
This collection is a tribute to the myriad reports spanning the realms of UFOs, aliens, the paranormal, and advanced science.

Sphere Within Sphere – Sfera con Sfera

The Sphere Within Sphere, also known as Sfera con Sfera, represents a captivating series of sculptures meticulously crafted by the renowned Italian sculptor, Arnaldo Pomodoro. These exceptional artworks feature colossal......

Square Shaped UFO Incidents

UFO encounters come in various shapes and sizes, with reports over the years describing a wide range of objects that defy conventional explanation. Among these are the less commonly reported......

Stan Deyo

Stan Deyo stands as a compelling figure with his accounts, steeped in mystery and controversy into the depths of advanced technology, antigravity, UFO phenomena, and government secrecy. Deyo’s narrative paints......

Stan Gordon

Stan Gordon is a well-known researcher and investigator of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) who has been studying the phenomenon for over 50 years. He is widely regarded as one of......

Stan Romanek incident (2000)

The Stan Romanek incident is a series of alleged encounters with extraterrestrial beings that occurred to Stan Romanek, a Colorado resident, and self-proclaimed UFO experiencer. According to his accounts, Romanek’s......

Stanford Research Institute’s Remote Viewing Program (Stargate Project)

The Stanford Research Institute’s remote viewing program, also known as the Stargate Project, was a program established in the 1970s to investigate psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and telepathy. The......