Airliners and UFO

Airliners And Ufo

The U.S. government has, in recent years, shifted its stance on the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), acknowledging the potential implications they may have on national airspace and flight safety. One of the driving reasons for official investigations into UAP encounters, especially those involving military aircraft, is the concern for aviation safety.

In June 2021, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, in conjunction with the UAPTF, released a preliminary report on UAP to Congress. The report stated that UAP clearly posed a “safety of flight” issue and could challenge national security. Among the concerns raised were the potential for mid-air collisions and the risk of misinterpretation of UAP as a potential threat, leading to unwanted escalations.

Commercial pilots have also reported UAP sightings over the years. For instance, in the 1986 Japan Airlines Flight 1628 incident, the crew observed unidentified objects near their aircraft over Alaska. While they didn’t collide with these objects, their proximity and the uncertainty around their behavior were safety concerns.

  • 1986 Japan Airlines Flight 1628 Incident:
    • On November 17, 1986, Captain Kenju Terauchi and his crew reported seeing multiple unidentified objects while flying a cargo plane over Alaska.
    • These objects were described as being significantly larger than an aircraft and had unconventional flight characteristics.
    • The incident was unique because Captain Terauchi, an experienced pilot, provided a detailed account of the event, and radar data seemed to support his visual observation at certain times.
    • The FAA investigated the event, and while no definitive explanation was provided, it remains one of the most discussed UFO encounters in aviation history.
  • 1954 BOAC Stratocruiser Sighting:
    • On June 29, 1954, the crew and passengers aboard a British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) Stratocruiser flying over the North Atlantic observed several unidentified objects.
    • These objects were described as bright, glowing orbs that appeared to match the plane’s speed and altitude.
    • The phenomenon lasted for several minutes, and both the crew and multiple passengers observed it.
  • 2007 Alderney UFO Sighting:
    • On April 23, 2007, Captain Ray Bowyer was flying a passenger plane near the Channel Islands when he reported seeing two large, bright-yellow objects in the sky.
    • The sighting lasted for about 12 minutes, during which the objects changed positions and appeared to be much larger than conventional aircraft.
    • Some passengers on Bowyer’s plane also confirmed the sighting, and another pilot from a different aircraft corroborated the observation.
    • This event attracted media attention and remains one of the more recent and well-documented UFO sightings.
  • 1978 Frederick Valentich Disappearance:
    • On October 21, 1978, pilot Frederick Valentich was flying a Cessna 182L over the Bass Strait in Australia when he reported seeing an unidentified flying object.
    • Valentich described the object as having green lights and displaying unusual flight maneuvers.
    • During the communication with Melbourne Air Traffic Control, Valentich mentioned the object was “orbiting” around his aircraft, and then the transmission was interrupted by unidentified noise, after which contact was lost.
    • Tragically, Valentich and his plane disappeared without a trace, and despite extensive searches, no wreckage was found. The incident remains one of aviation’s unsolved mysteries, with UFO encounters being one of the many speculated reasons.

There are numerous instances of UAP reported by pilots, showcasing their consistent encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena. Their accounts emphasize the unique and trusted perspective of pilots in the ongoing UAP discourse.

During the 1978 Kaikoura Lights Incident on December 30, a Boeing 737 on a routine flight from Wellington to Christchurch observed peculiar, high-speed lights that would halt and alter their course.

One particularly concerning aspect that has emerged from numerous pilot testimonies and official reports is the behavior of “UFOs Tagging Air Vehicles.” This refers to incidents where UFOs appear to follow, shadow, or maneuver in close proximity to civilian and military aircraft. Such actions pose a significant flight safety risk, especially when these unidentified objects exhibit erratic or unconventional flight patterns. The exact intentions or reasons behind these tagging behaviors remain a mystery, but they underscore the need for further investigation and understanding, especially in the context of aviation safety.

In a video, a commercial airplane appears to be encircled by a UFO, followed by a bright flash, after which the object vanishes. The recurring motif of a “Bright Burst or Flashing Light” in numerous UFO sightings is captivating. Such flashes could potentially signify a mode of communication or might be a side effect of the propulsion systems of these enigmatic vehicles. It could possibly be akin to the sonic boom created by our aircraft, symbolizing some kind of energy release. Alternatively, this flash might result from the swift movement or change in velocity of these vehicles, particularly if they utilize propulsion techniques beyond our present knowledge.

A commercial airliner that disappears seemingly due to a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) or UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)—opens the door to a wide range of theories. Here are some potential theories:

  1. Extraterrestrial Abduction: One of the most popular speculations in UFO lore is that of extraterrestrial beings abducting humans for study. This theory would suggest that the airliner and its passengers were taken to an alien world or spacecraft for observation or some other purpose.
  2. Time or Dimensional Warp: Some theories propose that UFOs possess the ability to manipulate space-time. The airliner could have been transported to another time or dimension, either intentionally or as a byproduct of the UAP’s presence.
  3. Advanced Human Technology: Another theory posits that what we interpret as “alien” UFOs are actually advanced human-made crafts. In this scenario, the airliner could have been intercepted and taken to a clandestine facility for reasons unknown.
  4. Defensive Mechanism: The UAP could have perceived the airliner as a threat or vice versa. In trying to neutralize this perceived threat, the airliner might have been inadvertently damaged or transported elsewhere.
  5. Simulation Theory: Drawing from the idea that reality is a form of simulation, some might speculate that the disappearance is a “glitch” or intentional manipulation within the simulation.

When eyewitnesses report seeing these unidentified phenomena, they often describe them as perfect spheres or orbs that exhibit a metallic or luminous appearance. Some theories suggest that the spherical design allows for omni-directional movement, making it easier for these crafts to maneuver in any direction without the need for traditional aerodynamic structures. Others believe the spherical shape might be related to advanced propulsion systems or even serve as a form of cloaking mechanism. Regardless of the explanations, there is consistent observations of these spherical UFOs in various parts of the world.

Frederick Valentich’s disappearance in 1978 remains one of the most mysterious and widely-discussed UFO-related incidents in aviation history. While flying over the Bass Strait in Australia, Valentich, a 20-year-old pilot, reported to Melbourne Air Traffic Control that an unidentified object with bright lights was hovering near his plane. He further described the object as “orbiting” around his aircraft. The term “orbiting” when used in the context of UFO sightings typically refers to an unidentified object making circular or elliptical maneuvers around an aircraft. As the communication continued, the transmission was interrupted by an unidentified noise, described by some as a metallic, scraping sound. After this, all contact with Valentich was lost, and despite intensive search efforts, neither he nor his plane were ever found.

In another incident, a video has emerged showing a UFO chasing an A-10 Warthog. The rare footage captures this unusual interaction between the military aircraft and the unidentified entity.

Rafael Martínez talks about a video he recorded. Rafael describes how, while visiting his old neighborhood and his mother’s house, he observed and filmed a group of spheres in the sky. Usera is one of the many districts of Madrid, known for its diverse community and cultural activities. Parque Pradolongo is a well-known park within this district. This park is a significant green space in the area, offering recreational and leisure activities for the local community.

Initially, he saw these spheres from a distance, forming a triangular formation and seemingly following a plane. He counted about 7-8 spheres, though not all were visible in the video due to distance.

Later, approximately 20 minutes after the first sighting, Rafael noticed the same group of spheres directly above him. He struggled to record them at first but eventually managed to capture the triangular formation on camera. Rafael notes that this was the first time he successfully recorded such an event, despite having seen similar phenomena before.

He then describes one of the objects in detail, noting its ability to change shape and emit light. At one point, he felt as though the object was looking at him, though he acknowledges this could have been just a sensation. Rafael invites skeptics to offer explanations for the video, especially considering the same formation was observed near the plane and then above his house 15 minutes later.

Rafael further discusses the video, mentioning the difficulty in capturing the spheres and the adjustments he made to the video’s contrast and brightness to better display the triangular formation. He also describes how the spheres changed positions while maintaining their formation. Rafael Martínez mentions observing a group of spheres forming a triangular formation that appeared to be orbiting and following a plane.

In light of multiple accounts and testimonies over the decades, the U.S. government’s recent acknowledgment of the potential implications of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) on national airspace and flight safety is significant. Notably, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence’s 2021 report underscores the gravity of the matter, emphasizing the possible safety and national security risks posed by UAP. Several documented encounters, like the Japan Airlines Flight 1628 in 1986 and the Alderney UFO sighting in 2007, highlight the unpredictability and potential hazards of these unidentified objects in aviation. Most hauntingly, the disappearance of Frederick Valentich in 1978 after an alleged UAP encounter illustrates the profound uncertainties and potential dangers surrounding this phenomenon. The recurring observations of bright bursts or flashes linked to UAP sightings further add to the enigma, possibly indicating either communication attempts, propulsion side-effects, or defensive mechanisms. Whether these phenomena are extraterrestrial in origin, products of advanced human technology, or manifestations of other phenomena, their consistent presence in aviation history necessitates continued scrutiny, particularly in the interest of flight safety.
