The Scale of the Universe

The universe is vast and complex, with a variety of objects that exist within it ranging from tiny particles to massive celestial bodies. Understanding the scale of the universe is crucial to comprehending its vastness and the complexity of the objects within it. In this article, we will explore the scale of the universe, how it is calculated, and what exists within it.
Exploring the universe reveals vast distances that make it seem like a walled garden, limiting our ability to travel across these cosmic expanses. This natural boundary, combined with the universe’s cold, dark, and mostly lifeless nature, isolates us within our own celestial neighborhood, akin to a prison planet.
Calculating the Scale of the Universe: The scale of the universe is determined by measuring the distance between objects within it. One of the most common ways to do this is by using astronomical units (AU), which are units of distance that are based on the average distance between the Earth and the Sun. Another method is to use light-years, which is the distance that light travels in one year.
Expanding the Universe: The universe is continuously expanding, and scientists use the term “Hubble’s constant” to describe the rate at which it is expanding. This constant is used to determine the distance between objects in the universe and is currently estimated to be around 70 km/s/Mpc.
What Exists Within the Universe: The universe is composed of a variety of objects, including stars, galaxies, black holes, and dark matter. These objects exist in a hierarchy, with galaxies being the largest structures, followed by stars, and then smaller objects such as planets and asteroids.
Stars: Stars are celestial bodies that are made up of hot, glowing gas, primarily hydrogen and helium. They are the building blocks of galaxies and are the primary source of light and heat in the universe. There are many different types of stars, ranging from small red dwarves to massive blue giants.
These are the closest stars to Earth.
- Proxima Centauri – 4.24 light-years away
- Alpha Centauri A and B – 4.37 light-years away
- Barnard’s Star – 5.96 light-years away
- Wolf 359 – 7.78 light-years away
- Lalande 21185 – 8.29 light-years away
- Sirius A and B – 8.6 light-years away
- Luyten 726-8 A and B – 8.73 light-years away
- Ross 154 – 9.69 light-years away
- Ross 248 – 10.32 light-years away
- Epsilon Eridani – 10.5 light-years away
- Lacaille 9352 – 10.74 light-years away
- Ross 128 – 11.01 light-years away
- EZ Aquarii A and B – 11.27 light-years away
- Procyon A and B – 11.41 light-years away
- 61 Cygni A and B – 11.4 light-years away
- Struve 2398 A and B – 11.52 light-years away
- Groombridge 34 A and B – 11.62 light-years away
- DX Cancri A and B – 11.78 light-years away
- Tau Ceti – 11.9 light-years away
- Epsilon Indi A and B – 11.9 light-years away
- Gliese 1061 – 11.98 light-years away
- YZ Ceti A and B – 12.1 light-years away
- LHS 292 A and B – 12.2 light-years away
- Teegarden’s Star – 12.6 light-years away
- SCR 1845-6357 – 13.03 light-years away
These stars are all located relatively close to our solar system, within a distance of approximately 13 light-years. While they are still quite far away in astronomical terms, they offer a potential target for future space exploration and interstellar travel.
Galaxies: Galaxies are collections of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter that are held together by gravitational forces. There are many different types of galaxies, including spiral, elliptical, and irregular. The Milky Way, our home galaxy, is a barred spiral galaxy.
Here are the 25 closest galaxies to the Milky Way, listed in order of their distance from us:
- Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy – 25,000 light-years away
- Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy – 81,000 light-years away
- Large Magellanic Cloud – 163,000 light-years away
- Small Magellanic Cloud – 200,000 light-years away
- Ursa Major II Dwarf Galaxy – 230,000 light-years away
- Draco Dwarf Galaxy – 260,000 light-years away
- Carina Dwarf Galaxy – 330,000 light-years away
- Sextans Dwarf Galaxy – 280,000 light-years away
- Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy – 360,000 light-years away
- Fornax Dwarf Galaxy – 460,000 light-years away
- Leo II Dwarf Galaxy – 690,000 light-years away
- Leo I Dwarf Galaxy – 820,000 light-years away
- Ursa Minor Dwarf Galaxy – 830,000 light-years away
- Bootes I Dwarf Galaxy – 800,000 light-years away
- Canes Venatici II Dwarf Galaxy – 1.39 million light-years away
- Leo IV Dwarf Galaxy – 1.54 million light-years away
- Canes Venatici I Dwarf Galaxy – 1.97 million light-years away
- Leo T Dwarf Galaxy – 1.38 million light-years away
- Pisces II Dwarf Galaxy – 1.82 million light-years away
- Sagittarius II Dwarf Galaxy – 3.55 million light-years away
- Segue 1 Dwarf Galaxy – 23.1 million light-years away
- Bootes II Dwarf Galaxy – 42.8 million light-years away
- Tucana Dwarf Galaxy – 55.2 million light-years away
- Cetus Dwarf Galaxy – 2.46 million light-years away
- Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy – 3.03 million light-years away
These galaxies are all part of the Local Group, a group of about 50 galaxies that includes the Milky Way. They are relatively small and faint, and can be difficult to observe from Earth due to their proximity and position in the sky.
Black Holes: Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. They are formed when massive stars collapse and are detected by observing their effects on other objects in the universe. There are three types of black holes: stellar, intermediate, and supermassive.
Some of the closest known black holes to the Milky Way:
- V616 Monocerotis (A0620-00) – 3,000 light-years away
- Cygnus X-1 – 6,070 light-years away
- GRO J0422+32 – 8,000 light-years away
- V404 Cygni – 7,800 light-years away
- MAXI J1836-194 – 11,000 light-years away
- GRS 1915+105 – 36,000 light-years away
- 4U 1543-47 – 27,000 light-years away
- H 1705-250 – 30,000 light-years away
- GX 339-4 – 26,000 light-years away
- IGR J17091-3624 – 16,000 light-years away
- XTE J1550-564 – 18,000 light-years away
- GRS 1915+105 – 26,000 light-years away
- NGC 300 X-1 – 6.6 million light-years away
- IC 10 X-1 – 2.2 million light-years away
- NGC 1313 X-1 – 14 million light-years away
- M33 X-7 – 2.7 million light-years away
- M82 X-1 – 12 million light-years away
- NGC 5408 X-1 – 12 million light-years away
- Holmberg II X-1 – 10 million light-years away
- NGC 55 X-1 – 6.6 million light-years away
- NGC 2403 X-1 – 8.2 million light-years away
- M101 ULX-1 – 23 million light-years away
- M106 X-1 – 22 million light-years away
- NGC 300 ULX-1 – 6.6 million light-years away
- NGC 1313 X-2 – 14 million light-years away
Dark Matter: Dark matter is a mysterious form of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Scientists believe that it exists because they have observed its gravitational effects on other objects in the universe. However, it has not yet been directly detected, and its exact nature is still a subject of much scientific inquiry.
The scale of the universe is vast and complex, with a variety of objects that exist within it ranging from tiny particles to massive celestial bodies. Understanding the scale of the universe is crucial to comprehending its vastness and the complexity of the objects within it. The universe is continuously expanding, and scientists use the term “Hubble’s constant” to describe the rate at which it is expanding. The universe is composed of a variety of objects, including stars, galaxies, black holes, and dark matter, and these objects exist in a hierarchy, with galaxies being the largest structures, followed by stars, and then smaller objects such as planets and asteroids.
To grasp the enormity of the universe through comparisons with familiar earthly objects and scales, imagine the Earth not as the vast home we know, but as a tiny grain of sand. This minuscule representation of our planet lays the groundwork for understanding the colossal scale of the Sun, which, in this analogy, could be likened to a large exercise ball.
This conceptual framework doesn’t just illustrate the physical sizes of celestial objects but also bridges the gap to the vast, empty spaces that lie between them. The distances within our solar system, let alone the universe, are so vast that they defy ordinary comprehension. For instance, the distance from the Earth to the Sun, known as an Astronomical Unit (AU), is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers). On our Earthly grain of sand to exercise ball scale, this distance could be represented by several city blocks, underscoring the emptiness that characterizes much of space.
Beyond our solar system, the scale becomes even more unfathomable. The nearest star system to us, Alpha Centauri, is over 4 light-years away—a light-year being the distance light travels in a year, about 6 trillion miles (nearly 10 trillion kilometers). Using our sand grain and exercise ball analogy, this distance would equate to thousands of miles on Earth, roughly equivalent to the distance between continents.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is a vast collection of stars, gas, and dust, with our solar system residing in one of its spiral arms. The diameter of the Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years. On the scale of our analogy, this would be akin to wrapping the distance equivalent to the circumference of the Earth multiple times. And yet, the Milky Way is just one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe, each with their own vast collections of stars and planets, often separated by millions to billions of light-years.
In this cosmic context, even our galaxy starts to seem like a mere speck. The nearest major galaxy to us, Andromeda, is approximately 2.5 million light-years away. If the Milky Way were scaled down to the size of a dinner plate, Andromeda would still be several meters away, highlighting the isolation of galaxies.
The universe’s scale is not just a matter of distance but also of time. The light we see from distant stars and galaxies has often traveled for millions or even billions of years before reaching us. This means we’re seeing these objects as they were in the past, with the universe serving as a kind of time machine. The farther out we look, the further back in time we see.
The universe, with its daunting distances and sparse conditions, serves as a reminder of our secluded position in the cosmos. This ‘walled garden’, though rich in mysteries, emphasizes the formidable barriers to interstellar travel, casting the wider universe as a distant and unreachable realm.