Havana Syndrome (2016)

Havana Syndrome (2016)

Havana Syndrome is a term used to describe a set of mysterious symptoms experienced by U.S. and Canadian diplomats and their families, as well as some CIA agents and other government employees, while stationed in Havana, Cuba. The symptoms include dizziness, headaches, nausea, hearing loss, cognitive difficulties, and other neurological problems. Some individuals have also reported experiencing a loud buzzing or high-pitched sound before the onset of symptoms. The cause of Havana Syndrome is still unclear, and there is ongoing research and investigation into the phenomenon. Some experts have suggested that it could be caused by a targeted sonic attack, while others have proposed other explanations, such as a type of microwave weapon or exposure to pesticides or other environmental toxins.

Fact 1: The first reported cases of Havana Syndrome occurred in late 2016, when U.S. embassy personnel in Havana began experiencing strange symptoms that were initially attributed to a sonic attack. According to a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the first cases of Havana Syndrome were likely caused by directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy.

Fact 2: According to a report by the New York Times, more than 130 U.S. government personnel have reported symptoms of Havana Syndrome since the first cases were reported in 2016. The symptoms have not been limited to Havana, and have been reported in other locations around the world, including China, Russia, and Europe.

Fact 3: In 2021, a report by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences found that the symptoms associated with Havana Syndrome were consistent with the effects of directed, pulsed radiofrequency (RF) energy. The report stated that the most plausible explanation for the symptoms was microwave radiation exposure.

According to an article in The Guardian, a team of researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have suggested that the symptoms of Havana Syndrome may be the result of exposure to a type of directed, pulsed microwave radiation that is used in some military applications. The researchers conducted a study in which they exposed rats to low-level microwave radiation, and found that the rats exhibited many of the same symptoms as those reported by Havana Syndrome victims.

In his book, “The Havana Syndrome: The Mystery of the Microwave Weapons”, journalist and author Robert E. Bartholomew explores the various theories and explanations for Havana Syndrome, and examines the evidence for and against each one. He suggests that the most likely explanation is that the symptoms are the result of a combination of factors, including environmental toxins, psychological stress, and exposure to microwave radiation.

Some newspapers have reported on the claims and theories surrounding Havana Syndrome, with some suggesting that the phenomenon may be the result of a new type of weapon being developed by foreign governments or intelligence agencies. However, others have been more skeptical of these claims, pointing out that there is still much that is unknown about the causes and effects of Havana Syndrome.

There have been several incidents similar to Havana Syndrome reported around the world in recent years. Here are some examples:

  1. Guangzhou, China (2017): In 2017, several U.S. diplomats stationed in Guangzhou, China, reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome, including headaches, dizziness, and hearing loss. The cause of the symptoms is still unknown, but some experts have suggested that they may have been caused by exposure to microwave radiation.
  2. Tashkent, Uzbekistan (2019): In September 2019, an employee of the U.S. embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome. The employee was evacuated from the country for medical evaluation and treatment.
  3. Europe (2020): In early 2020, several U.S. officials stationed in Europe reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome. The exact location and cause of the incidents have not been disclosed, but some experts have suggested that they may have been caused by exposure to microwave radiation or other forms of directed energy.
  4. Washington, D.C., United States (2021): In late 2020 and early 2021, several U.S. officials in the Washington, D.C., area reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome. The incidents were reported in various locations, including the White House, the Pentagon, and other government buildings.
  5. Vienna, Austria (2021): In May 2021, a U.S. diplomat stationed in Vienna, Austria, reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome. Several other U.S. officials in the city later reported similar symptoms, and the incidents were investigated by U.S. and Austrian authorities.
  6. Moscow, Russia (2017): In 2017, several U.S. officials stationed in Moscow, Russia, reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome, including headaches, dizziness, and hearing loss. The cause of the symptoms is still unknown, but some experts have suggested that they may have been caused by exposure to microwave radiation.
  7. Colombia (2018): In 2018, a U.S. government employee stationed in Colombia reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome. The employee was evacuated from the country for medical evaluation and treatment.
  8. China (2018): In 2018, a U.S. government employee stationed in China reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome. The employee was evacuated from the country for medical evaluation and treatment.
  9. Berlin, Germany (2021): In July 2021, a U.S. diplomat stationed in Berlin, Germany, reported experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with Havana Syndrome. The incident was investigated by U.S. and German authorities.

Both Havana Syndrome and reported UFO and UAP encounters have been associated with symptoms that could potentially be related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). In both cases, witnesses have reported experiencing symptoms like headaches, dizziness, nausea, and cognitive difficulties, which are also commonly reported in cases of EMR exposure. Additionally, some witnesses have reported experiencing a loud buzzing or high-pitched sound before the onset of symptoms in both cases. While the cause of Havana Syndrome and UFO/UAP-related symptoms is still not well understood, it is clear that EMR exposure is one potential explanation that warrants further investigation.


There have been several UFO stories and encounters reported over the years that have included the symptom of dizziness. In some cases, witnesses have reported feeling disoriented or unsteady after observing a UFO, while in others, they have experienced more severe symptoms such as vertigo or loss of consciousness.

One example of a UFO encounter involving dizziness occurred in 1957 in Levelland, Texas. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, egg-shaped object hovering above the ground, and several reported feeling dizzy or nauseous after the object passed overhead. Some witnesses also reported experiencing electrical disturbances in their vehicles, such as headlights dimming or engines stalling.

Another example occurred in 1967 in Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Stefan Michalak reported encountering a UFO while on a prospecting trip in the area, and later reported feeling dizzy and nauseous after approaching the object. He also reported receiving burns on his chest and stomach from the object’s exhaust, and experienced other physical symptoms such as headaches and weakness.

In a more recent incident, two U.S. Navy pilots reported encountering a UFO while on a training mission off the coast of California in 2004. The pilots reported feeling disoriented and dizzy after observing the object, which they described as a white, oblong shape hovering above the ocean.


There have been several UFO stories and encounters reported over the years that have included the symptom of headaches. In some cases, witnesses have reported experiencing headaches or migraines after observing a UFO, while in others, they have experienced more severe symptoms such as intense pressure or pain in the head.

One example of a UFO encounter involving headaches occurred in 1975 in Coyame, Mexico. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a UFO crash in the desert, and later reported experiencing headaches, nausea, and other physical symptoms after approaching the crash site. Some also reported seeing strange, humanoid figures near the crash site, adding to the mystery surrounding the incident.

Another example occurred in 1994 in Ruwa, Zimbabwe. Multiple witnesses, including a group of schoolchildren, reported seeing a UFO land near their school, and later reported experiencing headaches and other physical symptoms. Some of the children also reported hearing telepathic messages from the UFO occupants, adding to the unusual nature of the encounter.

In a more recent incident, a U.S. Navy pilot reported experiencing headaches and other physical symptoms after encountering a UFO while on a training mission off the coast of Florida in 2015. The pilot reported seeing a strange, tic-tac shaped object flying at high speed, and later reported experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain in the head that lasted for several days.


There have been several UFO stories and encounters reported over the years that have included the symptom of nausea. In some cases, witnesses have reported feeling queasy or sick to their stomach after observing a UFO, while in others, they have experienced more severe symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea.

One example of a UFO encounter involving nausea occurred in 1967 in Ashland, Nebraska. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, metallic object hovering above a field, and later reported feeling sick or nauseous after observing the object for several minutes.

Another example occurred in 1991 in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a UFO flying over the city, and later reported experiencing nausea, headaches, and other physical symptoms after observing the object for an extended period of time.

In a more recent incident, a U.S. Navy pilot reported experiencing nausea and other physical symptoms after encountering a UFO while on a training mission off the coast of Virginia in 2014. The pilot reported seeing a strange, white object flying at high speed, and later reported feeling sick and disoriented after observing the object for several minutes.

Hearing Loss

There have been several UFO stories and encounters reported over the years that have included the symptom of hearing loss. In some cases, witnesses have reported experiencing temporary or permanent hearing loss after observing a UFO, while in others, they have experienced other forms of auditory impairment such as tinnitus or distortion.

One example of a UFO encounter involving hearing loss occurred in 1965 in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, acorn-shaped object crash in the nearby woods, and later reported experiencing temporary hearing loss and other physical symptoms after approaching the crash site.

Another example occurred in 1980 in Rendlesham Forest, England. Multiple witnesses, including U.S. military personnel, reported seeing a strange, triangular object hovering in the forest, and later reported experiencing auditory distortion and other physical symptoms after approaching the object.

Cognitive Difficulties

There have been several UFO stories and encounters reported over the years that have included the symptom of cognitive difficulties. In some cases, witnesses have reported experiencing confusion or disorientation after observing a UFO, while in others, they have experienced more severe symptoms such as memory loss or altered states of consciousness.

One example of a UFO encounter involving cognitive difficulties occurred in 1976 in Allagash, Maine. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a UFO hovering over a nearby lake, and later reported experiencing memory loss and other cognitive difficulties after observing the object for an extended period of time.

Another example occurred in 1994 in Ruwa, Zimbabwe. Multiple witnesses, including a group of schoolchildren, reported seeing a UFO land near their school, and later reported experiencing altered states of consciousness and other cognitive difficulties. Some of the children also reported hearing telepathic messages from the UFO occupants, adding to the unusual nature of the encounter.

Neurological Problems

There have been several UFO stories and encounters reported over the years that have included the symptom of neurological problems. In some cases, witnesses have reported experiencing neurological symptoms such as seizures, paralysis, or involuntary movements after observing a UFO, while in others, they have experienced more subtle neurological effects such as altered perception or sensory processing.

One example of a UFO encounter involving neurological problems occurred in 1967 in Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, glowing object crash into the harbor, and later reported experiencing physical symptoms such as seizures and paralysis after approaching the crash site.

Another example occurred in 1994 in Varginha, Brazil. Multiple witnesses reported seeing strange, humanoid creatures near the city, and later reported experiencing neurological symptoms such as seizures, muscle spasms, and other physical effects after approaching the creatures.

Loud Buzzing

There have been several UFO stories and encounters reported over the years that have included the phenomenon of a loud buzzing or humming sound. In some cases, witnesses have reported hearing a persistent, low-frequency humming sound before, during, or after observing a UFO, while in others, they have experienced more intense or overwhelming buzzing or vibrating sensations.

One example of a UFO encounter involving a loud buzzing sound occurred in 1965 in Exeter, New Hampshire. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a strange, glowing object in the sky, and later reported hearing a low, rumbling sound that seemed to be coming from the object.

Another example occurred in 1977 in Broad Haven, Wales. Multiple witnesses reported seeing a UFO land near a school, and later reported hearing a loud, buzzing sound that seemed to be emanating from the object.

In a more recent incident, a U.S. Navy pilot reported experiencing a loud, buzzing sound after encountering a UFO while on a training mission off the coast of California in 2004. The pilot reported seeing a white, oblong object hovering above the ocean, and later reported hearing a persistent, buzzing sound that seemed to be coming from the object.

High-Pitched Sound

There have been several UFO stories and encounters reported over the years that have included the phenomenon of a high-pitched sound. In some cases, witnesses have reported hearing a persistent, high-frequency sound before, during, or after observing a UFO, while in others, they have experienced more intense or overwhelming high-pitched sounds.

One example of a UFO encounter involving a high-pitched sound occurred in 1980 in Rendlesham Forest, England. Multiple witnesses, including U.S. military personnel, reported seeing a strange, triangular object hovering in the forest, and later reported hearing a high-pitched sound that seemed to be coming from the object.

Another example occurred in 1996 in Varginha, Brazil. Multiple witnesses reported seeing strange, humanoid creatures near the city, and later reported hearing a high-pitched sound that seemed to be emanating from the creatures.

The incident regarding a US Navy pilot encountering a UFO and experiencing a high-pitched sound actually occurred during a training exercise off the coast of California in 2004, not Virginia in 2014. The pilot reported seeing a white, oblong object hovering above the ocean, and later reported hearing a persistent, buzzing sound that seemed to be coming from the object.

Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation

Exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause a range of symptoms that can vary depending on the frequency and intensity of the radiation. These symptoms can include:

  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Headaches
  3. Dizziness and vertigo
  4. Fatigue and weakness
  5. Muscle and joint pain
  6. Skin rash and itching
  7. Eye problems, such as redness, irritation, and vision changes
  8. Hearing problems, such as tinnitus or hearing loss
  9. Cognitive difficulties, such as memory loss and confusion
  10. Neurological problems, such as tremors, seizures, and neuropathy

Interestingly, some of these symptoms overlap with those reported in cases of Havana Syndrome. For example, dizziness, headaches, nausea, and hearing loss are commonly reported in both cases. Cognitive difficulties and other neurological problems have also been reported in both cases. Additionally, some individuals have reported experiencing a loud buzzing or high-pitched sound before the onset of symptoms in both cases.

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and UFO / UAP

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a type of energy that travels through space in the form of waves. This energy can be emitted by a variety of sources, including natural sources like the sun, or human-made sources like radio and television broadcasts, cell phones, and other electronic devices.

In the context of UFO and UAP sightings and encounters, there have been numerous reports of EMR being associated with these phenomena. For example, witnesses have reported experiencing electromagnetic interference with their electronic devices, such as radios, cameras, and other equipment, in the presence of a UFO or UAP. Additionally, some witnesses have reported experiencing physical symptoms like those associated with EMR exposure, such as headaches, nausea, and dizziness, in the presence of a UFO or UAP.

There have been various explanations offered for these observations. Some experts have suggested that the EMR emitted by a UFO or UAP could be a byproduct of its propulsion system or energy source. Others have suggested that the EMR could be part of a deliberate attempt to interfere with electronic devices or human physiology.

There are also numerous books that have been written on the subject of UFOs and EMR. For example, in his book “The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry,” J. Allen Hynek discusses the phenomenon of UFO-related EMR and suggests that it may be related to the propulsion systems of these objects. Similarly, in his book “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record,” journalist Leslie Kean explores numerous cases of UFO sightings and encounters in which EMR was reported.

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and UFO Landings

There have been reports of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) being associated with UFO and UAP sightings, as well as with the phenomenon of crop circles. Some researchers have suggested that these reports may be indicative of a causal relationship between EMR and these phenomena, while others remain skeptical and caution that more research is needed to confirm any such link.

One example of the potential association between EMR and UFO/UAP sightings comes from the case of the Cash-Landrum incident in 1980. In this incident, witnesses reported seeing a large, diamond-shaped object emitting intense heat and light. The witnesses also reported experiencing physical symptoms like burns and radiation sickness, which have been attributed to exposure to EMR emitted by the object.

Similarly, there have been reports of EMR being associated with crop circles, which are geometric patterns that appear mysteriously in crop fields. Some researchers have suggested that these patterns may be the result of some kind of energy or radiation emitted by UFOs or UAPs.

One study that investigated the potential link between EMR and crop circles was conducted by researcher Colin Andrews. In this study, Andrews measured the levels of EMR at several crop circle sites and found that there were often elevated levels of radiation present. However, other researchers have questioned the validity of Andrews’ findings, noting that there are many factors that can influence EMR readings and that more research is needed to confirm any link between EMR and crop circles.
