Cosmic Top Secret

“Cosmic Top Secret” (CTS) is a level of security clearance used by NATO and some of its member countries, including the United States, to protect highly sensitive information related to national security and defense. The information is considered so important that it pertains to the security of the entire universe, not just the Earth.
Cosmic Top Secret is used by NATO and some of its member countries, including the United States.
Cosmic Top Secret is a level of security clearance used to protect highly sensitive information related to national security and defense. The use of Cosmic Top Secret dates back several decades, with its origins tracing back to the Cold War era.
Cosmic Top Secret is primarily used by NATO and its member countries, although other countries may have similar levels of security clearance. The information classified as Cosmic Top Secret is considered extremely sensitive and could cause serious damage if it were to be disclosed, hence strict controls are in place to limit access to authorized personnel with the appropriate clearance and need-to-know.
The science behind Cosmic Top Secret is primarily focused on protecting classified information related to national security and defense. The information that is classified as Cosmic Top Secret is considered so sensitive that it is protected at the highest level of security clearance. The security measures used to protect this information include background checks, physical security measures, and strict access controls.
- According to the U.S. Department of Defense, Cosmic Top Secret is the highest level of security clearance and is reserved for information that is considered vital to the security of the United States and its allies. (Source:
- The use of Cosmic Top Secret dates back to the Cold War era, when there was a heightened need for information security due to the threat of nuclear war. (Source:
- In order to obtain Cosmic Top Secret clearance, individuals must undergo extensive background checks and vetting procedures. (Source:
According to experts, the use of Cosmic Top Secret is crucial for protecting sensitive information related to national security and defense. Without strict security measures in place, this information could be compromised and lead to serious damage to the security of the United States and its allies.
In his book “The Secrets of the FBI”, New York Times bestselling author Ronald Kessler discusses the importance of security clearances such as Cosmic Top Secret in protecting sensitive information related to national security and defense. Kessler argues that the strict controls in place for Cosmic Top Secret clearance are necessary to prevent unauthorized access to this information.
In a 2019 article in The Guardian, journalist Alex Hern discusses the case of Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) who leaked classified information to the media. The article highlights the importance of security clearances such as Cosmic Top Secret in preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.
The specific levels of classification and their definitions may vary slightly depending on the country and organization in question, but the following is a general overview of the most commonly used levels of classification:
- Unclassified: Information that is not sensitive or confidential and can be freely disseminated to the public.
- Confidential: Information that could cause damage to national security if disclosed, but the damage is considered to be relatively limited. Access to confidential information is generally limited to individuals with a legitimate “need to know.”
- Secret: Information that could cause serious damage to national security if disclosed. Access to secret information is limited to individuals with a security clearance and a demonstrated “need to know.”
- Top Secret: Information that could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security if disclosed. Access to top secret information is highly restricted and limited to individuals with a top secret clearance and a demonstrated “need to know.”
- Special Access Programs (SAPs): These are highly classified programs that require access beyond that of a top secret clearance. Access to SAPs is strictly controlled and limited to individuals who have undergone additional screening and have a demonstrated “need to know.”
- Cosmic Top Secret: This is the highest level of security clearance used by NATO and some of its member countries, including the United States. Information classified as Cosmic Top Secret is considered so important that it pertains to the security of the entire universe, not just the Earth. Access to Cosmic Top Secret information is strictly controlled and limited to individuals with a Cosmic Top Secret clearance and a demonstrated “need to know.”