John Lear and George Knapp Mystery Wire Interview (1988)

John Lear And George Knapp Mystery Wire Interview (1988)

In a January 1988 interview on Mystery Wire with George Knapp, John Lear, an experienced UFO researcher, former state Senate candidate, and award-winning pilot, explored a wide array of UFO phenomena and extraterrestrial interactions with Earth.

John Lear claimed the existence of at least 70 different extraterrestrial species, including the diminutive green men, the prevalent grey aliens standing around 4.5 feet tall, and the human-like Nordics towering at about 7 feet with blond hair and blue eyes, each with unique motives and ways of interacting with our planet. Lear highlighted that while humans might anticipate benevolent aid from these aliens, such as disease eradication, their agendas might not necessarily align with human welfare or Earth’s broader ecological balance.

In the interview, John Lear mentioned the Nordics as one of the various species of extraterrestrials, describing them as being about seven feet tall, resembling humans with invariably blond hair and blue eyes. He identified them as one of the species that humans have encountered and one from which they have recovered bodies in UFO crash incidents. The Nordics, according to Lear, are distinct in their appearance and motives compared to other types of extraterrestrials like the little green men or the commonly seen grey aliens.

The bodies of these blonde hair and blue eyed beings are maintained in a frozen or preserved condition, presumably for the purposes of detailed study and examination. This preservation method allows researchers to maintain the physical integrity of the specimens for advanced analysis and understanding of their biological and possibly technological composition.

Significantly, Lear asserted that popular films like “E.T.” and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” were more than mere Hollywood fabrications but were subtly influenced by MJ-12, an alleged covert group overseeing UFO secrets, intending to acclimatize the public to the eventual unveiling of extraterrestrial life. He traced the roots of modern UFO lore back to the notorious 1947 Roswell incident, suggesting a long-standing governmental cover-up initiated right after the first alien spacecraft crash and the consequent formation of MJ-12 to contain and manage the UFO phenomenon.

Furthermore, Lear spoke of alien recoveries and autopsies, particularly mentioning the “EBEs” (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), some of which were purportedly captured alive and contained within specialized electromagnetic facilities to inhibit their advanced capabilities, such as telekinesis and dematerialization. He teased the existence of a videotape featuring an interview with a living EBE, known as EB-3, proposing that such groundbreaking evidence might eventually be disclosed to the public. This claim dovetailed into his remarks on a documentary released on March 4th, spotlighting some of the most compelling UFO photographs and footage, which, despite its profound implications, only received local airing due to credibility disputes or possible suppression.

John Lear’s narrative throughout the interview is dense with allegations of cover-ups, a diverse array of extraterrestrial beings with complex intentions, and a rallying cry for the public to brace for the eventual disclosure of alien life. His extensive comments reflect not only a deep engagement with the subject but also a controversial and influential position within the UFO research and enthusiast community.

In a subsequent portion of the 1988 Mystery Wire interview, John Lear further discussed the intricacies of UFO phenomena and extraterrestrial interaction with Earth, focusing on presidential awareness, alien intentions, and the credibility of photographic evidence. Lear posited that each U.S. president, up to and including Reagan, had been briefed on UFOs by MJ-12, a supposed secret organization comprising military and scientific elites. However, he doubted that presidents receive the full extent of available information, suggesting a controlled dissemination of knowledge. Lear highlighted Ronald Reagan’s speeches, particularly noting instances where Reagan seemed to allude to an alien threat as a unifying global force, implying a more profound awareness of extraterrestrial matters.

Lear looked into the alleged alien activities, notably the abductions and experiments on humans. According to his account, these activities are aimed at monitoring human development, implementing post-hypnotic suggestions for a mysterious future event, and conducting genetic experiments, including crossbreeding, as detailed in the book “Intruders” by Budd Hopkins. He provided anecdotal evidence of these claims, stressing that while they might seem far-fetched now, they will eventually be recognized as accurate.

According to Lear, genuine encounters and evidence are abundant, but the truth is often obscured by a few deceitful or mistaken claims. He urged for a discerning approach to understanding the multifaceted and often concealed nature of UFO phenomena, suggesting that the public will eventually recognize the realities he outlined, even if they seem unbelievable at the moment.

In a segment of the 1988 Mystery Wire interview discussing UFOs, John Lear introduced a documentary by Linda Moulton Howe concerning the mysterious cattle mutilations that occurred predominantly in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, totaling about 14,000 incidents. The documentary focused on the bizarre and precise nature of these mutilations, which left law enforcement and investigators baffled due to the lack of evidence, tracks, or signs of conventional interference. Tex Graves, the former sheriff of Logan County, recounted his experiences with these peculiar cases, highlighting the precision of the mutilations, the absence of blood or struggle, and sometimes, the peculiar circumstances like animals paralyzed during the act.

The documentary featured Luzero Ato, a chief investigator, who expressed concerns about the possibility of these mutilations escalating from animals to humans, emphasizing the meticulous and purposeful nature of these acts. Despite the lack of understanding of the reasons behind these mutilations, the consistent pattern and advanced methods suggested an intelligence and technology far beyond human capabilities.

Lear, while discussing the documentary, revealed that such mutilations were still occurring, mentioning over 200 recent cases on Long Island and ongoing covert investigations. He speculated on the purpose behind these acts, suggesting they might be for food or genetic experiments. He also touched upon alleged clashes between American military forces and extraterrestrial entities, marking 1983 as a significant year when MJ-12, the purported secret committee managing UFO information, realized the gravity of their situation with extraterrestrial deals gone awry.

As the interview concluded, Lear hinted at impending significant events, insinuating that his contacts within the government were bracing for something substantial yet undisclosed to the public. He criticized the potential underestimation of public intelligence by the government in handling UFO disclosures and stressed the importance of truth, regardless of the secrecy and control by military or government entities. His statements painted a picture of ongoing, deeply concealed activities with extraterrestrial beings, urging the public to be aware of the far-reaching implications of these interactions.