Phenomena Books

This compilation celebrates the works of authors who’ve courageously explored the perplexing subjects of UFOs and alien existence. These books, and the authors behind them, are the unrecognized champions enhancing our comprehension of these fascinating dimensions of reality.

The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena

“The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena” by Dean Radin is a comprehensive overview of parapsychology and scientific investigations into psychic phenomena. It’s considered one of the most......

The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us

The Cryptoterrestrials is an imaginative work that explores the possibility of an indigenous humanoid species sharing our planet. Author Mac Tonnies presents a variety of claims and concepts, which challenge......

The Dark Forest

“The Dark Forest,” the second novel in the “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” trilogy by renowned Chinese author Liu Cixin, is a profound blend of hard science fiction, cosmological theory, and......

The Day After Roswell

“The Day After Roswell” is a book written by Philip J. Corso, a former U.S. Army officer who served in the Army’s intelligence division during World War II and the......

The Doors of Perception

“The Doors of Perception” is a groundbreaking work by Aldous Huxley, first published in 1954, in which he details his experiences with mescaline, a psychoactive substance derived from the peyote......

The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory

“The Elegant Universe” is a groundbreaking book written by physicist Brian Greene, which looks into the world of superstring theory and its implications for our understanding of the universe. The......