes of light appearing in the skies and across neighborhoods, often resembling strobe-like pulses or shimmering bursts.
The Crabwood alien crop circle, discovered in 2002 in Hampshire, England, provides a fascinating link between binary code communication and visual signals, showing how advanced or unknown intelligences could use binary to communicate with us. The crop formation featured a humanoid alien face alongside a spiral disc that, when analyzed, revealed a hidden message encoded in binary code. This discovery demonstrates that binary—often considered a “universal language” due to its simplicity—can transcend technological boundaries and appear in unconventional forms to convey information.
Binary communication can be achieved through light signals. By using light in two distinct states—on for “1” and off for “0”—messages can be sent as sequences of flashes or pauses, similar to optical telegraphy or Morse code. This method of communication mirrors the binary encoding seen in the Crabwood crop circle, where alternating shaded and unshaded sections conveyed the message. If an intelligence capable of crafting such crop formations wished to communicate using light, they could employ the same binary system with blinking lights or pulses. Such a system is not only simple but highly effective, as it requires no shared spoken language—just a mutual understanding of binary as a tool for conveying information.
Over the years, reports of UFO encounters frequently mention various types of electromagnetic interference (EMI) affecting both aircraft systems and ground-based equipment. These incidents include disruptions to electrical circuits, radio communications, radar systems, and even vehicle ignitions.
Pilots have reported instances where UFO sightings coincided with malfunctions in aircraft instruments. In a study by Richard Haines, approximately 4% of over 3,000 pilot reports involved transient electromagnetic effects during UFO encounters. These effects included issues with airborne radar and radio interference, which ceased once the UFO departed.
Ground-based incidents have also been reported, where vehicles experienced engine failures, headlights dimming, or complete electrical system shutdowns during UFO sightings. These malfunctions often resolved spontaneously after the UFOs left the area.
Military personnel have observed unidentified objects on radar systems, sometimes accompanied by communication disruptions. For example, during the Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980, military personnel reported seeing a UFO and experiencing EMI on their equipment, including radios and flashlights.
Researcher Richard Dolan analyzed over 600 USO cases and found that approximately 8.5% reported EM effects, such as battery drainage, lights going out, communication failures, and engine stoppages. Notably, military cases exhibited nearly double the frequency of EM effects compared to non-military encounters. Additionally, in instances involving missing time, the occurrence of EM effects was four times higher than average, suggesting a potential correlation between these phenomena.
“UFO Beeping Sounds” and other electromagnetic effects have been described in the context of UFO encounters. It mentions that during such events, individuals have reported compass malfunctions and failures of battery-operated devices, suggesting that UFOs may emit electromagnetic fields that disrupt electronic equipment. Additionally, the article notes that the beeping sounds associated with these sightings interfered with various radio bands, including AM, FM, long-wave, and short-wave frequencies, indicating a significant electromagnetic component to the phenomena.
Terahertz (THz) waves are discussed within the electromagnetic spectrum, specifically between microwaves and infrared light, with frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 10 THz. It highlights the challenges in generating and detecting THz waves due to their location in the “terahertz gap,” a less explored part of the spectrum. It is noted that THz waves are neither visible nor audible to humans, as their wavelengths and frequencies fall outside the ranges detectable by human eyes and ears. Additionally, specialized instruments and sensors are required to detect and measure THz waves.
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is the discussion of electromagnetic phenomena by exploring the interactions between magnetic fields and electrically conducting fluids, such as plasmas and liquid metals. It highlights the significance of MHD in understanding space weather, where the Sun’s plasma emissions interact with Earth’s magnetic field, potentially causing disruptions to satellites and power grids. Additionally, the article notes that MHD principles are crucial in nuclear fusion research, geophysics, and astrophysics, as they help explain the behavior of stars and other celestial bodies influenced by magnetic fields. Theories suggest that advanced MHD-based propulsion systems could be employed by unidentified aerial phenomena, potentially causing electromagnetic interference with nearby equipment during sightings.
Havana Syndrome discusses electromagnetic phenomena by exploring the hypothesis that the symptoms experienced by affected individuals may result from exposure to directed, pulsed radiofrequency (RF) energy, a form of electromagnetic radiation. This theory is supported by a 2021 report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, which found that the symptoms associated with Havana Syndrome were consistent with the effects of such energy exposure. In the 1988 Mystery Wire interview with George Knapp, John Lear discussed the containment of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) within specialized electromagnetic facilities. These facilities were designed to inhibit the EBEs’ advanced capabilities, such as telekinesis and dematerialization.
Many UFO incidents have been associated with various types of electromagnetic effects, affecting both airborne and ground-based systems. While some cases remain unexplained, ongoing research aims to understand the underlying causes of these disturbances.