
This collection is a tribute to the myriad reports spanning the realms of UFOs, aliens, the paranormal, and advanced science.

Triangular Symbol on the Chest

The phenomenon of UFO sightings has been a subject of intrigue and debate for decades. One recurring detail in many UFO sightings is the presence of a triangular symbol or......

Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation

“Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation” by David Marler is an exhaustive examination of triangular UFO sightings, featuring numerous case studies, witness accounts, and theories surrounding the phenomenon. Marler’s......

Trindade Island Incident (1958)

The Trindade Island Incident is a famous UFO sighting that took place in 1958 off the coast of Brazil. The incident involved several photographs of a UFO that were taken......

Trudeau vs. Poilievre: Alien Disclosure in the Upcoming Election

As Canada approaches its next election cycle, intelligent and concerned citizens should consider making government disclosure of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) a key campaign issue. With evidence suggesting Canada’s deep......

Truman Bethurum Abduction Incident (1950)

The Truman Bethurum Abduction Incident is one of the earliest and most well-known cases of alleged extraterrestrial abduction. The incident occurred in the early 1950s and involved Truman Bethurum, a......

Truth Embargo Documentary (2013)

“Truth Embargo” is a compelling documentary directed by Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell, who also contributes as a cinematographer alongside his crew. The film looks into the intriguing topic of UFOs......