
This collection is a tribute to the myriad reports spanning the realms of UFOs, aliens, the paranormal, and advanced science.

Plato: The Influential Philosopher And His Connection To Ufos

Plato: The Influential Philosopher and His Connection to UFOs

Plato, born around 428/427 BCE and passing away in 348/347 BCE, was an ancient Greek philosopher who made an indelible mark on the history of Western thought. As a student......
Pleiadian Aliens

Pleiadian Aliens

The Pleiadians are a group of extraterrestrial beings that are believed to have visited Earth and to be in communication with select individuals. They are considered to be a highly......
Pleiadians Influencing Humanity And Preventing Nuclear Disasters

Pleiadians Influencing Humanity and Preventing Nuclear Disasters

The idea of the Pleiadians being an alien race influencing humanity and preventing nuclear disasters is a popular belief within some UFO and conspiracy theory communities. According to this belief,......
Pole Sticking Out Of Ufo

Pole Sticking Out of UFO

The term “pole sticking out” has been used in various UFO sightings to describe a protrusion from the craft, often in a vertical or horizontal position. Some witnesses reported seeing......


The term “poltergeist” is often used to describe a type of paranormal activity in which objects move or are thrown around seemingly of their own accord. Poltergeist activity is a......
Portals And Wormholes

Portals and Wormholes

Portals and wormholes connecting different dimensions or realities have captivated the human imagination for decades. While these concepts are rooted in theoretical physics, they have also permeated popular culture, inspiring......