National Archive UFO Photos

When a photo is added to the National Archives, it’s typically because the image has been deemed to have historical or evidentiary importance. The National Archives holds over 14 million analog photographs, 3 million digital photographs, and a variety of graphic works, which includes items of historical significance.

The Still Picture Branch of the National Archives in College Park, MD is responsible for these photographs and graphic works. The inclusion of a photograph in the National Archives ensures its preservation and accessibility to the public for educational, research, and historical purposes. The criteria for digitizing permanent records for inclusion involve considerations of policies, systems, access, and disposition to ensure that the records are properly preserved and remain accessible in the long term.

This image captures what appears to be a classic flying saucer, the kind often described in UFO sightings. The photograph, titled “Flying Saucer,” presents a saucer-shaped object with a discernible dome on top, hovering in the sky amidst a rural setting. The backdrop features an expansive tree to the left and dense, untamed shrubbery below. According to the provided details, this intriguing photograph is associated with the Goddard Space Flight Center, Graphic and Publication Services Branch and is dated June 4, 1964. The origins of the image, found on the National Archives website with the identification number 305558934, add a layer of authenticity to the scene, making it a remarkable piece for those interested in the history of UFO phenomena.

Paul Villa Incident (1965)

Explore the intriguing collection of National Archive UFO videos, showcasing significant footage that offers a glimpse into the mysterious world of UFO sightings and encounters.
