UFO and UAP Shapes and Sizes

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from simple lights or objects in the sky to more complex structures that have been described as being similar to aircraft, saucers, or other recognizable shapes. Some of the most commonly reported shapes and sizes of UFO/UAP include:
- Disk/Saucer Shape: One of the most commonly reported shapes, this is a circular or saucer-like object that is typically flat and sometimes described as having a dome on top.
- Sphere Shape: Another common shape, this is a rounded object that has been described as being similar to a ball or a globe.
- Triangle Shape: Triangular-shaped objects have been reported by many witnesses and are often described as having three lights or protrusions at the corners.
- Cylinder Shape: Cylindrical-shaped objects have been reported, and some witnesses describe them as being similar to a long, narrow tube or cigar-shaped.
- Boomerang Shape: This is a V-shaped object that is often described as having a flat bottom and rounded sides.
- Light Shape: Simple lights in the sky are often reported as UFO/UAP, and they can vary in size and color. Some witnesses have reported seeing multiple lights that move in formation, while others have reported single lights that appear to be stationary.
- Rectangular Shape: Rectangular-shaped objects have been reported, and they can range in size from small to large. Some witnesses have described these objects as being similar to a flat, rectangular box or a building.
- Square Shape: A square, characterized by four equal sides and angles, is an atypical contour reported in UFO sightings. Some witnesses have recounted observing square-shaped UFOs, often described as having a defined perimeter with equal sides, sometimes accompanied by a glowing or pulsating light. These objects have been witnessed to hover, move in linear paths, or dart away at high speeds.
- Ovoid Shape: This is a rounded or egg-shaped object that has been reported by many witnesses. Some ovoid-shaped objects have been described as being similar to a large, glowing orb.
- Dart Shape: This is a slender, arrowhead-shaped object that has been reported by witnesses who describe it as being similar to a missile or a jet.
- Lenticular Shape: Lenticular-shaped objects are similar to disk/saucer-shaped objects but have a more rounded, lens-like appearance. Some witnesses describe these objects as being similar to a giant eye.
- Classic Airplane Shape: This is a conventional airplane-shaped object that has been reported by witnesses who describe it as having wings and a fuselage, but with no visible means of propulsion.
- Blimp Shape: This is a large, rounded object that is similar to a blimp or airship and has been reported by witnesses who describe it as floating or drifting in the sky.
- Flashing Light Shape: This is a bright light that flashes or blinks, and it can be a single light or multiple lights that are arranged in a pattern. These objects can be small or large, and they can be stationary or moving.
- Chevron Shape: This is a V-shaped object that has been reported by witnesses who describe it as having a flat bottom and a pointy top. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving in formation, while others have reported seeing a single chevron-shaped object.
- Rectangular Light Shape: This is a rectangular object that emits a bright light, and it can be stationary or moving. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects in the sky at night, while others have reported seeing them during the day.
- Jellyfish Shape: This is an object that has a round or oval shape and a series of tentacles or appendages that trail behind it. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving slowly in the sky, while others have reported seeing them moving quickly.
- Arrowhead Shape: This is an object that has a pointy front and a flat or rounded back, and it is often described as being similar to an arrowhead or a triangle. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving quickly in the sky, while others have reported seeing them hovering or stationary.
- Multiple Light Shape: This is an object that has multiple lights, and it can be stationary or moving. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects in the sky, while others have reported seeing them on the ground. The lights can be arranged in a pattern or randomly.
- Diamond Shape: This is an object that has a diamond shape, and it can be small or large. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving quickly in the sky, while others have reported seeing them hovering or stationary.
- Cross Shape: This is an object that has a cross shape, and it can be small or large. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving quickly in the sky, while others have reported seeing them hovering or stationary.
- Cube Shape: This is an object that has a cube shape, and it can be small or large. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving quickly in the sky, while others have reported seeing them hovering or stationary.
- Hourglass Shape: This is an object that has an hourglass shape, and it can be small or large. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving quickly in the sky, while others have reported seeing them hovering or stationary.
- Egg Shape: This is an object that has an egg-like shape, and it can be small or large. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving quickly in the sky, while others have reported seeing them hovering or stationary.
- Lens Shape: This is an object that has a lens-like shape, and it can be small or large. Some witnesses have reported seeing these objects moving quickly in the sky, while others have reported seeing them hovering or stationary.
- Octagonal Shape: An octagon is a polygon with eight sides and eight angles, making it an unusual shape to be associated with unidentified flying objects. Some witnesses have reported seeing octagonal-shaped objects hovering or moving in the sky.
- Stingray Shape: The stingray shape stands out due to its unique characteristics. Resembling the marine creature it’s named after, this UFO type often appears as a broad, flattened structure with slightly upturned or pointed edges.
- Pyramid Shape: Some UFO sightings describe pyramid-shaped objects, characterized by a base square and four triangular sides converging to a point. These are often reported as hovering or moving silently.
- Ring or Donut Shape: This shape describes UFOs that appear as a central void surrounded by a circular or ring-like structure. Witnesses often describe them as ‘donut-shaped’ or ‘ring-shaped’.
- Irregular Shape: Some UFOs defy standard geometric descriptions, appearing as irregular or amorphous shapes. These sightings often lack symmetry or consistent form, adding to the mystery.
- Teardrop Shape: Similar to an inverted teardrop or a water droplet, these UFOs are wider at the top and taper down to a point, often described as glowing or pulsating.
- Manta Ray Shape: Similar to but distinct from the stingray shape, some UFOs are described as resembling the shape of a manta ray, with more pronounced ‘wing’ structures.
- Spiral Shape: Rare reports mention UFOs with a spiral shape, often described as a series of concentric circles or a helical form, sometimes with a glowing or rotating appearance.
- Hexagonal Shape: Like the octagon, the hexagon is a polygon but with six sides. There have been rare reports of hexagonal-shaped UFOs, often described as having a symmetrical, flat appearance. One example is Yalçın Yalman, famous for the 2007-2009 Kumburgaz UFO incident, who, during his military service, reported hearing a bell in his mind and witnessing a hexagonal spacecraft hovering above him, leaving a lasting impression.
- Acorn Shape: Noted particularly in the Kecksburg UFO incident of 1965, these UFOs are described as resembling an acorn, with a rounded dome and a tapered, flat base. This shape is distinctive and has historical significance in UFO lore.
- Cone Shape: While similar to cylindrical UFOs, cone-shaped ones are distinct due to their pointed taper, resembling an ice cream cone. These sightings, though less frequent, add to the diversity of reported UFO shapes.
- Saturn Shape: Resembling the iconic profile of the planet Saturn, these UFOs are characterized by a central bulge encircled by a thin, circular or oval-shaped ring. This distinct structure mirrors Saturn’s spherical body and its surrounding rings, making these UFO sightings especially unique.
- Ezekiel’s Wheel: The biblical prophet Ezekiel’s vision describes a “wheel within a wheel” in the sky, capable of moving in all directions without turning. Often interpreted as a type of UFO, this detailed account has been likened by enthusiasts to modern flying saucers or advanced multidirectional spacecraft, suggesting a possible encounter with extraterrestrial technology.
The size of UFO/UAP shapes can vary widely and are often difficult to determine with accuracy, as they are typically observed at a distance and can be affected by factors such as lighting and atmospheric conditions. However, some estimates have been made based on witness accounts and photographs.
For example, the size of a disc-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to hundreds of feet in diameter. A cylinder-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to several hundred feet in length. A sphere-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to hundreds of feet in diameter. The size of a triangle-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to several hundred feet on each side.
- The size of a boomerang-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to several hundred feet in length.
- The size of a diamond-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to several hundred feet on each side.
- The size of a cross-shaped UFO/UAP can vary greatly, depending on the size and proportion of the individual arms of the cross.
- The size of a cube-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to several hundred feet on each side.
- The size of an hourglass-shaped UFO/UAP can vary greatly, depending on the size and proportion of the individual hourglass shapes.
- The size of an egg-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to several hundred feet in length.
- The size of a saucer-shaped UFO/UAP can range from a few feet to hundreds of feet in diameter.
- The size of a lens-shaped UFO/UAP can vary greatly, depending on the size and shape of the lens.
It is important to note that these are just rough estimates and that the actual size of UFO/UAP shapes can vary greatly. Additionally, many UFO/UAP sightings are not well documented or investigated, so the size and shape of these objects can be difficult to determine with certainty.
John Greenewald Jr., founder of The Black Vault, has brought attention to the significant hurdles in obtaining information about UAPs through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. One striking example is his FOIA request seeking information about the “classified shapes” of UAPs referenced in the June 2021 report, which was returned with much of the content heavily redacted. One of the primary reasons for this secrecy is that many UAPs reportedly mimic real-world objects, such as planes, helicopters, or other familiar technologies. By concealing these details, authorities aim to avoid public scrutiny of incidents where UAPs closely resemble terrestrial vehicles, as this could raise alarming questions about their origin and purpose. This practice highlights the government’s tight control over UAP-related data, leaving key insights about the phenomenon obscured and inaccessible.