
This collection is a tribute to the myriad reports spanning the realms of UFOs, aliens, the paranormal, and advanced science.

Frederick Valentich Incident (1978)

The Frederick Valentich Incident is one of the most intriguing chapters in the annals of UFO sightings and unexplained mysteries. The enigma unfolded on October 21, 1978, over the Bass......

Free Will and the Conversation with Reality

In an enlightening conversation on the Ascend Podcast, Max Igan shared his profound insights into various aspects of human existence and the nature of reality. Igan discussed the concept of......

Frequencies 7 and 8 Hertz

The frequencies 7 and 8 hertz are within the range of low-frequency brainwaves known as Alpha waves. These brainwaves are associated with a state of relaxed alertness and are often......

Friction and Cavitation of Trans-Medium Craft

Trans-medium crafts, vehicles designed to traverse both aerial and aquatic environments, grapple with an array of operational intricacies. Among the most formidable challenges are the repercussions of friction and cavitation.......

From Another Realm: The Mystery of Dick Cheney’s Longevity

Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s battle with heart disease is a testament to both his personal resilience and the advancements in medical technology. This raises the question of whether the......

From Flying Saucers to UAPs: The Evolution of UFO Terminology

Since the 1940s, unidentified flying objects have been referred to by various names, depending on the context and time period. These are some of the most common names for unidentified......