
This collection is a tribute to the myriad reports spanning the realms of UFOs, aliens, the paranormal, and advanced science.

Nobel Prize Winners in Physics

The Nobel Prize in Physics is one of the most prestigious awards in the scientific community, recognizing groundbreaking achievements and discoveries that have significantly advanced our understanding of the physical......

Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)

As we continue to evolve as a society and make advancements in science, technology, and our understanding of the universe, our lexicon must evolve alongside to accurately describe our changing......

Nordic Extraterrestrial Species

Nordics are often described as having a physical appearance similar to that of Nordic humans, with light-colored skin, hair, and eyes. They are often depicted as being tall and having......

Norse Gods and Heroes

Norse mythology is a complex and multifaceted tradition that features a wide range of gods, goddesses, and heroes, each with their own unique attributes and characteristics. In general, many of......

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and UFO

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a bi-national military organization responsible for the aerospace defense of North America, including the United States and Canada. Despite its primary focus......

North West Cape Incident (1991)

North West Cape, a rugged coastal peninsula in Western Australia, has long been a place of mystery and allure. Amidst its sandy beaches and scrubby brushland lies an indigenous culture,......