
This collection is a tribute to the myriad reports spanning the realms of UFOs, aliens, the paranormal, and advanced science.

Chlorophyll based and Plant like EBE

The Roswell crash of 1947 continues to captivate with a wealth of stories and speculations. At the heart of these accounts stands EBE—Extraterrestrial Biological Entity—a name suggested by Dr. Vannevar......

Chris Bledsoe

Chris Bledsoe is a person who has claimed to have had several encounters with extraterrestrial beings throughout his life. He has gained notoriety in the UFO and extraterrestrial contact community......

Chris Cuomo

Chris Cuomo is a well-recognized face in the world of journalism. He comes from the influential Cuomo family, a notable name in the political landscape of the United States, with......

Chris Rutkowski

Chris Rutkowski is a well-known researcher, author, and science writer who has been interested in the phenomenon of UFOs for many years. He is best known for his work as......

Christopher “Kit” Green

Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green is an enigmatic figure in the world of UFO and UAP research. His multifaceted background, which spans across medicine, neuroscience, and national security, has placed him......

Christopher K. Mellon

Christopher K. Mellon is a former high-level intelligence official and a well-known advocate for the investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Throughout his career, Mellon has been a strong voice......