Off-World Technologies Division

Off-World Technologies Division” within the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Crane, Indiana, is highlighted by the testimony of a witness identified as RA, a former U.S. Army Green Beret with top-secret clearance. Between 2013 and 2015, RA was assigned to NSWC Crane to test and evaluate both foreign and domestic weaponry. His credentials and special forces background lend considerable weight to his claims.

During his tenure at NSWC Crane, RA, accompanied by another soldier, was taken to a secretive underground division that was not publicly acknowledged. This division, referred to as the “Off-World Technologies Division,” allegedly focused on the reverse engineering of technologies not of human origin. RA described encountering two specific non-human technologies: a spherical device about the size of a basketball with an indentation on top, and a clear, tablet-like device displaying unknown symbols. Both devices were reportedly found within a spacecraft and were classified as weapons due to their energetic output. Furthermore, these devices appeared to interact with human consciousness, suggesting a technology far beyond current human capabilities.

RA’s account is supported by his extensive military background, including his role as an 18 Bravo weapons sergeant in the Special Forces, which involves handling a wide array of weaponry and tactical scenarios. His testimony indicates that NSWC Crane, while publicly known for conventional weapons testing and engineering support for electronic warfare, also houses operations that look into advanced and possibly extraterrestrial and Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) technologies.

This revelation, points to a covert program within a major U.S. military facility, focusing on technologies that could have significant implications for both national security and our understanding of technological possibilities. RA’s claims echo historical accounts of other military groups engaged in similar reverse engineering efforts, suggesting a pattern of ongoing U.S. military interest in and engagement with unidentified aerial phenomena and their associated technologies.

The testimony presented in the video from the UAP Gerb channel adds a compelling piece to the complex puzzle of UAP research and reverse engineering efforts. It not only highlights the possible existence of advanced non-human technologies within the U.S. military’s reach but also raises questions about the transparency and ethical implications of such projects.

The Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Crane, Indiana, commonly referred to as NSA Crane or NSWC Crane, spans over a vast area of more than 98 square miles (approximately 64,000 acres). This includes over 3,000 buildings, making it a substantial military and technological facility. The base is primarily situated in Martin County but also extends into the neighboring Greene and Lawrence counties. It is located roughly 25 miles southwest of Bloomington, Indiana, and about 75 miles south of Indianapolis, Indiana, nestled in the southwestern part of the state.

The physical setting RA describes is an underground facility distinctly more modern than the rest of the NSWC Crane installations. This advanced setting housed two particular pieces of technology: a metallic sphere and a clear, tablet-like device. These items, noted for their unconventional and seamless construction, were unlike any technology known to humankind. The sphere, described as metallic yet almost liquid in appearance, was not attached to any base, suggesting an anti-gravitational feature.

The technologies observed were not merely physical artifacts but were described as interacting with human consciousness. This interaction varied among individuals, indicating a selective responsiveness that could be tied to an unknown aspect of human genetics or consciousness itself. RA’s guide explained that the operation and effects of these technologies were not fully understood, yet they were classified as weapons due to their energetic outputs during recovery.

The deeper implications of RA’s experience point to a clandestine research and reverse engineering effort focused on understanding and potentially harnessing these advanced technologies. His testimony sheds light on the complexities of human interactions with technology that may originate from non-human intelligence. This raises profound questions about the nature of consciousness, the capabilities of such technologies, and the ethical dimensions of reverse engineering potentially extraterrestrial devices. The secretive nature of this division and its work encapsulates the broader mysteries and challenges associated with UAP and their associated phenomena, reflecting ongoing efforts to grasp technologies that remain beyond the current scope of human understanding.

As reported, one of the devices, described as interacting with human consciousness, had emitted an energetic pulse during recovery, which apparently caused injury to someone involved. This incident was discussed openly among the staff, suggesting a familiarity and perhaps a desensitization to the extraordinary nature of the technology they were handling.

RA noticed the device displayed writing that resembled hieroglyphics. This detail sparked a connection to other known but rare instances within ufology, where similar symbols have been reported, notably in accounts like those of the Roswell I-beam and the claims of Daniel Sheehan, who allegedly saw classified photos of a UAP that displayed unique symbols. RA speculated whether these symbols were projected into his mind or were physically present on the device, adding another layer of mystery to the technology’s capabilities.

RA offers insights into the operations and implications of SAIC’s (Science Applications International Corporation) involvement with NSWC Crane and its mysterious Off-World Technologies Division. The narrator discusses the significant monetary contracts between SAIC and the Department of Defense, highlighting that some of these involve hidden agendas within seemingly ordinary contracts, as suggested by Denise McKenzie, a former SAIC employee.

SAIC, known for its substantial government contracts, appears deeply involved in a variety of projects at Crane. This includes contracts amounting to millions of dollars, like the $243 million contract for hypersonic concepts and a $240 million contract for weapons division support. Notably, these contracts have been shrouded in secrecy, with links to documents concerning them being pulled from public access, raising questions about transparency and the nature of the projects undertaken.

The narrative further discusses the strategic placement of SAIC in relation to UAP reverse engineering and technology related to consciousness. This is emphasized by historical precedents such as the Stargate program of the 1970s and 1980s, which explored psychic phenomena for military applications and was continued by corporations like SAIC post its official termination. This background suggests a long-standing interest and ongoing research in areas that intersect with psychic research, human cognition, and potentially, interactions with non-human intelligence technologies.

SAIC’s role extends into the more theoretical and cutting-edge fields, like the study of electrogravitics, a propulsion mechanism thought to be involved in human-made and alien craft. This ties into discussions around advanced aerial vehicles and their propulsion systems, which are speculated to be reverse-engineered from recovered non-human crafts.

The MJ12 document, a pivotal piece in UFO lore, reportedly authored under the directive of President Franklin Roosevelt, outlines a framework for extraterrestrial technology recovery, reminiscent of descriptions surrounding the Off-World Technologies Division at NSWC Crane. This alleged division, as testified by RA, dealt with technologies that interact with human consciousness, a theme recurring in various declassified and whistleblower accounts throughout UAP research history.

Highlights include various figures and projects, like Dr. Vannevar Bush and the early U.S. efforts in UAP technology retrieval and research. The mention of Sandia National Labs and its connection to UAP material storage and technology transfer further underscores the deep integration of private contractors and military facilities in the pursuit of understanding and potentially reverse-engineering alien technology.

The testimony of RA regarding the “Off-World Technologies Division” at NSWC Crane, Indiana, reveals a fascinating glimpse into covert military research into non-human technologies. These advanced technologies, capable of interacting with human consciousness, challenge our current technological paradigms and hint at profound implications for national security and our understanding of technology’s potential. This disclosure underscores the need for greater transparency and ethical oversight in how such potentially transformative technologies are handled and developed.
