Out of This World (1977)

out of this world 1977

Out of This World” from 1977 was a British documentary about UFO sightings and contactees, and it featured several prominent cases and witnesses of its time. Some of the individuals are connected to well-known UFO incidents.

  1. Jessie Roestenberg: She was a British housewife who reported seeing a UFO and humanoid figures in 1954 in Staffordshire, England. Her sighting was particularly notable because of the close proximity she claimed to have with the craft and its occupants, as well as the detailed description she provided.
  2. Joyce Bowles: In 1967, Joyce Bowles and her friend Ted Pratt reported a close encounter in Warminster, England. Warminster had become a hotspot for UFO sightings during the 1960s. Their story involved seeing a strange object and experiencing subsequent physical effects.
  3. George King: Founder of The Aetherius Society, George King claimed to have been in contact with extraterrestrial intelligences. He was one of the early contactees in the 1950s and said that these space beings relayed spiritual messages and teachings to him. The Aetherius Society is a new religious movement that combines elements of Theosophy, Eastern spirituality, and claims of extraterrestrial contacts.
  4. Gordon Creighton: An important figure in British ufology, Creighton was the editor of the “Flying Saucer Review,” a pioneering and influential UFO publication. He had a long career in the British Foreign Service and brought a certain level of credibility to the study of the phenomena.

The documentary aimed to provide an overview and examination of UFO phenomena in Britain, presenting firsthand accounts and expert opinions. By including such diverse perspectives – from contactees to seasoned investigators – “Out of This World” painted a complex picture of the UFO phenomenon in the mid-20th century.