
This collection is a tribute to the myriad reports spanning the realms of UFOs, aliens, the paranormal, and advanced science.

Falkirk Triangle

The Falkirk Triangle, centering around the small Scottish town of Bonnybridge, has become synonymous with UFO sightings, earning a reputation as one of the world’s most frequent locations for such......

Fallen Angels vs Demons

The subjects of fallen angels, demons, and their various representations across religions and mythologies have long captivated human imagination. While traditionally the purview of religious and mythological studies, these topics......

Faraday Cage

A Faraday cage, named after its inventor, the renowned scientist Michael Faraday, is a fascinating piece of scientific technology. Faraday, born in 1791, was an English scientist known for his......

Farm and UFO Connection

Across the vast stretches of pastoral farmland, an unexpected and enduring narrative emerges: encounters with the unknown. While farms are typically scenes of rural tranquility and agricultural routine, they have......

Fastest Moving Objects within the Known Laws of Physics

The universe is a vast and intriguing playground where objects reach incredible speeds, often pushing the boundaries of our understanding of physics. From the natural phenomena that have shaped our......


Fastwalkers is a term used within the UFO community to describe unidentified flying objects that move at high speeds across the sky. Fastwalkers have been observed by amateur skywatchers, military......