UAP and UFO Sightings in Space

Uap and ufo sightings in space

UAP or UFO sightings in space have been reported by astronauts, cosmonauts, and even ground-based observers. Sightings in space involve trained professionals such as astronauts and cosmonauts who are highly skilled in recognizing and identifying spacecraft. Additionally, many of these sightings have been captured on video, providing some of the most compelling evidence for UAP or UFO sightings.

Here are some examples of such sightings:

  1. Apollo 11 Sighting: During the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, the crew reported seeing a strange object in space. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin has described the object as a “L-shaped” craft that was following their spacecraft. However, NASA dismissed the sighting as being a piece of debris.
  2. STS-48 Sighting: During the STS-48 space shuttle mission in 1991, a video was captured that appears to show a UAP or UFO moving in space. The object appears to move in a zig-zag pattern, and some experts have claimed that the object is not consistent with any known spacecraft.
  3. STS-75 Tether Incident: During the STS-75 mission in 1996, a 12-mile-long tether broke away from the space shuttle and began to float freely in space. The video captured by the shuttle’s cameras appears to show hundreds of UAPs or UFOs moving around the tether.
  4. STS-80 Sighting: During the STS-80 mission in 1996, the space shuttle crew reported seeing a number of UAPs or UFOs moving in space. The objects were described as being small, bright, and moving at high speeds.
  5. ISS Sighting: In 2017, a live stream from the International Space Station (ISS) captured what appeared to be a UAP or UFO moving in the background. The object appears to be moving at a high speed and changes direction suddenly.
  6. Gemini IV Sighting: During the Gemini IV mission in 1965, astronaut Jim McDivitt reported seeing a “metallic” object in space that was moving in a straight line.
  7. Soyuz T-11 Sighting: During the Soyuz T-11 mission in 1984, cosmonauts reported seeing several UAPs or UFOs moving in space. The objects were described as being small and moving at high speeds.
  8. STS-29 Sighting: During the STS-29 mission in 1989, the crew reported seeing a strange object in space that appeared to be flashing. The object was described as being cylindrical in shape and was moving in a different direction from the space shuttle.
  9. STS-48 and STS-80 Objects: In addition to the STS-48 and STS-80 incidents mentioned earlier, there have been other instances where UAPs or UFOs have been captured on video during space shuttle missions.
  10. ISS Sighting (Second Incident): In 2020, another live stream from the International Space Station captured what appeared to be a UAP or UFO moving in the background. The object appeared to be moving at a high speed and changed direction suddenly.
  11. Apollo 16 Sighting: During the Apollo 16 mission in 1972, the crew reported seeing a bright object in space that appeared to be moving in a different direction from their spacecraft. The object was described as being white in color and was observed for several minutes.
  12. Skylab 3 Sighting: During the Skylab 3 mission in 1973, the crew reported seeing a UAP or UFO that appeared to be flashing in space. The object was described as being small and moving at a high speed.
  13. STS-69 Sighting: During the STS-69 mission in 1995, the crew reported seeing several UAPs or UFOs moving in space. The objects were described as being small and moving at high speeds.
  14. STS-114 Sighting: During the STS-114 mission in 2005, the crew reported seeing a strange object in space that appeared to be rotating. The object was described as being metallic in appearance and was observed for several minutes.
  15. ISS Sighting (Third Incident): In 2021, yet another live stream from the International Space Station captured what appeared to be a UAP or UFO moving in the background. The object appeared to be moving at a high speed and changed direction suddenly.
  16. Apollo 15 Sighting: During the Apollo 15 mission in 1971, the crew reported seeing a bright object in space that appeared to be moving in a different direction from their spacecraft. The object was observed for several minutes.
  17. Soyuz 7K-OK No. 6 Sighting: During the Soyuz 7K-OK No. 6 mission in 1978, cosmonauts reported seeing a strange object in space that was moving in a different direction from their spacecraft. The object was described as being metallic in appearance.
  18. STS-48 Objects (Second Incident): During the STS-48 mission in 1991, another video was captured that appeared to show UAPs or UFOs moving in space. The objects appeared to move in a controlled manner and changed direction several times.
  19. STS-51G Sighting: During the STS-51G mission in 1985, the crew reported seeing a UAP or UFO that appeared to be moving in a straight line. The object was observed for several minutes.
  20. Mir Sighting: In 1997, cosmonauts on board the Mir space station reported seeing several UAPs or UFOs moving in space. The objects were described as being small and moving at high speeds.
  21. STS-80 Objects (Second Incident): During the STS-80 mission in 1996, another video was captured that appeared to show UAPs or UFOs moving in space. The objects appeared to move in a controlled manner and changed direction several times.
  22. ISS Sighting (Fourth Incident): In 2021, yet another live stream from the International Space Station captured what appeared to be a UAP or UFO moving in the background. The object appeared to be moving at a high speed and changed direction suddenly.
  23. STS-75 Tether Incident (Second Incident): During the STS-75 mission in 1996, another video was captured that appeared to show UAPs or UFOs moving around the tether. The objects appeared to be moving in a controlled manner.
  24. STS-101 Sighting: During the STS-101 mission in 2000, the crew reported seeing a UAP or UFO that appeared to be moving in a different direction from their spacecraft. The object was observed for several minutes.
  25. Apollo 14 Sighting: During the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, the crew reported seeing a strange object in space that appeared to be rotating. The object was observed for several minutes.

The numerous accounts of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or unidentified flying objects (UFO) sightings in space cannot be easily dismissed. These reports come from highly trained professionals, such as astronauts and cosmonauts, who possess a specialized skill set in identifying known types of spacecraft. Furthermore, a significant number of these incidents have been recorded on video, adding a layer of tangible evidence to these eye-witness accounts.

The sightings span decades and different missions, including Apollo, STS shuttle missions, and even more recent ISS live streams. Some of these incidents involved objects following spacecraft, making zig-zag movements, or changing directions suddenly—patterns of movement not generally associated with known natural celestial bodies or man-made debris. Additionally, these occurrences were reported during both American and Russian space missions, providing a broad scope of incidents that are not confined to a single space agency.

Given the credibility of the witnesses and the recurring nature of these sightings, they pose intriguing questions about our understanding of space and what lies beyond our current knowledge.