The Miles Paper

In his paper dated October 2022, Cliff Miles discusses the two opposing forces shaping the narrative around extraterrestrial truth. One group seeks to control and suppress information about aliens and advanced technologies, citing national security concerns. They claim that disclosing the existence of flying saucers and interstellar travel capabilities would cause public panic. The second group consists of individuals who are aware of the truth and are actively trying to disclose it. Miles has taken precautions to maintain anonymity, following a warning from Linda Moulton Howe, an investigative journalist, that insiders closely monitor discussions around these topics. Miles, a dinosaur paleontologist, finds it ironic that he could be responsible for disclosing proof of extraterrestrial life, as there are no known ancestors for the alien beings discovered in Nazca, Peru. To distribute this information, Miles has prepared what he believes to be compelling evidence, disseminated through thumb drives and his website,, which freely shares the paper and encourages its distribution.
In the paper, advanced technologies like X-rays, CT scans, and DNA studies were employed to examine Nazca specimens, revealing characteristics that strongly suggest they are not of Earthly origin. The abstract outlines the osteological description of a new family, genus, and species of alien beings with unique skeletal features. Unlike humans, who have two forearm bones (ulna and radius), these beings have only one, a feature not found in any known Earthly creature, living or extinct. This alone strongly supports the argument for their extraterrestrial origin. Additionally, the beings are upright bipeds with a mix of reptilian and mammalian skeletal features. Their appearance closely resembles the typical gray alien species reported over the years.
The introduction details that these findings are based on the study of eight individuals discovered in Peru in late 2016. Among these, five were complete specimens, and one was headless but used for DNA studies. The paper also refers to Robert Carroll’s seminal work on vertebrate paleontology and evolution, emphasizing that these alien beings do not fit within the known 500-million-year history of vertebrate evolution on Earth, thereby further bolstering the claim of their extraterrestrial origin.
The beings described in the paper have a humanoid body structure with unique anatomical features that differentiate them from any known species on Earth. They walk upright on two legs and have a clavicle similar to humans. However, they possess large, elongated skulls, large forward-facing eyes, no teeth, and horizontal ribs. Significantly, they have only one bone each in their lower arms and legs, as opposed to the ulna and radius in humans. Their skin is reptilian, and they have a cloaca-like opening for laying eggs. The specimen described was just under 2 feet tall. Despite an extensive fossil record and consultation with other experts, no potential ancestors for these beings have been found on Earth, suggesting an extraterrestrial origin.
The discovery was made by Leandro Benigno Rivera, an archaeological explorer, in October 2016 in Peru. Thierry Jamin, a French archaeologist and historian, initially examined the specimens and immediately recognized their significance. Images of the discovery were subsequently shared online, generating worldwide interest. The paper credits earlier work, including a book by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and research by Dr. Dmitrii V. Galetckii, as the basis for its findings.
The beings, have been the subject of extensive study, including DNA analysis. They have a unique and non-humanoid skeletal structure featuring a single lower arm bone and other unusual features. Jamie Maussan, an award-winning journalist, initially thought they were fakes but later recognized their significance. Universities and private labs took an interest in the beings, particularly after the Gaia team produced documentaries about them.
The DNA of these beings is unlike any known living organisms on Earth. Genetic studies were conducted in various countries, including Canada, Russia, and the United States. All concluded that the beings represent an unknown species. Victoria, one of the specimens, was revealed to be male based on the presence of a Y-chromosome in the DNA. Some of the beings even had metal implants, suggesting advanced medical knowledge.
The beings have highly unique skeletal features that further distinguish them from any known Earth organisms. Their feet lack ankle bones and metatarsals and have only three toes. Their postcranial skeleton has 110 bones, which is 71 bones fewer than in humans.
In terms of their hands, they have a single robust carpal bone in the wrist, three metacarpals, and each of their three fingers has three phalanges. Interestingly, they lack a palm, and the metacarpals extend as part of the fingers. Each finger therefore has four segments for movement, likely compensating for their lack of an opposable thumb. All these features add to the compelling case that these beings are not of earthly origin.
Moultonus dolani is described as an alien being with numerous unique anatomical features. She has a small, elongated skull with fused lower jaws and no teeth. Her eye sockets are shallow, and she lacks a nasal cavity. Uniquely, her vertebral structure is unlike that of any known Earth species. She has long, slender limbs but is missing various bones that are common in terrestrial vertebrates, such as the ulna, radius, and fibula.
Other unique features include:
- Closed horizontal rib cage
- Absence of sacrum in the pelvic girdle
- Only two carpals in her wrists
- No ankle bones or metatarsals in her feet
- Three fingers and three toes, without an opposable thumb
- At least 15 unique features not found in Earth’s fossil record
Moultonus dolani appears to be an upright bipedal species, yet the structural differences from humans and other Earth creatures are significant, suggesting that she did not evolve on Earth. No current vertebrate family can be assigned to her, reinforcing her alien origin. These beings are suggested to be saurians, resembling lizards, but with distinct features that set them apart as a unique species.
If the findings in Cliff Miles’ paper hold up to scientific scrutiny, they could represent one of the most groundbreaking discoveries in the history of science, one that challenges our understanding of life on Earth and potentially confirms the existence of extraterrestrial beings. The beings described, including the specimen named Moultonus dolani, exhibit a range of unique anatomical features that defy categorization within known Earthly species, both extant and extinct.
This research isn’t just a cursory examination but involves advanced technologies like X-rays, CT scans, and DNA studies. The scientific rigor applied in the paper is an essential factor in lending credibility to the findings. The DNA of these beings, distinct from any known Earth organisms, adds another layer of evidence supporting their extraterrestrial origin. Even the presence of metal implants in some specimens hints at a civilization with advanced medical knowledge.
Moultonus dolani, specifically, shows at least 15 unique features, including her skeletal structure, that make her incompatible with any vertebrate evolutionary history on Earth. If corroborated, this would not merely be an addition to existing taxonomies but would necessitate a paradigm shift in our understanding of life itself. Miles’ paper goes beyond suggesting the existence of extraterrestrial life; it provides an empirically grounded framework that opens up the possibility of understanding these beings’ physiology, anatomy, and potentially, their culture and origins.
The beings discovered have the potential to redefine our understanding of biology, shaking the foundations of vertebrate paleontology, and indeed science as a whole. The research essentially compels us to expand our scope from “life as we know it” to “life as it could be,” perhaps not just on Earth but in the cosmos at large.